Yukino Yukino looked back, there was no step where the pavilion connected to the path, Yokino Yukino was standing beside the pavilion, followed by a woman who looked like an assistant.

Seeing Yukinoshita Yokino, Yukinoshita Yukino smiled a little, "It's okay, going out for a walk once in a while will help your body recover."

Yukino Yukino nodded, waved away the medical staff and assistants, and sat down on the bench in front of Yukinoshita Yukino.

"I'm going to ask Nishino out. He's gone too far recently." Yukinoshita Yoshino said, she can ignore Hiratsuka Shizuka's affairs, but Kasumigaoka Shiwa can't. This female writer has a good figure, good writing style, usually pure, and occasionally Sexy, too threatening to Yukino.

The wind blew up and rolled up a pile of fallen leaves, forming a small vortex in the small pavilion. Yukinoshita Yokino looked over and heard Yukinoshita Yukino say calmly, "There is no need for that. After Nishino finally marries me, I will take care of myself." Discipline him."

"My dear sister, Nishino's behavior cannot be condoned. He will transform into a scumbag when you give in again and again."

After a while, Yukinoshita Yukino said expressionlessly, "The man is unmarried and the woman is not married. He didn't even explicitly say that he has a girlfriend. It's normal to go out to find a woman to vent out. If I don't care about him, he will be an unknown teacher."

Yukinoshita Haruno smiled: "It doesn't matter, you are in the hospital, you are at a disadvantage, and if you don't think about a solution, be careful and find that there are a lot of pregnant women around Nishino."

"I see."

Yukinoshita Yoshino had been prepared for a long time, she took out a document, "I have investigated carefully, and found that for a person like Xi Yemu, you need to be interested, care about him more, seduce him more, and be a gentle and virtuous person who is not overbearing. wife."

"Sister," Yukinoshita Yukino said coldly, "Are you talking about Mai Sakurajima?"

"It's not about her, it's just that she just meets these requirements. Do you understand how difficult it is?"

Yukinoshita Yukino pursed her lips, "I know, but I am who I am, and I won't try to become Mai Sakurajima."

"Of course, this is my sister, Xue Nai. Since you have chosen to stick to yourself and not make changes, you must be mentally prepared. If you fail, don't regret it."

"...I won't fail, so naturally I won't regret it." Yukino Yukino was bloodless.

"I think so too, it's just that there are accidents in everything. I hope you can become a person who bears the burden of life alone, not a puppet who can't live without others."

"I have never changed, just like I know what kind of person Nishino likes, but I will never change, I am me! Nishino likes this me, I like this me, and you like this me too , I’m not someone who changes myself just to make others like me, even if that person is Nishino, if he doesn’t like me, I will leave him silently.”

If the goal is achieved, even if Yukino fails, she probably won't look for life and death sadly, Yukinoshita Haruno smiled happily, and pushed Yukinoshita Yukino's wheelchair, "We sisters will go shopping again."


In the dimly sunny December and the freezing Christmas, Xi Yemu fell into a small crisis.

Received several calls within an hour, all asking where he was last night.

"Going to have a room with Shi Yu."

Nishino Mu told the truth and accepted the trial of fate seriously.





Sentences of criticism spread into the brain nerves, Nishino Mu smiled wryly, what can he do, sometimes he really doesn't know the meaning of living like this, oh, go to sleep, maybe there won't be so many troubles around him when he wakes up.

Last night, Hexiazhiqiu Shiyu tossed and turned, didn't have a good rest, and now he was very sleepy, Nishino Mu fell headfirst on the bed, and when he woke up, it was already 22 o'clock in the evening, the sky was pitch black, but the earth was covered with snow, and it was snowing.

There are still a bunch of missed calls on the phone, and Ying Lili and Shiina Mashiro seem to be drawing in the room.

Nishino Mu got dressed, saw the takeaway in the living room, quietly opened the door, and left Gensokyo.

Chapter 248 Abandoning All Shackles

As a man, Nishino Mu never thought that he was not responsible. In his heart, whether it was Shizuka Hiratsuka or Shiwa Kasumigaoka, they were definitely excellent women.

The so-called lover must be just a joke. If they want to, they can marry any of them, but I'm sorry Yukinoshita Yukino and Sakurajima Mai and others, and they can't marry them for the time being.

But think about it, in the real world, even a man with little capital can have a lover.

In this way, it seems normal for him to have a few lovers, but the women around him are all beautiful, wealthy, and famous, so how could he be willing to be his lover.

A true lover is a picture of a man's power and wealth.

False lover, figure man's body and mind.

"Ah~, a group of false lovers."

Happy Christmas, there are laughter and laughter everywhere, and the colorful lights are bright, illuminating the bustling avenue.

The clear wind blows the snow in succession, and the snow in succession entangles the lovers.

Didi, the phone is calling.

"Hey, Mom."

"Xiaomu, aren't you coming back for Christmas?"

"Well, I wanted to go back. Something happened last night. I slept all day today. When I woke up, it was dark."

"It's okay, it's close to home anyway, you can come back at other times, you don't have to rush home on Christmas, you, spend more time with Yukino, Mai or Qihai, it would be great to spend Christmas with them."

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Nishino Mu let out a long sigh, and sat on the bench in the park without opening an umbrella, letting the snowflakes fall on him.

Not far away, one couple after another came and went freely, and one family after another left with a smile.

Nishino Mu was suddenly very lonely. He had family members and a woman who cared about him, but he had never been understood by others. The memories of past and present lives were hidden, and he hadn't spoken to anyone, and could only be accumulated in his heart forever.

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