Fumino Guqiao said with a smile: "The purpose of our coming is not to do anything with Nishino, but to prevent you from doing anything. Do you want to reform Nishino and make him fall in love with stealing food?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's face turned pale, but he was told what was on his mind.

"What do you mean by stealing food?" Ogata Ritzu tugged on Rakohashi Fumino's sleeve.

"It's...uh... that, it's the excitement that made Nishino obsessed with having sex with other women while his wife wasn't at home."

Chapter 314 Chance

Nishino Mu grabbed the fried tuna with his hands and put it in his mouth.

"It's delicious, Nanami, do you want to try it? Mai cuisine is pretty good."

"Well, thank you."

"It doesn't matter, there is plenty of food, Zhenbai didn't eat, and was dragged directly to the art exhibition, and her share is given to you."

Aoyama Nanami tasted the fried tuna and thought it tasted good. After eating in the morning, it can be eaten as lunch.

"I'm not polite." Qingshan Qihai readily accepted.


Guqiao Fumina's nose twitched, and he looked at the girls energetically: "Did you smell the fragrance? Could it be Nishino eating lunch?"

"I can smell it." Ogata Rizu sniffed the air and said uncertainly, "It looks like fried tuna."

"I like to eat this," Fumino Guqiao ran to the door at the speed of a cat.

"Wait a minute, are you going in like that?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said unwillingly: "I am also for everyone. It is a good thing for us that Nishino has become a scumbag."

"You are doing it for yourself," Wu Geng Liuli put her hands on her hips and raised her face, "You are too shameless, I am afraid that you will be the first to conceive, and when you become pregnant, you will be more expensive than your mother, and you will marry Xi Ye. At that time, you will definitely kick us out of the game immediately."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sneered: "Do you think I am a jealous and selfish woman?"

"Uh," Wu Geng Liuli was at a loss for words, and speaking from his heart, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was not a jealous and selfish woman.

But no woman wants to share her husband with another woman.

Wugeng Liuli looked at Fumino Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata. According to the current situation, it is acceptable for Kasumigaoka Shiyu to marry Nishino with the child and then allow them to stay with Nishino.

"Forget it, now that things have come to an end, let me tell the truth." Guqiao Fuminao walked back to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and said earnestly: "You can't really get pregnant and force Nishino to marry you, otherwise it's hard to guarantee that Sigong will do something Stupid thing."

"No way," Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu dismissively said, "I'm not afraid of her, if you have the ability to come to me, she's just a paper tiger."

"In the past, I wouldn't have said much, but recently I've figured it out. If you force Nishino to marry you through pregnancy, if Nishino is willing, then it's fine. We can only quit no matter how unwilling we are. However, if he Do you still miss us? Tell me, will we join hands to let you die naturally?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyes were complicated: "I believe in you."

"Why bother?" Guqiao Fumino smiled wryly and sighed, "I can't guarantee anything myself. I have made assumptions. What should I do if Nishino marries you and stays close to me? Guess what the answer is ? I will lure him to divorce you and marry me."

Wugeng Liuli said solemnly: "Sister Shiyu, I don't understand, since you can marry Nishino, why can't I? Am I worse than you?"

Ogata Rizu hesitated to speak, she didn't have any unwillingness, she didn't have any superfluous thoughts, and she didn't want to compete with her sisters for her husband, she just felt uncomfortable.

"Okay," Guqiao Wennai glanced at the time, and warned: "We've been arguing here for a long time, if we keep arguing, it's getting dark and we can't do anything, let's go in and find Nishino, maybe we can have a meal meal."

"What are you going in for?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said, "I just looked at Nishino in a daze when I went in. There are so many people, I can't do anything."

"You're enough!" Wugeng Liuli said bitterly, "Can we stop thinking about what happened with Nishino and let's chat?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu gave her a blank look, and said mockingly, "Don't say you don't have extra thoughts?"

"I, I didn't!"

Wugeng Liuli puffed up her chest, refusing to admit that she often dreamed of having children with Xiye.

Check the time.

After eleven o'clock, the women who were arguing outside the door finally reconciled and knocked on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Nishino Mu nodded towards Qingshan Qihai, and went to open the door.

"Nishino," Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu walked into Gensokyo first, and threw himself on Xiye Mu: "I miss you so much."

"I miss you as well."

There were green mountains and seven seas in the room, Fumino Guqiao and others behind him, Mu Nishino smiled and hugged Shiyu Kasumigaoka without doing any strange movements.

Although Xia Zhiqiu Shi Yu had dressed up today, she looked very charming.

"Nishino, who's here?"

Qingshan Qihai walked to the entrance, saw a group of rivals in love, and was stunned.

"Qihai, why are you here?" Guqiao Fuminao was extremely depressed. If she knew that Qingshan Qihai was there, she would not come here and continue to stay at home to sleep.

Aoyama Nanami felt a little uncomfortable, the world between her and Nishino was gone, "Oh, I have something to discuss with Nishino, how about you?"

"I miss Nishino, and I feel hot when I think of him." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu kissed Nishino Mu on the cheek, and hugged his arm.

Fumino Furuhashi nodded, the woman who had sex with Nishino was indeed a bit different.

Wugeng Liuli stared at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu angrily: "You bastard!"

"Hey, how can you swear at people?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's big wine red eyes had a hint of teasing, "It's wrong to swear."

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