"No, I'm just wondering if you're wearing underwear. Looking inside from the neckline, it seems that you can't see the clothes."

Nishino Mu thought, the black cat is so naive, it made me turn around when I was not fully dressed, now it is all right, and I look at it the same way, with legs wrapped in white silk, slender waist, tall front and let down hair, The panoramic view is too beautiful to behold.

"You pervert!"

Wugeng Liuli shyly covered her neckline.

"I think it's okay. I didn't mean to look at it. It's because you didn't cover it up and dangled in front of me. It's impossible for me not to look at it."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of

Wu Geng Liuli clamped her legs, lowered her head shyly, and made a delicate sound like a mosquito.

"I didn't see everything, except for the few seconds when I first entered the door."

In the few seconds when he entered the door, Nishino Mu roughly read Wugeng Liuli, and backed up an unknown number of copies in his mind.

"I know, you, you have a shameful lust for me, it's disgusting!"

It's just out of a man's instinct that I accidentally developed a feeling. I was wronged to death, and I didn't really think about what to do to you.

Xi Yemu thought so, carefully watching his words.

Wu Geng Liuli still had an aftertaste of anger or shyness on her face, she put her hips on her hips and said, "Didn't you come to apologize? Show some sincerity, please, don't always turn on me and scare me."

aha?Hot on you?scare you?am i a beastI am a human being, and I am a rational person, but in this world where you can do whatever you want, I will definitely let you know what a man is.

Nishino Mu was very angry, but when he thought that he broke into the black cat's house privately, his anger disappeared instantly, and he bowed again.

"Black cat, I'm sorry!"

"That's the end? You know I like you! The result? You ended up making out with other women in front of my eyes! You know? When I saw you lying on top of Riju, my heart broke."

Xi Yemu took a serious look at her, and interjected flatteringly, "I saw it, and it's not broken. You are very healthy, and you will definitely live to be over a hundred years old."

"Shut up and listen to me."

"it is good."

Nishino Mu shut up obediently.

Wu Geng Liuli stood up, walked around Xi Yemu, and patted his chest, "Can you explain to me why you did that to me?"

Is it possible to speak?Nishino Mu replied: "I didn't do it on purpose, I was lying on Lizhu's body, it happened purely by various chances and coincidences."

"Sophistry! Continue to quibble! You are not small, you broke into my room privately, it was always your intention."

coming!Nishino Mu's eyelids twitched, and he admitted his mistake: "Yes, but my main purpose is to apologize to you."

"Oh, according to what you said, as long as the result is good, the process can be done by any means?"

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't say it, but you did it. See for yourself. You broke into my room illegally and saw my body. What do you say? How can I marry in the future!"

Unexpectedly thorny questions, Xi Yemu is like a mouse cornered by a cat. It is too late to regret and can only be forced to deal with it.

By the way, if he is given another chance, he will not barge in, because he has already seen it just now, so why come in again and be embarrassed again.

Wu Geng Liuli looked disappointed: "Anyway, I won't be able to get married in the future. If you don't give me an explanation today, I will definitely curse you for being single forever."

What happened to being single forever?As long as there are women and money around, being alone is fine.

Although Nishino Mu thought so, he had an entangled relationship with the women around him. He said, "Black cat, listen, in today's society, it doesn't matter whether you are a virgin or not, let alone just watching..."

Wu Geng Liuli interrupted him impatiently: "Don't talk about this, people are different, I am more conservative, and my heart has been traumatized."

Judging by your smug smile, it is clear that you have not been traumatized.

Xi Yemu was indignant: "Are you trying to pester me with something?"

"Yes... er... no!"

"Okay, I'm responsible to you. Now that I'm responsible to you, I want you now."

Chapter 320 I Love You

"Hmph...you want me?" Wu Geng Liuli said in a slightly gentle tone, "It's not impossible, but, how do you want to be responsible for me? Marry me?"

"Wait! Even if you want to get married, you must at least fall in love first."

"Okay, from now on, you are my boyfriend, come, sit here."

Wugeng Liuli sat by the bed and patted the seat next to her.

Why didn't he realize that the black cat was so scary before, Xi Yemu stepped back half a step.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Wu Geng Liuli complained dissatisfied: "Are you serious about taking half a step back?"


Nishinomu bit the bullet and sat next to Wugeng Liuli.

Ogata Rizu hugged his arm, put his head on his shoulder, and said happily: "I can wash, cook and take care of the children, draw and write novels to earn money to support the family, and also sew clothes and make simple games. Being your girlfriend is absolutely worth it!"

"Then what, isn't it too fast?"

"Quick? Didn't you say you were responsible?"

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