"Why don't you die! Can you be sure that Xue Nai's condition recovered suddenly?"

Shinomiya Kaguya returned the phone to Hayasaka Ai with a look of annoyance.

"I'm sure! When we went to visit her, I went over her medical records myself. Anyway, it's strange that she's back to normal today."

"The two sisters under the snow didn't notice anything wrong?"

"I found it, but they also didn't find the reason. They can only attribute this kind of thing to a miracle. It's worth mentioning that Yukinoshita Yono is still in the hospital with a group of experts."

Not caring about other things, Shinomiya Kaguya asked with his gaze: "After Yukino returned to normal, did anything bad happen with Nishino?"

"No, the two simply walked around and finally separated at a pet store."

"That's good," Kaguya Shinomiya let out a breath, blinked his eyes with long eyelashes, and asked again: "Has Yukino completed the goal of testing Nishino?"

"I don't know about that. Our people can't hear what she and Nishino talked about. There are no bugs nearby."

"That's it."

"Don't worry, if there are no accidents, someone in the group will send a message to ask later."

"You can just ask directly."

"Why didn't Missy ask?"

"Don't I want to lose face? I'm worried that a mere dumpling will be laughed at."

Chapter 281 You Will Overtake If You Don’t Pay Attention

[Hayasaka Ai: @雪下蛋庄, have you talked to Nishino about Yuigahama Yui? 】

[Yukinoshita Yukino: We talked, he said he wanted to apologize to Yui. 】

【Shiina Mashiro: Why do you apologize? 】

[Qingshan Qihai: Same question. 】

[Yukinoshita Yukino: I told him about Yui's past, and he expressed his interest in Yui. 】

[Ying Lili: Nishino coaxed Mashiro to sleep and sang "The Big Family of Tuanzi". 】

[Guqiao Fumino: Yes, yes, you guessed it right, but why did you go back to Sakura Country? 】

[Ogata Riju: That's right, why did Yinglili return to Sakura Country? 】

[Wu Geng Liuli: Defeated dog! 】

[Ying Lili: Don't get me wrong, I just want to celebrate my father's birthday. 】

【Shiina Mashiro: I believe in you. 】

[Ying Lili: Hehe! 】

[Sinomiya Kaguya: Stop making trouble, let's talk about Yui, who knows how she is doing in Goshawk Country, and will she come back? 】

【Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: How could we know something that Miss Kaguya doesn't know. 】

[Shinomiya Kaguya: After Yui went to Goshawk Country, I didn't pay much attention to her. Who knows that Nishino has no more love for her. 】


This is the study room of Fumino Guqiao's family. In addition to the rows of bookshelves, there is a potted evergreen plant in the corner.

The desk where books and materials were supposed to be placed was covered with a lot of snacks. Thanks to the heating, Fumino Guqiao had disheveled hair, wearing thin pajamas, and sat barefoot in front of the desk looking at his mobile phone.

Opposite her was Ogata Rizu, who was wearing a pair of glasses and was also playing with her mobile phone.

Fumino Furuhashi put down his phone, opened a box of biscuits, and said with a smile: "I'm so fucking laughing, this Shinomiya Kaguya will lose the chain at the critical moment, according to me, instead of worrying about Yuihama Yui or Sakura who are far away abroad Shima Mai, why don't you worry about the people around you, Yukinoshita Yukino is not Eriri, and I don't know what Kasumigaoka Shiwa will do next."

Ogata Ritzu reached out for a piece of biscuit, ate it with a click, and clapped his hands: "Nishino hasn't been to the company for a long time, and I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Don't worry," Guqiao Wennai ate a piece of biscuit and took a sip of milk tea, and said nonchalantly, "When you become stronger, he will definitely look up to you."

"What do you mean?"

"As far as I know, men like women who change for themselves. As long as you keep a little change every time you meet Nishino, you can attract his attention very well."

Ogata Ritzu said disappointedly: "But I can't even see him."

Fumino Guqiao finished eating the biscuits, opened another bag of potato chips, and ate happily: "It's not a big problem, beauty comes from distance."

Ogata Ridzu was confused: "I remember you also said that the moon is the first to be close to the water. Which sentence is correct?"

Fumino Furuhashi smiled: "It's all right, but theoretical knowledge has to change with time. When Nishino just lost his memory, living in Gensokyo was undoubtedly a good thing. At that time, the people who lived there could have more sparks with Nishino. It was because in the eyes of Nishino at that time, those who lived in Gensokyo were strangers, and he would naturally be curious about the people living with him, and this curiosity would gradually turn into a good impression.”

Fumino Furuhashi ate a piece of potato chips, fed a piece to Ogata Rizu, and continued: "It's different now, because everyone and Nishino know each other and are familiar with each other. If you live closer to Gensokyo, you will become a brother and sister or a sister. You know , Men and women who are too familiar will basically not become lovers."

"Why?" Ogata Rizu blurted out these three words.

"Because there is no sense of mystery," Fumino Guqiao spread his hands and said, "We are so familiar, I know your personality and hobbies, and I know your strengths and weaknesses. You are not attractive to me, let alone so familiar, I can't do it what."

Ogata Rizu nodded half-understood: "It seems to make sense."

"Speaking of this, I think it was the right behavior to choose to leave Nishino for a period of time when I went up to Mai Sakurajima and down to Eriri. Unfortunately, Eriri made a mistake and didn't expect this. Other people say, Maybe I expected it, if I guessed correctly, when Mai Sakurajima comes back, Mu Nishino will definitely entertain her very warmly."

"Then, what to do then?"

"So on the day when Mai comes back, we must be prepared and watch her carefully, mainly Yukinoshita Yukino and Shinomiya Kaguya. They should handle it well. For us, we should work hard to improve ourselves, especially you. Study hard, try to give Nishino a big surprise, let him feel happy."

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