"The mouth is so sweet, let me taste it."

At the same time, in the suite next door, Kosaka Kirino kicked Kyosuke Kosaka who was still sleeping awake: "What time is it? Still asleep!"

"What's wrong? Didn't you go to find the black cat?" Kosaka Kyosuke got up in a panic.

"When I came back just now, I saw a man who seemed to be Xi Yemu enter the room next to us."

"No way, didn't we follow him for a few days and didn't find out that he had an improper relationship with anyone?"

Kyosuke Kosaka really didn't think Mu Nishino was a scumbag, but he was his friend, how could he be a scumbag.

"Based on intuition, I think it's Nishino! He's dating his lover!" Kosaka Kirino ordered: "Get up immediately, go and have a look, and don't let him escape."

"Got it." Kosaka Kyosuke pulled himself together and got dressed.

"Are we really going home tomorrow?" Kosaka Kirino asked worriedly after Kosaka Kyosuke got dressed.

"Go back. After running for so many years, if you don't go back, your parents will be old."

Kosaka Kirino nodded sadly: "Yes."

The Kosaka brothers and sisters cleaned up and rang the next room.

In the room, Nishino Mu just wanted to fight Hiratsuka Shizuka again when he heard a knock on the door.

"Wait a minute, let me see who it is."

Nishino Mu put on his pants and went to open the room.

The door opened, and seeing a familiar face, Kosaka Kyosuke was shocked, and stood there in a daze: "Nishino, is it really you?"

"Crack!" Takaban Kirino quickly pressed the shutter, and took a picture of Nishino Mu opening the door, pushing him away and rushing into the room.

"What are you doing!" Nishino Mu grabbed her arm dissatisfied and pushed her out.

[Contact with high-value human beings - Kosaka Kirino]

[Gain supernatural ability - rose with thorns]

[Roses with thorns: You can sacrifice a rose, and curse the hated person with thorns in love. 】

[Note: Become a breakup master. 】

Nishino Mu stared blankly at Kosaka Kirino who was pushed away by him, what is the origin of this girl?How did you give yourself the ability to take the initiative to hurt people?

"Why are you still standing there in a daze! Did you get pushed away without looking at your wife and sister?!"

After Kosaka Kirino was pushed away by Nishino Mu, he gave him a dissatisfied look, and slapped Kosaka Kyosuke next to him.

"Oh!" Kosaka Kyosuke came back to his senses, and quickly apologized: "Nishino, I'm sorry, this is a long story, please listen to my explanation."

"Trash! Coward! What the hell are you doing? Hold him back! I'll go in and take a picture, and I must not let that mistress run away," Kosaka Kirino was half-dead by Kosaka Kyosuke.

"Kyosuke, what do you want to do?" Nishino Mu recognized Kosaka Kyosuke and blocked the door vigilantly.

Kyosuke Takasaka said sincerely: "We just want to know who you are sleeping with."

"I still need to take a picture," Gao Ban Tong Nai cast his sharp eyes into the room: "I know people and faces, but I don't know the heart. I didn't expect you to steal women with a black cat on your back. You really have no shame!"

"Teacher Jing." Nishino Mu thought for a while, and said, "The one in the room is Teacher Jing, Shizuka Hiratsuka, do you know each other?"

"Hiratsuka Shizuka? Of course we know, can I go in and take a photo?" Kosaka Kirino couldn't wait to see the scary expression of the black cat knowing that he was green, and eager to enter the room.

"Tirino goes in to take a photo and then comes out. Don't wait too long, just show your face." Kyosuke Kosaka clasped his hands together and bowed humbly: "For the sake of our many years of acquaintance, let her go in and take a photo."

"It's not such a simple matter," Nishino Mu was speechless, shaking his head, and said, "I'm not afraid that my relationship with Mr. Jing will be exposed, but at a critical moment, someone interrupted me and asked me to take a photo. Do you think I should agree? ?”

"This..." Kosaka Kyosuke silently took half a step back with a thin skin.

"Why don't you wait for a while, and when Jing and I come out of the room, you can take a picture at the door." Xi Yemu said.

"I'm afraid you will run away," Kosaka Kirino said the reason why he came to the door now.

Xi Yemu straightened his back: "Is my character very bad? A gentleman's word is hard to catch!"

"It's really annoying, you bastard! You have betrayed the black cat, and you are brazenly saying that you are a good character, where is your face?" Kosaka Kirino turned his head contemptuously.

Kyosuke Takasaka laughed: "Nishino, Kirino is fighting for the black cat, not looking down on you."

"I just look down on him!"

Nishino Mu looked expressionlessly at Kosaka Kirino who was glaring at him.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the hotel corridor.

"Nishino, if Kirino agrees to be alone with me for ten minutes, let her in." Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice came from the room.

"I agree."

"Go in." Nishino Mu hesitated for a moment, and stepped aside.

"Thank you, sister Jing." Kosaka Kirino walked into the room arrogantly, and deliberately stepped on Nishino Mu when he passed by him.

"Let's talk about it first, ten minutes alone," Hiratsuka said coldly in the room, "Nishino, stop Kyosuke for me."

Facts have proved that Hiratsuka Shizuka's last sentence was superfluous. In those ten minutes, Kirino's butt was red, but she didn't cry out.

Chapter 262 The Nervous People

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