Out of the corner of Megumi Kato's eyes, he noticed Mu Nishino crossed his hands on his knees, bent over, and lowered his head, looking very uncomfortable.

The cat is not as important as Nishino. Kato Megumi saw the collar on the cat's neck, thought of the locator and the cat tag on it, and said, "You just stay here and don't run around. I'll go and see what's wrong with Nishino. Come here when you leave." pick you up."


Kato Megumi doesn't understand cat language, and doesn't understand whether the puppet cat agrees or refuses, but it doesn't matter anymore. The person she cares about seems to be suffering, so she has to go and see quickly. Kato Megumi walked towards Nishino Mu and said hello.

Originally wanted to ask Nishino why he looked so uncomfortable, but when the words came to his lips, he could only call his name dryly, and used an umbrella to protect him from the snow.

What makes Kato Megumi sad is that Nishino Mu Mingming, who was still in a bad mood just now, pretended nothing had happened, and asked her why she was here in a homely tone.

why?Kato Megumi thought to himself, of course it is because he likes you and wants to come and see you, if not for coming this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you like this.

Kato Megumi lied, not telling the truth. With Nishino's status today, he is full of power and wealth. There is only one thing that can make him bored or uncomfortable, emotional problems.

Megumi Kato could easily guess what this emotional problem was. She chose not to let Nishino worry about herself anymore.

However, after chatting with Nishino for a few words, Megumi Kato was pleasantly surprised to find that the relationship between Yukino and others and Nishino was not as close as he thought.

On the other side, Nishino Mu was very surprised by Kato Megumi's call. This woman saw through his disguise almost at a glance, and even proposed a solution that seemed reasonable.

"Hui, if you were in my environment, what would you do?" Nishino Mu asked expectantly.

Megumi Kato propped his hands on his knees: "First, list Yukino and the others' character traits on one piece of paper, and then list my own character traits on another piece of paper, and then compare the characters on the two pieces of paper to complement each other according to their advantages. In theory, choose the one that suits me best, and try to marry her."

Nishino Mu said awkwardly: "Isn't this a good way?" It felt too rational.

"Maybe it's not very good, because I'm still rational. If it's Nishino, I think it feels better. Some people think it's better to marry someone you like than to marry someone you like, because marrying someone you like is like a cow and a horse, and you're happy." It's also me."

"I think I'm the kind of person who wants to marry someone I like, not someone who likes me."

Kato Megumi said that the comparison method is the best, but Nishino Mu is unwilling to do that in his bones, because he is spoiled by the women around him, and he wants to marry someone he likes, not someone who likes himself.

Megumi Kato smiled: "The one who is favored is always confident."

Nishino Mu's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes, that's almost the reason. I seem to remember such a song, and there is this line in the song."

"Do you remember what the last sentence was?"

"Hmm...it seems to be: What you can't get is always in a commotion." After speaking, Nishino Mu's expression stiffened a lot.

"This is probably because you have a different psychology from them. One is confident and the other is always in turmoil. The former will lose himself and become arrogant in the favor after time, while the latter will lose his mind in the turmoil again and again. , become humble and sensitive.”

Kato Megumi looked at Nishino Mu, and really didn't know whether sister Yang Nao was helping Yukino or suppressing everyone's dignity by not allowing him to marry someone other than Yukino.

After a few more years, I am afraid that more people will be willing to be Nishino's lover, Hiratsuka Shizuka and Kasumigaoka Shiwa will not be special cases.

"Trouble," Nishino Mu turned the handle of the umbrella and said with a headache, "Why did I lose my memory? If I didn't lose my memory, I probably would have made a choice long ago."

"Yes," Kato Megumi said with a smile, "You claim that everyone is your wing, and everyone is indispensable."

Xi Yemu blushed: "Huh? Did I want to open a harem before?"

"Of course, it's strange why you don't have this idea now."

This is very embarrassing, Nishino Mu coughed dryly: "Probably because of amnesia, I'm not familiar enough to say such shameless words to so many people."

Megumi Kato said seriously: "I think it's almost time, you've already had a relationship with Shizuka Shizuka-sensei and Shiwa-senpai, and it's not far from becoming brazen."

Well, well, Kato Megumi said that in a depressed mood, there is still a trace of sadness, embarrassment and guilt occupy a large space in his heart.

Nishino Mu said firmly, "I will take responsibility."

"But you can't give them two marriages for the time being. Don't forget, Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka is already very old, and she can't afford to wait."

"What... what to do?" Nishino Mu panicked.

Kato Megumi said: "There is no other way, get along well with Teacher Jing. As for Shiyu-senpai, if you make up your mind to marry her, stop contacting others and just marry her properly. Take it easy."

That being said, Megumi Kato knew very well that it was impossible for Nishino Mu to marry Kasumigaoka Shiwa for the time being.

"Okay, I'll take it easy," Nishino Mu promised, "After I've dealt with the fact that someone is going to kill me before committing suicide, I'll try my best to resist Sister Yang Nai and marry Shi Yu. And Shi Yu, don't touch other people."

Chapter 250 Two Two Hundred Five

It was already very late, and although the snowflakes and street lights were bright, Nishino Mu still stubbornly believed that it was not safe for women to walk at night: "Hui, don't leave tonight, stay with me and sleep."

"Sure." Almost without thinking, Kato Megumi nodded in agreement.

It was at this moment that Nishino Mu realized how sensitive what he said was to a single woman. He looked at Megumi Kato, who happened to turn his head to look at the cat on the tree, showing a nice side face.

"Nishino, what about the cat?"

With the help of a street lamp next to the tree, the cat can still be seen lying among the branches.

"I'll go and catch her." Since he was a child, he has practiced the ability to climb trees, perhaps for the purpose of catching cats.Nishino Mu handed the umbrella to Kato Megumi, walked under the tree, and climbed up.

Under the tree, Megumi Kato stood holding an umbrella, and a gust of cold wind blew by, and she wrapped her scarf tightly.

It is reasonable to say that the puppet cat is a kind of cat that is close to humans, and it is very obedient, but when Xi Yemu climbed up the tree and stretched out her hand, she stood up and shook her long hair, then jumped and jumped to the ground. In Kato Megumi's arms, he continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

Nishino Mu breathed out, looked back at the purring cat, shook his head, and slowly got down from the tree. Kato Megumi immediately stepped forward to cover him with an umbrella.

"Mei, have you ever eaten cat meat?" Nishino Mu naturally took the umbrella from Kato Megumi and returned to Gensokyo with her.

Kato Megumi glanced at the car parked on the roadside not far away, thinking that walking would take more time, stroked the little head of the cat in his arms, and shook his head: "I haven't eaten."

"How about we try it today?"

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