Nishino Mu smiled awkwardly, and suddenly thought of a supernatural ability of his own.

【Unscrupulous Royal Gate】

This ability allows him to heal any injury. The only disadvantage is that the patient who has received treatment will relapse after a month. At that time, he needs to treat it again. After he treats it again, the patient is considered to be fully recovered.

"Mashiro, I'll help you check your health when I have time." Nishino Mu was thinking about a lot of medical knowledge that emerged in his mind, and at the same time, he was thinking about how to help Shiina Mashiro to recuperate his body.

"Can you take a look for me?" Ying Lili put her feet on the chair and hugged her knees with her hands.

"What's wrong with you?" Nishino Mu asked.

"I want to get married."

"...Heart disease requires heart medicine."

"So I came to you, and I wanted to know the answer to a question."

"You ask."

Nishino Mu glanced at Shiina Mashiro who was frowning and taking medicine, and a white light invisible to the naked eye suddenly appeared on his fingertips, and this light quietly penetrated into Shiina Mashiro's body.

"I asked." Ying Lili didn't look at Xi Yemu's face, and lowered her head: "I really want to know the answer to this question, even if you may not be able to give me the answer."

"Yeah." Nishino Mu snatched the medicine from Shiina Mashiro's hand, and shook his head at her: "If you don't want to take it, don't take it, it's okay."

Shiina Mashiro expressed understanding: "I will learn to be a good mother."

"Be a ghost, you won't get pregnant, don't worry." Mu Nishino knocked Shiina Mashiro on the head.

Hearing the two flirting in front of her, Ying Lili bit her lip, her face turned pale: "Nishino, in your eyes, where do I rank?"

"I won't secretly rank you guys."

"If Zhenbai and I were in danger at the same time, but you could only save one, who would you choose?"

Nishino Mu hesitated for a moment, and couldn't bear to look directly at him and said, "I will save Zhenbai, if you want, the bodyguard will save you."

"You... really said it."

"This kind of thing, I think it's better for us to be honest."

"I see." Ying Lili got up and said with a smile: "I'm going back to Sakura Country, and I will book a ticket to leave today. Thank you for taking care of me during this time. I will come back to see you when I have time."


"It's not about running away, but something at home. Of course, even if I'm in Yingguo, there will be many paintings that I should draw."

After Ying Lili finished speaking, she turned around gracefully and went upstairs.

Shiina Mashiro grabbed Nishino Mu's hand and said softly, "Mu don't cry."

"Why would I cry?" Nishino Mu leaned back in his chair, recalling the personal introduction of Ying Lili in the original book he had read, and shook his head: "Even if you want to leave, it's not so frank."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Nishino Mu originally wanted to go to the company to have a look, but here Ying Lili really took out her luggage and wanted to leave, so he could only stay temporarily and planned to see her off.

In the car, ignoring the bodyguards sitting in the front row, Ying Lili crossed her arms and said proudly, "This trip to Ying Country is mainly because of Dad's birthday, and I need to go back to celebrate his birthday."

"That's great. Shall I prepare some gifts for my uncle?"

"No, he hasn't missed anything since he was a child."

"Are you still coming to the island country?"

"There's nothing to remember here."

"That's right, by the way, I wrote you a letter."

Ying Lili asked excitedly, "What? Is it a love letter?"

"Ordinary letters, say what's on your mind, read it after you get on the plane."


Nishino Mu took out an envelope from his wallet and handed it to Ying Lili.

Ying Lili took it and slapped it: "No one will keep me when I leave, I'm really bad at it."

Xi Yemu said stiffly: "When we get there, there will be no man who dares to make you cry."

An hour later, Ying Lili, who was sitting in the first-class cabin, opened the letter.

[Dedicated to my favorite Sawamura Spencer Eriri——I still remember the first time we met, your golden double ponytails shone brightly in the sun, and the lilies in your hand smelled nice Fragrance, all these deeply attracted me.

But I thought at the time that your staying would be a huge pressure on me, so I wanted to stay away from you as much as possible.

However, after getting along for a few days, your arrogant and coquettish personality was exposed. I think you are very cute, and you won't cause me too much trouble.

I have seen you cry, that proud and strong princess, because I have cried, and more than once.I don't know what to say, in short, I didn't mean to make you cry, but I know that this sentence is so weak.

I am a duplicity person, I have tried more than once to drive you all away, or go to an unknown place to find an ordinary woman to marry and have children, but everyone knows that I am still a lot of plans , but never implemented waste.

This point, I am very similar to you, probably this is what attracts me to you, of course, this similarity is not true.

You must not be able to refute it, without Jing, without Shiyu, without Zhenbai, you may not be able to marry me, because I am a person who hates trouble, and it is very uncomfortable when talking to you.

I like your arrogant character very much, especially in anime, I like it the most.But in reality, I really don't want to marry a tsundere girl who makes my heart tired.

In my opinion, family is the place where I can relax the most. If you are at home, can I live a good life?We have known each other for nearly ten years, but we couldn't get together because of personality problems. We can't say who is right and who is wrong, it's just that there is no relationship.

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