After all, it's not a bad thing, I didn't really have a relationship with Mai Sakurajima on this occasion.

That night, Mai Sakurajima returned to live in Gensokyo.

In the middle of the night, perhaps because of the burning desire of being teased during the day, Nishino Mu couldn't hold it back anymore, and sneaked into Shiina Mashiro's unlocked room, and by the moonlight, vaguely saw a sleeping figure lying on the bed in the room.

"True white?" Nishino Mu pushed her and called out softly.


"Don't yell later, Yukino and Mai live next door."

Shiina Mashiro did not change rooms with Sakurajima Mai, Nishino Mu remembered very clearly that he would not go to the wrong room.


Nishino Mu got another response and rushed forward excitedly.A minute later, after a pause, he left the bed with a pale face: "Aren't you really white, Mai?"

"How did you guess that I belonged to Mai?" Sakurajima Mai asked coquettishly while lying on the bed.

Nishino Mu forced a smile: "I know the feeling Zhenbai gave me, and it's impossible for Yukino to be as old as you."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you had a lot of fun with Mashiro." Mai Sakurajima turned over and said, "I didn't sleep at all. I saw it just now. Are you very skilled in your movements? From the moment you enter the room, a series of movements are unbelievably smooth. Pants off super fast."

Nishino Mu bit the bullet and asked, "Why are you in Xue Nai's room?"

"It was originally my room."

"I know, but didn't you live in the empty room?"

"It's not difficult to change rooms with Zhenbai. I guessed that you were upset during the day and would attack her at night. I didn't expect it to be so."

Nishino Mu wanted to cry but had no tears: "Mai, what do you want to play?"

"Replace Zhenbai's position, attend the bed."

Dejectedly, Nishino Mu grabbed the trousers that were thrown on the ground to cover his body: "Stop joking, I'm really uncomfortable."

Mai Sakurajima said, "I know you are suffering, so let me help you."

"Farewell, I deserve it."

"Don't be angry. I'm in charge this time, and I will definitely help you vent it. In fact, I didn't intend to stop you. If you don't stop, I will let you do whatever you want to do to me."

"...Don't be like this, the scene is too strange, you are not someone's substitute, nor is it a tool for me to vent."

" are so kind, I like you so much."

"Thank you for the compliment."

When Nishino Mu is awake, his concentration is absolutely fine.He put on his pants indiscriminately, and walked out of the room anxiously under Mai Sakurajima's complex expression.

Originally wanted to go back to the third floor, but accidentally caught a glimpse of the room that should have been Mai Sakurajima's room.

True white is inside.

Nishino Mu licked his lips, tentatively went over and pushed the door, who knew that the door would open as soon as it was pushed.

Zhenbai still does not close the door.

Xi Yemu learned the lesson this time, he turned on the light and closed the door tightly.

On the bed, Shiina Mashiro was sleeping wrapped in a quilt. When she was illuminated by the bright light, her eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she would wake up at any time.

Nishino Mu felt relieved, walked to the bed step by step, looked at Shiina Mashiro, took off his pants, and said softly, "Mashiro."

The beautiful woman on the bed opened her eyes in a daze.

"It's true, it's me."

Nishino Mu threw off his pants and excitedly crawled into Shiina Mashiro's bed.

"What does Mu want to do?"

"You'll find out later."

"Stop biting me."

"It's not biting, it's gnawing."

"I'm not food anymore, give Mu Baumkuchen."

"No, I just want to eat you."

dong dong!

There was a knock on the door, and Mu Nishino thought it was Mai Sakurajima, and was about to speak when she heard Yukinoshita's voice.

"Nishino, don't sleep most of the night, running around like a lonely ghost, maybe that's why you can't get up the next day."

Chapter 311 A Coincidence That Is Not A Coincidence

When I got up to drink water at night, I accidentally noticed that Mai Sakurajima and Mashiro Shiina changed rooms next door. Why did they switch rooms?

Yukinoshita Yukino thought about it for a while, and guessed something, so she didn't sleep, and watched some cute videos of cats in the bedroom.

As she expected, in the middle of the night, upon hearing the movement, Makoto Nishino sneaked into the room where Shiina Mashiro was supposed to live.

Yukino Yukinoshita walked out of the bedroom and lingered at the door of the room where Nishino Mu entered, wanting to knock on the door to remind Nishino not to do anything to betray her, and she also believed that she and Nishino were not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, so there was no reason to care so much...

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