The two entered the villa, and Nishino Mu sat in the living room somewhat restrained.

"It's the first time I know how timid you are."

Yukinoshita Yukino brought black tea and sat behind the piano in the corner of the living room.

"It's not like you don't know how terrifying Sister Yang Nai is."

Nishino Mu fidgeted holding the black tea and lowered his head to take a sip.

"Don't be so scared. No matter how powerful she looks on the surface, she is still an ordinary woman. She won't eat you. At most, she will evaporate you from the world."

"Hey, disappearing from the world is not something ordinary women can do."

Nishino Mu said that, but he was not really afraid that Yukinoshita Yoshino would send someone to teach him a lesson. All he worried about was whether he would be used by the other party to play tricks on him from the beginning to the end.

"Do you want to listen to a piano piece? Calm down."


Nishino Murao sat up straight with interest.

Yukinoshita Yukino took a deep breath, and stretched out her beautiful fingers to play quickly and naturally on the strings. The sound of the piano was gentle and cheerful, telling a beautiful story.

Nishino Mu slowly closed his eyes to listen to the beautiful music.

After a while, the tune of the music changed to give people a sad and mournful mood.

Nishino Mu opened her eyes and saw that Yukinoshita Yukino's expression was still calm. She didn't seem to hear how well she played the piano, and she wasn't affected by the tune she played.

After the song was finished, Xi Yemu recalled the beautiful tune for a moment, and clapped his hands.

Yukinoshita Yukino's voice was cold: "I won't ask you how you feel, anyway, you'll only say nice things."

If you don't say this, I'm really going to say it nicely.Nishino Mu Yijiong: "Xue Nai, you are a kind of prejudice. I think I understand the piano as an instrument."

"In that case, I would trouble you to comment on the piece I played."

"Yes." Nishino Mu wanted to prove himself, he organized the language in his mind, and said confidently: "The piano piece is called "Prayer of Love", which was created by the European girl Aindas when she was 28 years old.

In terms of music structure, this piece depicts the beauty of the artistic conception represented by the music itself in a lyrical way.

The E-flat major scale in the first four measures outlines the image of a tall and solemn church.The melody of the whole piece repeats the theme with different variations. It is gentle and beautiful, with distinct colors, which makes the audience's thoughts enter the church, as if seeing a woman with a loved one praying devoutly before God.

Generally speaking, this piece tells the image of a sad woman who can't get love and prays to God for a beautiful love. "

As he spoke further, Nishino Mu's voice became softer. He realized something, and secretly glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino.

"I understand it very deeply. Have you ever taught yourself the piano?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

"Uh, learned."

"Yes, you have learned well. Can you play a piece for me? I want to hear your answer to the piece I just played."

"Can I say no?"

"Nishino-kun, I don't suggest that you refuse my lovely sister's request."

It happened that Yukinoshita Yono came back from the door, she took off her scarf and coat, revealing a much more graceful figure than her sister.

Nishino Mu stood up, looked at Yukino Yukino, and said with a dry smile: "Sister Yang Nai, I still don't know enough about the piano, why don't I go back to study and play it later, I owe you this time."

"Don't play tricks on me. If you play a good song today, I can help you solve a problem at work."

"Any question is fine?"

"Only at work."

Under the snow, Yang Nai walked to Xi Yemu's side, with a faint smell of alcohol on his body.

"How much did you drink?" Yukinoshita Yukino came from behind the piano and asked.

"Have a drink."

Yukinoshita Yoshino's face was still dazzlingly white, and there was no sign of drinking too much. She turned to look at Xi Yemu, and pointed to the piano: "Please play a song."

"I think……"

"No, you don't want to, hurry up."

Nishino Mu had no choice but to walk slowly towards the piano step by step.

He walked very slowly, because he wanted to take this time to recall which song could respond to Yukinoshita Yukino's feelings.

Yes, the "Prayer of Love" played by Yukinoshita Yukino is mostly used by female pianists to confess to the man they like. Mu Nishino belongs to half of the insiders and understands this truth.

He mobilized his brain cells, thinking about which piece of music to play without leaving any room.

'How about a song that expresses the love between men and women?No, it's really telling Yukino, I have received your feelings, let's date immediately.This is too unfair to Jing, Shiyu and Zhenbai.That being the case, I can only play a song of polite refusal. '

Nishino Mu made up his mind and walked quickly to sit behind the piano.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to the bathroom." Yukinoshita Yukino left quickly.

"Nishino." Yukinoshita Yang called out with a smile.

"Sister Yang Nai." Nishino Mu responded.

"Xue Nao seems a little nervous, do you see that?"

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