"He didn't lie about this, but knowing him is enough, it doesn't mean that I want to accept him as my member. He doesn't want to do this, he's too noisy, and keeps talking in my ear, if it's not because of him For the sake of the first classmate who came to ask for help, I drove him out a long time ago."

"Meaning if he can calm down, you can accept him?"

"Mr. Jing, you shouldn't make this logical mistake. Didn't you understand that I'm personally very dissatisfied with him?"

"I heard it clearly. It's just that you and him are awkward people. I think you are at least the same kind of person and have similar perspectives on the world. Maybe you will become good friends."


There are too many similar conversations, Shizuka Hiratsuka only remembers these for the time being, she knows that in a sense, she is the matchmaker between Yukino and Nishino, the result?As a result, Xue Nai suffered terribly as a matchmaker.

"Not to mention anything else, I'm a woman." Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at the phone with a "guilt" expression, "Can I be selfish once in my life?"

No one answered her, and she was the only one in the dimly lit room, wrapping up the quilt silently.

After an unknown amount of time, Shizuka Hiratsuka sent a tweet with trembling hands.

【Sorry, I'm getting married】

Here, Mu Nishino returned to Gensokyo and looked at Mashiro Shiina who was eating fruit and baumkuchen with Mai Sakurajima in the living room.

"Zhenbai, what will you do when I get married?"

With a dignified expression, Nishino walked up to Shiina Mashiro, stood and patted her head.

Mai Sakurajima's expression changed slightly, and then returned to a look of disapproval. She picked up a grape freely and put it in her mouth, and said seemingly plainly: "It doesn't matter, I don't mind if Mashiro lives with us."

"No kidding, I might be getting married," Nishino Mu said, "I'm going to marry Teacher Jing."

Mai Sakurajima didn't seem to hear it, she swallowed the grapes, reached out and squeezed one again to eat.

Shiina Mashiro stopped eating the baumkuchen, and looked at Nishino Mu with a hint of doubt in his eyes, which made him restless.

"I'm sorry, I'm going upstairs first." Nishino Mu hesitated to say anything, looked at Mai Sakurajima and Shiina Mashiro with concern, turned and went upstairs.

"Will Mu not marry me?" Shiina Mashiro asked suddenly.

Nishino Mu stopped walking up the stairs.

Shiina Mashiro said: "I want to be with Mu forever."

"Don't worry, I understand." Xi Yemu's eyes were red, he didn't dare to turn his head, and strode upstairs.

Wait until his figure disappears.

Shiina Mashiro still sat on the sofa in a daze, holding a bitten Baumkuchen in his hand.

Mai Sakurajima's face suddenly turned pale, she wiped away her tears, stood up and smiled, "I've figured it out a long time ago, it's good to have a result, otherwise I'll look down on Nishino, how can a man be so indecisive as him."

Having said that, I can't hide the pain in my heart.

Mai Sakurajima wanted to leave, but her legs had no strength, so she could only support her forehead, slumped back on the sofa, bit her hair, and wept silently.

Mashiro Shiina stood up, not caring about Mai Sakurajima's reaction, grabbed the Baumkuchen in her hand, and walked towards the stairs.

"What are you doing?" Sakurajima Mai asked, sobbing.

"Look for Mu."

"Don't look for him, he's getting married."

"Mu is not married."

Sakurajima Mai was startled, stopped crying, raised her head, and looked at Shiina Mashiro's thin back.

"If I endured Nishino marrying Shizu like this, I should have given up long ago. Didn't Mashiro not give up too? She is Nishino's woman."

Mai Sakurajima thought in her heart, picked up the fruit on the coffee table, and caught up with Shiina Mashiro:

"I will go to him with you. I want to ask him what he thinks and why he married Jing instead of someone else. Even if I lose, I want to understand. As long as I am convinced to lose, I will not make trouble for no reason. "

Chapter 329 Nishino Thinks Jing Will Accept Mashiro

Back in the room, sitting on the edge of the bed, I didn't know what to do for a while, I just stared at the phone in a daze.

Nishino Mu scratched his hair restlessly, with complicated emotions, on the one hand he was looking forward to marrying Jing, on the other hand he was thinking about Mashiro, Mai, Yukino and others downstairs.


A long sigh came out of his mouth, Xi Yemu collected his mood and took off his clothes.

Today I played with Teacher Jing for most of the day. Even after taking a shower, I still need to change my clothes, otherwise the peculiar smell on my body will inevitably be smelled by Yukino and the others. We will have dinner together later.


At the same time as Mai Sakurajima's voice sounded, she had already reached the stairs and opened the curtain.

She looked at Nishino Mu who was not wearing clothes, and turned her head immediately, not knowing where to put her eyes, most of the anger in her stomach disappeared in an instant, she pursed her lips preemptively: "What are you doing?!"

Xi Yemu blushed slightly, grabbed his trousers and put them on again, complaining: "I'm changing clothes, what are you doing, why is there no movement?"

"The footsteps are not small. You were thinking about other things and didn't hear them."

"What's wrong? You are so strange."

Mashiro Shiina poked her head out, looked at Mu Nishino who was in a hurry, and couldn't understand why a man and a woman had such a reaction.

"Don't look at Zhenbai...uh."

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