"Nishino doesn't know about editing textbooks, Rizu, aren't you afraid that his going there will be a disservice?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

"It's okay, the editing of textbooks is almost coming to an end, and," Ogata Ritzu looked at Mu Nishino sweetly: "And I believe in the level of Mr. Nishino. He was the one who tutored me in high school."

"Rizu..." The teacher made Nishino Mu feel ashamed, and he was moved to meet Ogata Rizu's eyes.

Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes kept wandering, staying on Nishino Mu, and said calmly: "My sister will go to the palace to attend the dinner reception for foreign guests tonight, and I should meet the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology."

Whether the textbooks will be used or not, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's statement is very important. Akira Nishino glanced at Rizu Ogata next to him. This child and Fumino have been working very hard recently because of editing textbooks. If it is because of myself, the latest efforts have been rejected , It's so unfair to them.

Nishino Mu said, "Okay, I'll go to your house tonight."

Ogata Rizu opened his mouth soundlessly like a fish that landed on the ground, and finally let go of Nishino Mu's clothes weakly.

Yukinoshita Yukino thought that this was the end of the matter, but after Ogata Rizu glanced at the phone, she asked in a low voice: "Nishino will see Yukinoshita and his wife when he goes to Yukino's house this time."

"Yes, Yukino, if I go to your house, won't I meet your parents?" Nishino Mu ignored this before, but now after being reminded by Ogata Rizu, he was shaken again. Agreeing to go to Yukinoshita's house does not mean that he can accept it. Seeing the parents of the Yukinoshita sisters, one can tell from the description that the Yukinoshita couple are not easy-to-handle social elites.

"Why don't we make an appointment to chat outside some other day?" Nishino Mu said.

"I won't see my parents, my sister and I are living outside now," Yukinoshita Yukino would not take Nishino Mu to meet his parents when he didn't get a high enough social status.

Because in the eyes of Yukinoshita's mother, Nishino Mu is just an unknown junior at this time. Although he will not force him to leave Yukino, he will not have any good looks towards him.

Instead of this, it is better not to let the two meet and quarrel.

"Then, what about Mashiro?" Ogata Ritzu asked, "Nishino wants Mashiro to be left alone in Gensokyo?"

"..." Nishino Mu knew that Shiina Mashiro had a certain ability to take care of himself, but that didn't mean he would let Shiina Mashiro live in Gensokyo alone.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Ogata Ritzu, and said a little unhappy: "After my sister and Nishino have talked, I will send Nishino back and won't keep him overnight."

"I'm sorry, I, I have too many questions." Ogata Rizu bowed down and apologized.

Yukinoshita Yukino said indifferently: "It's okay, tell Wen Nai, don't think of me so sinister, I won't use cunning methods."

She knew that Ogata Rizu asked so many questions because of Fumino Furuhashi.

Chapter 287

Considering that Yukinoshita Yono will be attending the dinner in the palace, it is unlikely that he will go home so early, so Nishino Mu decided to go back to Gensokyo.

"It's been a long time since I paid so much rent, but I haven't been to Gensokyo," Yukinoshita Yukino said reminiscently, "Nishino, let me go and see it with you."


Nishino Mu did not refuse, Yukinoshita Yukino naturally followed behind him.

When the two arrived at the gate of Fantasy Township, Nishino Mu found that he forgot to bring the key, so he could only knock on the door.

"Wait a moment."

Shiina Mashiro's voice came from the room.

Nishino Mu and Yukinoshita Yukino waited patiently for a few minutes, the door finally opened a little gap, and then the gap continued to widen, Shiina Mashiro's figure was completely exposed in front of them.

She is wearing little yellow duck cotton pajamas, which is quite cute.

"What is Zhenbai doing?"

Yukinoshita Yukino had an unexpectedly good personality, she didn't get angry and waited for a few minutes, but only asked out of concern.

"It's almost finished." Shiina Mashiro said, and turned back to the living room to sort out the paintings on the notebook.

Obviously, there is still a little left in her mouth to finish the painting. It doesn't mean that she still needs to draw for a while, but when the door knocked just now, she still had a little left to finish the painting, so she didn't open the door for a while, but seriously Draw well.

Nishino Mu was not angry either, he walked into the living room and saw drawing paper all over the floor, and a lot of paint beside the warming table.

"Not counting Nishino, Mashiro is alone in Gensokyo?" Yukinoshita Yukino also saw this scene, she bent down to pick up the drawing papers one by one, and put them neatly on the table.

"One person." Shiina Mashiro said, continuing to paint as usual.

"Will you be lonely without Nishino?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

Shiina Mashiro did not answer, and concentrated on modifying the painting.

Xi Yemu took off his down jacket and hung it on the hanger, revealing the sweater from Sanqianyuan, and said, "Sit down, Xue Nai, I'll get some fruit."

"Don't treat me as a guest, I also live here in name." Yukinoshita Yukino said, going to the kitchen one step ahead.

Nishino Mu did not follow, he sat down next to Shiina Mashiro, stretched his feet under the kotatsu table, and let out a comfortable breath.

Shiina Mashiro stuffed her little foot into his arms.

Yukinoshita Yukino came back soon, and she put a plate of washed cherry tomatoes on the table.

"Ren is here today too." Shiina Mashiro said suddenly.

"What is he here for?" Yukinoshita Yukino put her legs together and sat on the other side of Shiina Mashiro.

"I don't know." Shiina Mashiro said.

"Why didn't he say anything?" Nishino Mu picked out a ruddy cherry tomato and fed it to Shiina Mashiro.

"Well... I didn't open the door for him."

Without opening the door, An Yilun must have thought that there was no one in the room, so naturally he would not explain the purpose of the visit at the door.

Poor Ren Ye.

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