"Hiratsuka Shizuka!"

"My aunt is here!"

Seeing that the two women in front of them are getting more and more angry, and it seems that they are going to fight, Kosaka Kirino is a little hesitant. If the two really fight, who will she help if they fight?

"Wait and see!" Kosaka Kirino made a decision, pulling Kosaka Kyosuke back to a safe place.

'Oh, what's the matter! '

Xi Yemu had no time to take care of the Gaoban brothers and sisters who were watching the excitement, so he had to stand up.

"Liuli, don't worry, let me explain to you carefully, can we go in and have a cup of tea? Don't let some people see the joke."

As Nishino Mu said, he glanced at the Kosaka brothers and sisters who were watching coldly.

When Wu Geng Liuli heard Xi Yemu calling her name, her anger dropped a little, and she nodded reluctantly: "Okay."

"Wait!" Kosaka Kirino called Wugeng Liuli over, just to see her embarrassed posture of Hiratsuka Shizuka snatching men, and didn't want them to go where she couldn't see, "My brother and I are here, at least we can get out of control when things get out of hand." Lajia, are you sure you don't want to take us in?"

What he said made sense. Before Nishino Mu could think about it, he saw Wu Geng's two sisters rushing out of the elevator, hugging Wu Geng Liuli from left to right.

"Hinata, Zhuxi, why are you here?" Wu Geng Liuli asked in surprise.

"Give me the knife!" Wugeng Zhuxi spoke so loudly to the most respected Wugeng Liuli for the first time: "Give me the knife! I'll help my sister kill the cheating Nishino Mu and steal Hiratsuka Shizuka from other men." .”

Mu Nishino took a breath, and suddenly stood in front of Shizuka Hiratsuka: "Black cat?"

"Black cat, don't do anything stupid!" Kosaka Kirino also panicked, and rushed forward to hug Wugeng Liuli's waist.

"Hey!" Kosaka Kyosuke was afraid that his sister would be hurt, so he ran to Wugeng Liuli and waved his hands again and again: "Be sure to hold on. If you are angry, then I will do the surgery and don't hurt Kirino."

"You..." Wugeng Liuli looked at the left and right arms grabbed by the two younger sisters, then turned her head to glance at Kosaka Kirino behind her, and then turned her head to look at Nishino Mu who was staring at her vigilantly, and asked Kosaka to hold her breath Kyousuke said dumbfoundingly, "If you're like this, even if I want to kill this old woman, Shizuka Hiratsuka, there's nothing I can do."

Chapter 263 I Know He Loved

In any case, Wu Geng Liuli was appeased for the time being, and agreed to go to her house to solve the problem.

When the group came out of the hotel, Wugeng Liuli's satchel was confiscated, and Xi Yemu carried it.

"Let's say it first, no matter how angry you are, you can't use force," Kosaka Kirino urged, "I don't want to go to see you in prison in the future."

"Just take care of yourself."

"Black Cat, I'm doing it for your own good. Don't be ignorant. If it weren't for me, would you know that Nishino is a scumbag?"

"So what if he's a scumbag? You don't come here to sow discord."


"Can you leave? This is between us and Nishino."

Kosaka Kirino made a grimace: "I will stay, I will stay to see your crying expression, that will make me very happy."

"Don't worry, I will make your wish come true." Hiratsuka Jing said.

Kosaka Kirino was not happy: "You are so confident, don't cry later."

Hiratsuka asked: "I'm helping you, shouldn't you support me, why do you question me again?"

"Can the black cat bully anyone? Be careful of being killed." Kirino Kosaka said so, thinking that the black cat is still my friend no matter how unbelievable it is. You can bully her, Shizuka Hiratsuka, but not too much. Otherwise I will help her.

Wu Geng Zhuxi comforted her sister: "Don't worry, my lord, I will question Shizuka Hiratsuka later."

"Sister Liuli's purpose is to marry Nishino, not to fight with Shizuka Hiratsuka, you will only do a disservice to me, don't talk later."

In front are a few noisy women, and behind are two men walking side by side.

Kosaka Kyousuke apologized to Nishino Mu full of apology: "Sorry, I caused you a lot of trouble."

"The main reason is me." Nishino Mu sighed.

"Nishino," Kyosuke Kosaka hesitated to speak several times, and finally asked in a low voice, "Are you really betraying the black cat?"

Xi Yemu said hesitantly: "I didn't do anything to her, so it's not a betrayal."

"This... there is something I don't know if I should say it or not."

"You say it."

"Why not marry me?"

Nishino Mu was slightly taken aback, closed his eyes, and opened them again: "You can ask me about this."

He also wanted to know the answer.

"It's been a long time since we had such a good chat together," Kosaka Kyosuke said, "I still remember that time, you swore to me that the girls around you would be happy, and now? You broke your promise."

Forgot all about the guarantee, Xi Yemu was silent for a moment, and said sadly: "Maybe I overestimated my ability."

"The black cat is your friend, and also Kirino's friend. Don't look at Tong Nao yelling at her all day long, but she still cares about her very much. I am the same. At least I know the black cat and know that she is a good girl. So, try not to hurt her."


This is very troublesome, Shizuka Hiratsuka gave herself the first time, and she can't hurt the black cat, alas~

Wugeng Liuli in front stopped in her tracks, turned her head and said, "Here we are."

The black cat's house is the Daping floor.

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