"I'm telling you quietly, if you can prove that you're not a pervert, I can convince Sister Liuli not to follow you with a name." Wu Geng Ri added another fire.

Nishino Mu was really shaken, he fell into a dilemma.

Wu Geng Rixiang made it very clear that she had a way to persuade Wu Geng Liuli to follow her without fame like Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Nishino Mu agreed to have a relationship with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. On the one hand, she had an almost bloody behavior with her (I did everything I had to do, it was nothing more than a question of bleeding or not), and on the other hand, it was because she said that she did not want to be named. Points, no nonsense.

now what?Nishino Mu clenched his fists and made up his mind.

Chapter 265 Sister Liuli I'll Leave It To You

"I used to be an honest man with decent concentration," Nishino Mu said with melancholy eyes, "until I had a relationship with Jing by mistake. At that time, I wanted to marry her and said I didn't care about her age. False, especially my situation is quite special."

"What kind of special method?" Wu Geng Hinata firmly controlled Wu Geng Zhu Xi, who was struggling in his arms.

"I can't say it for the time being. You can understand that I have a way to live to be more than a hundred years old, and I will remain young forever."

"Tsk, keep talking." Wu Geng Ri didn't believe it, but she didn't refute it directly.

Nishino Mu said nonchalantly: "After having a relationship with Jing, I was thinking about one thing. If I stay young forever and Jing slowly ages, will she not be able to accept it, her mentality will explode, and she will end up with a tragic end in her old age."

"I don't believe that you won't grow old, but you are right in thinking. When you are thirty or forty years old, Teacher Jing is already old. Even if you don't care, she will feel uncomfortable seeing you so young. This is what women can't do. Avoid knots."

"So I wanted to marry her, but I still didn't. If I could keep her young forever, I would marry her."

"Can you give up people like Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Yukinoshita Yukino to marry her?"

"Yes." Nishino Mu said, "She is my first woman, and I will not betray her."

Wu Geng Hinata's expression was solemn at first, and then returned to normal in the next second. He joked: "If you have a way to solve this problem, you must come to me. I also want to stay young forever. As a price, I will let you play for nothing."

"Woo~" Wu Geng Zhuxi struggled a bit, trying to say something.

"Well, I see," Wu Gengri pretended to listen, and said to Nishino Mu: "Zhuxi said, if you can make Teacher Jing stay young forever, you must come back to Sister Liuli and let her also be young forever." Zhu, as a price, Zhuxi can agree to all your requests."

Wu Geng Zhu Xi whimpered for a second, Wu Geng Ri Xiang Leng translated so many, only ghosts would believe it.

But Wu Geng Zhuxi didn't retort desperately, probably because he agreed with Wu Geng Hinata's words.

In Wugeng Zhuxi's heart, Wugeng Liuli has a very high status, and her personal sacrifice is nothing for the sake of her sister's eternal youth.

Nishino Mu shook his head, took a sip of water to moisten his lips: "I'll talk about the issue of eternal youth later, and then I'll talk about Shi Yu."

"Let's talk about it. It was an accident that you had a relationship with Teacher Jing. It's very strange to have a relationship with Senior Shiyu. My sister thought about it for a long time, but she didn't find the reason why you had a relationship with her."

"When I had sex with Shi Yu, I was sober," Nishino Mu said, "It's not surprising that I had sex with her. As early as in the hotel, there was one last step left between us, and she asked me to make it up later, saying It's okay to do the last step, because we have done everything else we should do, and she said clearly that she wants to be my lover and don't want me to be responsible. I thought, what she said makes sense, so I did the last step with her. gone."

Wugeng said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I didn't take the last step. You still have a chance to make a strategic detour, but now it's all gone. You will definitely be entangled by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu for the rest of your life. That woman is a writer, and she has a lot of intrigues." .”

Nishino Mu smiled, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu brought him great pleasure, he did not regret having sex with her, but occasionally complained that his brain was controlled by his lower body, what an idiot.

"Go on, your story isn't over yet, is it?"

"No," Nishino Mu said, "The next thing I want to give you and Zhuxi is the answer, Black Cat is a good girl, I really want to have a relationship with her, and I don't want her to marry someone else, in essence, I am not only a pretty girl A pervert with a woman's body is still a domineering and selfish person, a person like me, as Zhuxi said, is totally unworthy of her."

Wu Geng Hinata finally let go of Wu Geng Zhu Xi and stopped gagging her.

"Sister Hinata, he admitted it himself, we must stop him!" Wu Geng Zhuxi shook Wu Geng Hinata expectantly.

"I know, wait a little longer, wait for me to ask a question." Wu Geng Ri Xiang waved his hand, signaling his sister not to be too excited, and asked: "Brother-in-law knows that I am waving, sister Liuli will agree to have sex with you."

"I know." Nishino Mu replied.

"Then why don't you come to Sister Liuli? After having sex with her, it would be nice to just pat her ass."

Nishino Mu couldn't understand why Wugeng Hinata asked such a question, and Wugeng Zhuxi couldn't understand either, she complained anxiously: "Sister Hinata, you are going too far, you are still calling Brother Nishino the big devil brother-in-law, and secretly let him hurt you Miss Liuli."

"What's the rush?" Wu Geng Ri gave Wu Geng Zhu Xi a white look.

Nishino Mu said: "I can answer Hinata's question, probably because I'm kind-hearted and don't want to hurt women that much."

Wu Gengri clapped his hands: "You are still a kind person, yes, I almost thought you were a hopeless scum."

Nishino Mu smiled wryly: "Stop mocking me, I'm afraid the only thing left is kindness, which conforms to the moral values ​​of the public."

"Based on what you have said, I will make a verdict on the relationship between you and Sister Liuli," Wu Gengruxiang straightened his clothes, sat upright, and made the following verdict: "Your shortcomings, such as lust, dominance, possessiveness, etc. Wait, it's not a big deal, but there are a lot of advantages, such as strong ability, honesty and trustworthiness, kindness and gentleness, carefulness and tenacity, etc. These are the most precious spiritual wealth of a man. I believe that Sister Liuli will not suffer from you, even if As a lover."

Nishino Mu's expression was cloudy and uncertain, thinking that this could pass the test?You, Wu Geng Hinata, are the first person to sell your sister professionally, how can you hand over your sister as a lover.

On the fifth day, Xiang Buwai and Nishino Mu asked why, stood up first, and said impassionedly: "You must not think that I am betraying Sister Liuli. No one knows Sister Liuli better than me. I have no idea what she thinks these years." I know, no accidents, when Sister Liuli comes out, she should be smiling."

"Why?" Wu Geng Zhuxi asked angrily: "My lord is facing a powerful rival in love alone in the room, it's fine if you don't cry when you come out, how can you still have the advantage."

"Brother-in-law avoid it." Five Watches said.

"There's no way to drive away guests." Nishino Mu complained.

"Go to the toilet!" Wu Geng said to him.

Xi Yemu wanted to hear it, but he was thin-skinned, so he went to the toilet honestly, waiting for his figure to disappear.

"Hmph," Wu Geng Hinata knocked Wu Geng Zhuxi on the head, and said with a low laugh, "To answer your question, Teacher Jing will give in no matter how unwilling she is. The status around her, brother-in-law doesn't care about her age, but is worried about her mood after aging. Teacher Jing agrees. Her wish should be to live well with her brother-in-law for a few years, and when she gets old, she will find a chance to slip away and not let her brother-in-law see to her aging appearance.

Most importantly, Teacher Jing had to consider a serious question. If she really married her brother-in-law, and she died or became old before her, what would happen to her brother-in-law?Will she be lonely and empty, will she be teased by others and marry an old woman? This is a topic that Teacher Jing cannot avoid, so she will tolerate Sister Liuli and the others in these few years, just to spend a few years with her brother-in-law Happy days, in fact, if Sister Liuli hadn't been aggressive this time, she wouldn't have fought back. "

"I don't want my lord to get married, I want my lord to be by my side forever."

"You are more selfish than your brother-in-law. What you really like is to let go. Let Sister Liuli pursue happiness is what you should do."

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