"I said, there is poison in the wine."

Nishino Mu's voice was a little louder, let alone Shinomiya Kaguya this time, even the bodyguards heard it, and they moved closer nervously.

"Don't move!" Shinomiya Kaguya who reacted quickly gave an order, "Don't make any unnecessary movements, raise your hands."


Xi Yemu complained: "I said, if you give the order like this, if I am an undercover agent, I will directly draw the gun and kill you."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the female bodyguard holding the red wine standing still where the other bodyguards were, raising her hands, and quickly slipping out a bright silver pistol from her cuff...

For a moment, Shinomiya Kaguya was in a state of confusion.

I thought it would be safest to keep Nishino by my side, but who knew that what was just a joke turned out to be true—Shigong Yunying was really playing a bait and beheading operation!


"Get down!"


Other loyal bodyguards scrambled to shout and draw their guns.

As long as Shinomiya Kaguya moves immediately when he finds the killer, and takes some evasive actions. If he is lucky, he can avoid the first shot, or avoid the vital parts, and they will have the confidence to kill the traitorous colleague.

However, no matter how hard they tried, Shinomiya Kaguya remained motionless. She didn't dare to move, for fear that she would run around and cause Nishino Mu to be accidentally injured.


The killer fired the first shot mercilessly.

With Nishino Mu's strength at this time, the speed of the bullet was slow enough for him. He stretched out his hands, cupped Shinomiya Kaguya's cheeks, and pulled towards him, watching the bullet rub against Shinomiya Kaguya's floating body. The hair went away and hit into the concrete wall.

After the first shot, gunshots rang out one after another, and the killer who fired was shot dead by a group of bodyguards.

After everything was over, Nishino Mu withdrew his hands, picked up a grape, stuffed it into the red lips of Shinomiya Kaguya, who was sweating on his forehead and pale, and comforted him: "It's all right, eat some grapes."

Shinomiya Kaguya bit the grape skin in a daze, felt a hint of sweetness in her mouth, and belatedly realized that her forehead was covered in cold sweat. She gave Nishino Mu a miserable smile, and turned her head to look at the killer who was lying in a pool of blood. With complex eyes, she was silent for a while, and ordered: "Take her down and deal with it."

The bodyguard handled the aftermath skillfully.

Shinomiya Kaguya sat down wearily.

Nishino Mu shrugged: "Let your guard down so soon? Maybe she's not the only one who betrayed."

Shinomiya Kaguya was frightened half to death, stood up in a panic, opened her arms, and blocked Nishino Mu with her body like a hen guarding her chicks, looking vigilantly at a group of bodyguards with ugly faces.

I have to say, watching Shinomiya Kaguya open his arms to protect himself from across the table feels amazing, but there may be more than one traitor, how could Shinomiya Kaguya just face the bodyguard like this, Nishino Mu walked around the table , standing beside Shinomiya Kaguya, said: "Calm down, you also know just now, I held your face and pulled it, and you dodged the bullet. I am a man who can challenge the speed of bullets."

Shinomiya Kaguya naturally didn't believe that Nishino Mu was that powerful, she was just lucky, she glanced at the bodyguard, approached Nishino, and made plans to block the bullet with her body.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, little thing."

"It's not a small matter. You saved me. I can give you whatever you want."

"Anything is fine?"

Shinomiya Kaguya said affirmatively, "Anything is fine."

"Then can you peel the grapes for me to eat? I eat grapes and spit out the grape skins. It's so troublesome."

"Okay, but is that your only condition? You can ask for more, and you can even ask me... I... to do something."

"I don't have anything I want you to do for now, let's talk about it when I have something."

Chapter 297

Knowing that Shinomiya Kaguya was assassinated by a subordinate who was originally a bodyguard, Ai Hayasaka rushed over, but the scene in front of her almost made her doubt her life.

In a corner of the fifth floor, Nishino Mu sat comfortably on a chair and played with his mobile phone, while Miss Hui Ye sat beside him peeling grapes and feeding him.

As for the bodyguards, they were all on standby at the stairs and elevators from the fourth floor to the fifth floor and the fifth floor to the sixth floor.

"Miss Kaguya, are you alright?"

"It's okay, Nishino saved me."

"So what are you doing? Someone in your personal bodyguard has betrayed! You still have the leisure and elegance to talk about love here."

"I'm not talking about love, I'm repaying Nishino for saving his life."

"Forget it, I will thoroughly investigate the specific situation. Before that, don't leave me or Nishino."

"Okay, but first go and buy some grapes for me, these are not enough for Nishino to eat."

There was silence at the scene, and Ai Hayasaka stood there in a daze.

Shinomiya Kaguya urged: "Little Ai, why are you standing there? Go!"

Hayasaka Ai gritted her teeth and said: "You were almost killed. Someone's personal bodyguard betrayed. The person who assassinated Shinomiya Yunying was definitely exposed. Shinomiya Yunying should change the route to the airport, so I have to contact you immediately." When the people who monitored him come back, one can be guaranteed, and I have to investigate the reason for the defection of the bodyguards, so I don’t have time to help you buy grapes.”

Shinomiya Kaguya asked in embarrassment: "But there are not many grapes, what should I do?"

"Let someone else buy it for you. I don't have time anyway."

"Oh, this happened just now. I dare not feed the grapes bought by others to Xi Ye, Xiao Ai, just work hard and buy them for me."

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