[Hayasaka Ai: Shiba-senpai, you are so bold, I suggest you withdraw the message, otherwise Miss Kaguya will see it, and your fate will not be so good]

[Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: You let her come!Nishino will protect me, I am his woman]

[Wugeng Liuli: The bad news is that I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep with Nishino today]

【Sakurajima Mai: It's not bad news for you, Nishino is not good enough for you】

[Guqiao Fumino: Mai-senpai, didn't you go to participate in the movie promotion? 】


Wugeng Liuli watched the discussions in the chat group with great interest, and occasionally sent a few words, looking up at Xi Yemu's perfect profile.

Obviously, the words of everyone in the group did not affect her good mood, but her good mood did not last long.

"Turn the corner ahead, and the first barbershop on the left will be there."

As soon as the words were finished, Wu Geng Liuli caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of his eye, and hurriedly changed his words: "Quick, I remembered wrongly, turn around."

"No, you can't turn around. This is the left-turn lane." Xi Yemu said, "If you make a mistake, it's wrong. I'll drive back later."

Wugeng Liuli stared sharply at the figure who found the car, and closed her eyes with a headache.

Nishino Mu still didn't know what happened, he followed the turning motorcade and turned left, saw a barber shop on the left, slowed down, turned his head and asked Wu Geng Liuli: "Is it this one?"

"No, let's go."


Just as Nishino Mu was about to start the car, he noticed a woman following up from behind the car and knocked on the window.

"Hui?" Nishino Mu simply turned on the turn signal and parked the car in the parking space on the side of the road.

The car window was pulled down, Nishino Mu looked at Kato Megumi's pretty face, and said hello: "What a coincidence."

"Yeah, what a coincidence." Kato Megumi looked at Wu Geng Liuli, who was dressed up beautifully, and asked with a smile, "Do you want to play together?"

"It's not for fun. The black cat will accompany me to cut my hair and buy new clothes." Nishino Mu said.

"Okay, Nishino, it's getting late, let's hurry up, you must take care of your styling this week, and next week we will go to the Akihabara Sacred Items Store together." Wugeng Ruri said, looking at Kato provocatively Hui glanced.

Kato Megumi was unhurried, ignored her words, and said to Nishino Mu: "Just now you said that you want to cut your hair and buy new clothes?"


"Can I join?" Kato Megumi grabbed his hair, gestured to Nishino Mu for a ponytail, and explained: "I was just wondering where to cut my hair and wanted to get my hair trimmed."

"I'm going to ask Hei Mao about this. She said she knows a very good barber shop." Xi Yemu said, and asked Wu Geng Liuli, "How is it? Do you want to bring Hui with you?"

"Black cat, it doesn't matter if you refuse me. Today is an important day for you and Nishino. I won't bother you, um... I don't need to cut my hair today. Please ask Nishino to take me there another day."

Such words came out of Kato Megumi's mouth, just for this one sentence, Wugeng Liuli had to make a sound through his teeth: "I can take you there today!"

"Thank you."

Kato Megumi thanked him politely, opened the car door, and sat in the back row.

Wugeng Liuli glanced at the name of the barber shop outside the car, silently turned on the phone, looked at the map, temporarily chose another barber shop, and told Nishino Mu: "Keep going, we are almost there."


Nishino Mu drove without saying a word.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the car.

The main reason is that Wugeng Liuli is angry. In a good two-person world, there is one more person halfway, and anyone will be upset.

Chapter 322

The car drove at an average speed for ten minutes, and stopped in front of a seemingly ordinary barber shop.

Wugeng Liuli turned her back to Kato Megumi and hurriedly jumped out of the car.

"Nishino, hurry up."

Just like during a war, Wu Geng Liuli urged him very urgently.

"Wait a minute, Hui is still in the car."

Nishino Mu got out of the car, exchanged glances with Kato Megumi who just got out of the car, and looked at Wu Geng Liuli in unison.

"Black cat, are you sure this barber shop is excellent?"

There is a reason for Xi Yemu to ask this question, because there is a small sign hanging at the door of this seemingly small barber shop, which reads:

"Transfer... Our store will continue to operate as usual until we find a new home"

Wugeng Liuli didn't expect that the barber shop she randomly ordered would look like this. It would be too strange to admit that she was lying, so she could only bite the bullet and say, "When I came here, the business was pretty good. It may be that the powerful beautician in the store has left, and the store manager is not doing well, so he can only transfer the store."

Kato Megumi said: "Why don't we go in and ask, if a great barber really leaves, it's not too late for us to leave."

This woman... Wugeng Liuli glared at Kato Hui, upset, and walked directly to the barber shop: "I'll ask, you are waiting for me here."

"I'll accompany you..."

"No need, Nishino, just wait here, I'll be right back after asking."

Wugeng Liuli waved her hand, refusing to accompany Xi Yemu.

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