This time, it is a major test for successful people.If it passed, she fully supported Xiye's development. If it failed, Xiye should just be an ordinary person honestly in the future, and he would be happy to be a salted fish anyway.

Hey, why do men turn bad when they have money, because there are too many Yingying and Yanyan around them, and many people can't control them.

What about Nishino?

On the other side, Ogata Ritzu was very willing to be in the same scene with Nishino. She glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino moved, and asked without beating around the bush: "Nishino, what are we filming?"

Considering the limited realistic conditions, Nishino Mu said: "Let's make a dialogue."


"The funny type."

"Shall I say something?" Ogata Riju knew she was stupid and wanted to prepare in advance.

"No, I'll take you with me. Xue Nai, get ready, watch my gestures, if I raise my hand to back up, turn off the shooting."


"Okay, let's get started."

Yukinoshita Yukino turned on the camera, and the filming officially began.

Mu Nishino and Rizu Ogata walked along the sidewalk.

"I heard that you have a boyfriend, is it true?" Nishino Mu suddenly asked, but Ogata Rizu didn't realize it all at once, and she looked very cute at a loss.

"No, I don't." Ogata Rizu almost forgot that he was filming, and explained to Mu Nishino solemnly.

"That's right, I was scared to death, but it was a false alarm," Nishino Mu patted his chest, and said with a shocked expression on his face, "I thought some unlucky guy was going to marry you."

"Nishino!" Ogata Rizu called out aggrievedly, stomping her feet.

Nishino Mu raised his hand and stepped back, pretending to turn around and run away.

Yukinoshita Yukino turned off the shooting, and said thoughtfully: "Scene after scene, seemingly small things in life, actually just meet people's needs to understand life without going out. I believe short videos will become popular." gone."

"That's right, this is a killer weapon." Nishino Mu walked over, took the phone, watched the performance of himself and Ogata Rizu, and was surprised to find that it was perfect.

"Riju acted in her true colors. In the end, she was not angry, but more aggrieved. But it was good. It made the video shooting more realistic by accident. There were not so many gaudy and spoof factors." Nishino Mu commented .

"Nishino~~" Rizu Ogata had tears in the corner of his eyes, and his voice was soft.

She knew it was a performance, but there was a saying that the truth was often hidden in jokes, Xi Yemu said that the person who married her was unlucky, so it was inevitable that there was no real consideration in it.

"Performance, performance!" Nishino Mu rubbed Ogata Rizu's hair, and said amusedly: "Rizu is so beautiful, whoever married you must have saved the world in the previous life."

"A show." Ogata Rizu was still in a bad mood.

"Well, I'm sorry," Ogata Rizu looked like, Nishino Mu panicked and apologized: "Why don't I delete the video and let's shoot a new one. I will never make you angry again. I didn't think about you just now." feeling."

"No, don't delay the company's development. I just remembered that it was Nishino who said the filming just now, and I feel inexplicably uncomfortable." Ogata Rizu was depressed.

Nishino Mu believes that Ogata Rizu really doesn't mind him posting this video, but some things are not that simple, especially women, who are always unhappy in inexplicable places.

However, for such a long time, Nishino Mu has a little bit of experience when it comes to coaxing girls to be happy.

"Riju is beautiful, talented, good at cooking, and responsible at work. No matter who it is, it will be a pleasure to meet you. I can swear to God that I just said it casually. sorry..."

Yukinoshita Yukino watched coldly, if Sakurajima Mai or Shinomiya Kaguya were here, they would never give Nishino Muho Okata Rizu a chance to be happy.

Seeing that Ogata Rizu was smiling and gradually regained her spirits, Nishino Mu wanted to continue saying something like "In my heart, Rizu is super excellent", but was interrupted by a joke.

"Don't talk about whether these are good or bad, in a word, do you like Lizhu?"

Nishino Mu Miao replied: "I believe there is no one who doesn't like her."


Turning to look at the person asking the question, it was Fumino Furuhashi standing not far away, holding a box of baked sweet potatoes in his arms.

"Fumino, why are you here?" Ogata Rizu smiled in surprise, and ran over to tell Guqiao Fumino what he and others were doing.

"Oh, if I wasn't here, wouldn't you have been fooled like that." Fumino Guqiao opened the box of roasted sweet potatoes in his arms, and gave one to Rizu Ogata.

"Hey, hey, from the bottom of my heart, I didn't tell a lie." Nishino Mu yelled, he didn't like being wronged.

"I know you're not lying, but why did you shoot this kind of video with Lizhu? I don't think this kind of video can exert a strong energy." Fumino Guqiao said playfully, "Why don't I be the planner and help If you think of a clip of flirting with girls, it will attract the attention of the majority of male compatriots, and you will definitely become an emotional mentor."

Yukinoshita Yukino said: "Next it's my turn to shoot with Nishino, first you can help me and Nishino come up with an attractive copy, as you said just now, it's pretty good, it not only attracts the attention of male compatriots, but also Let most female compatriots be more vigilant."

Chapter 304 I Want to Hear You Confess to Me

As Yukinoshita Yukino's voice fell, the atmosphere instantly became heavy.Ogata Rizu took a bite of the roasted sweet potato in his hand, Fumino Furuhashi squeezed the packing box in his hand, and Muzai Nishino wondered why Yukinoshita suddenly became so active.

Today's working hours are different from usual and full of excitement.

However, Nishino Mu would rather not have this kind of excitement, because Yukinoshita Yukino is too abnormal.

During working hours in the past, Nishino Mu mostly slept in the office or watched anime to pass the time, but today I want to discuss the shooting of short videos. If I knew it, I would have thought about what to shoot in advance. There is a dilemma in the middle.

But these are all afterthoughts, and there are no afterthoughts in reality.

No, to be precise, reality has hindsight, but there is no if.

Nishino Mu thinks he has a crush on Yukinoshita Yukino, and if he shoots a video with her, he hopes that the content will be as ambiguous as possible.

But people can't be too selfish, Ogata Rizu looked on, so cruel.

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