"No way." Nishino Mu was more modest.

"Mu is really beautiful." Shiina Mashiro agreed with Kato Megumi's words very much.

"Can you stop bragging, I'm getting goosebumps." Ying Lili crossed her arms and looked disgusted.

Megumi Kato smiled: "It's not bragging, it's telling the truth. No one should deny that Eri is a beauty."

"Tch, what does it matter if I am a beauty or not! Is it worth talking about?"

"Just a brief mention, Ying Lili, don't be angry, I apologize to you." Nishino Mu said.

"No need." Ying Lili turned her face angrily, she blamed Kato Megumi, what does Nishino's apology mean?Really thought that was your wife?

Chapter 255 Kato Hiromi

Familiarity returns to maturity, and there are still gifts to accompany.

Nishino Mu parked the car on the side of the road and bought a bag of fruit.

"Are you sure you only bring fruit?" Ying Lili asked.

"Nishino is going to my house, just bring some fruit." Megumi Kato said, "If he brings too much, I'll be the first one not to. I think he spends the money on himself."

"Amazing!" Ying Lili gritted her teeth angrily.

It was too much, and my heart softened.

Nishino Mu didn't know what to say, but just took a deep look at Kato Megumi.

Soon, reach the destination.

If there are no vehicles or pedestrians in front and no vehicles or pedestrians behind, turn on the turn signal, pull over, step on the brakes, and let the wheels slow down sharply.

Xi Yemu is more careful when driving. There are many car accidents every year in the society. He has [Crisis Insight] and dare not completely relax his vigilance. There are many non-life-threatening traffic accidents that happen every moment in the world.


As soon as the car stopped, Ying Lili jumped out of the car first, and took a long breath. Listening to Nishino Mu and Kato Megumi in the car was torture for her.

"Is Yingli Li motion sick?" Shiina Mashiro followed her out of the car.

"No, I just feel that the air in the car is not fresh." Ying Lili glanced at Nishino Mu and Kato Megumi who hadn't gotten out of the car yet.

"Almost forgot!" Kato Megumi poked his head out of the car window: "I ordered Nishino to park the car in the garage, can you wait for us for a while?"

"Go and come back!" Ying Lili said impatiently, "Don't keep us waiting."

"Thank you Yinglili and Zhenbai."

Nishino Mu restarted the car and drove it to Kato's garage.

"Does Nishino know why I asked Zhenshiro to hold an art exhibition?" Kato Megumi asked.

"It's to advertise the [Gensokyo] game."

"Huh?" Megumi Kato expressed surprise. In her memory, Nishino would usually say that she didn't know, and even if she knew, she would say that she didn't know. This was to make her feel a sense of accomplishment. Sure enough, the loss of memory caused Nishino's EQ to drop, which is accurate. In other words, he forgot how to make girls happy.

Nishino Mu smiled: "Don't underestimate me, I will grow too. Without such a business strategic vision, how can it be possible to develop Wenyuan well."

I should say this to show that I am very powerful in front of me. It turns out that I know because my EQ has dropped.Kato Hui was full of thoughts, and said with a smile: "I really hope that Wenyuan Company will grow into a leader in the industry, and Nishino will arrange a job for me."

"I look forward to that day too."

"we have a deal."

"What?" Nishino Mu parked the car and turned to look at Kato Megumi next to him.

"Wenyuan has become the leader in the industry, arrange a job for me, pay me a salary, and support me."

"Small things, no problem at all."

"If you ignore the third requirement, don't complain and I will scold you."

Kato Megumi opened the door, got out of the car and left.

Sitting in the car, Xi Yemu murmured belatedly: "The third request... raise me?"

When I saw Megumi Kato and the others again, it was a minute later. Nishino Muduo took a look at Megumi Kato, intending to explain clearly to her, but thinking of Megumi Kato's feelings for him, he remained silent after all. Who said anything about the future? Clearly, maybe the future wife will be her.

Megumi Kato knocked on the door and her father answered it.

"Hui is back, who is this?"

"Nishino Mu."

"Oh?! Where are these two?"

"My friends, Zhenbai and Yinglili."

"come in."

"Hello, uncle."

A group of people sat down in the living room and put the souvenirs they bought on the way on the coffee table. Ying Lili performed the best.She was dissatisfied with Kato Megumi in her heart, but she would always protect the honor of the Sawamura family when she was away from home, and she would hardly do rude actions.

"I'll serve you tea." Kato Megumi saw her sister and mother poking their heads out of the kitchen, then turned to look at her father and Nishino Mu, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Nishino, right?" Kato's father crossed his hands and put them on the table: "I've seen you before, and you were even more handsome before."

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