Nishino Mu touched his head, his hair was almost dry.

"By the way, you just got up." Aoyama Nanami put down the hair dryer and said belatedly.


Nishino Mu is not ashamed, how many people can't envy the life of being able to sleep until noon.

"I have egg yolk pie in my bag."

As Qingshan Nanami said, she took out a document from her bag, and took out an egg yolk pie.

"There should be breakfast left for me by Xue Nai in the kitchen downstairs, but it's okay to eat an egg yolk pie first."

Nishino Mu turned around, looked at the woman in front of her who was kneeling, took the egg yolk pie from her hand, and tore open the package.

A small egg yolk pie can be eaten in three or two bites. Nishino Mu looked at the document in Qingshan Qihai's hand: "What is it in your hand?"

"Sign the contract, my contract with the firm has almost expired, so I printed out a contract of our cooperation for you to see."

"Let me see."

Nishino Mu reached out to get the contract, but Aoyama Nanami dodged it and didn't give it to him.


"Let's talk about work after breakfast." Aoyama Nanami said, "An egg yolk pie can't satisfy your hunger."


On the one hand, Nishino Mu felt that Qingshan Qihai was quite understanding, but on the other hand, he couldn't wait to go downstairs for breakfast.

The food in the kitchen is obviously not made by Yukino, but by Mai Sakurajima. The food made by the two has a different taste, and Mu Nishino can taste it right away.

"I almost forgot," Nishino Mu raised his head and looked towards the second floor, "Yue Nai has gone to the company, where are Mai and Mabai? Why can't they be seen, maybe they are still sleeping."

"No, I've actually been here for a while, Mai opened the door for me," Aoyama Nanami said hurriedly: "Mai received a call and left in a hurry, as if she was going to participate in an event and was in charge of promoting a movie. And Mashiro , she was picked up by Rita."

"What a coincidence?" Xi Yemu took a spoonful of egg custard and ate it, "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Qingshan Qihai apologized guiltily: "I'm sorry, because I'm here, they asked me to tell you, I forgot to tell you the first time."

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

Nishino Mu bit the spoon, somehow, he and Qingshan Qihai were the only ones in Gensokyo.

Chapter 312

Qingshan Nanami went to the company early in the morning to look for Nishino Mu, but she couldn't find it, only Yukinoshita Yukino.If you talk about cooperation with Yukino Yukinoshita, you will miss an opportunity to meet Nishino Mu.

Aoyama Nanami didn't come up with the documents, but just said to find Mu Nishino for something. Yukinoshita Yukino suspected that she was lying, but she couldn't stop her from leaving.

After Aoyama Nanami left Wenyuan Company, she drove to Gensokyo.

Mai Sakurajima opened the door for her and invited her to come in and sit down, and the two chatted casually against each other.

Aoyama Nanami was run off by Mai Sakurajima and almost ran away, but fortunately a phone call saved her.

Mai Sakurajima received the call with a very reluctant expression on her face, but she was pressed so hard, she gritted her teeth and could only entrust Aoyama Nanami to wake up Mashiro and Nishino at the right time, and hurried out by herself.

Qingshan Nanami stayed for a while, when someone knocked on the door, she saw through the cat's eyes that the person outside was Rita, and opened the door.

Rita has just returned from Sakura Country. The main purpose of coming back this time is to find Akasaka Ryunosuke, and the secondary purpose is to participate in an art exhibition.

The painting exhibition started at 11 in the morning, and the time was extremely tight. Rita had no time to catch up with Aoyama Nanami, so she ran upstairs and dragged Shiina Mashiro out of the bed.

Shiina Mashiro was unwilling to go, and wanted to stay at home with Nishino Mu.

Rita's persuasive persuasion did not have much effect.Shiina Mashiro is not a person who values ​​other people's opinions, but when she heard Rita say, "The organizer of the art exhibition is very powerful. If you participate in this art exhibition and get to know the organizer, it will be much more convenient to hold art exhibitions in island countries in the future." Knowing what the purpose was, I agreed to go.

Rita quickly waited for Shiina Mashiro to wash and dress, and took her away without even having time to inform Nishino Mu who was still sleeping.

Aoyama Nanami agreed to be invited by Rita to see the art exhibition, but she felt that going to the art exhibition was meaningless, she might as well wait for Nishino Mu to wake up and talk to him about his future work (life).

Aoyama Nanami rejected Rita, looked down at the contract she carried with her, and waited quietly for Nishino Mu to wake up.

After ten o'clock, regardless of whether Xi Yemu woke up or not, he had to wake him up, Mai said.

It's time, Qingshan Qihai went upstairs, ready to wake up Xi Yemu, who knew he had already woken up.

The two got along briefly for a while, Qingshan Qihai waited for Xi Yemu to have breakfast, and handed him the contract in his hand, inevitably feeling nervous.

She manipulated a lot of files in order to spend more time with Xi Yemu.

"This is the firm I'm planning to set up, you can see if it's feasible." Aoyama Nanami said.

Nishino Mu wiped his mouth and took the file.

"The office is called [Mu Hai]?"

"Can't you?"

"Yes, yes."

Nishino Mu knows that [Mu] refers to himself, and [Hai] refers to the green mountains and seven seas, but it's just a name, so it doesn't matter.

Keep looking down.

Nishino Mu raised his head, frowned and said, "I invested 80 million yen and took 20% of the shares. You invested [-] million yen and took [-]% of the shares?"

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