
The chat between the two came to an end. Guqiao Fuminao kicked off the slippers and fell on the soft big bed. He was in big characters, and he was still holding the phone in his left hand.

"Why did Nishino suddenly ask me to help investigate who is behind the "Declaration of Suicide for Love"? "

Fumino Guqiao was thinking hard, and the woman's intuition told her that things were not simple.


The phone rang, and Fumino Guqiao answered the call.

"Black cat, why do you have time to call me?" Fumino Guqiao lifted up his clothes with his right hand, rubbed his smooth belly, and held the phone to his ear with his left hand.

"I found out that Mr. Jing's Twitter sent the news that he was going to get married." Wugeng Liuli's voice was pleasantly surprised: "Is Mr. Jing leaving Nishino to find someone to marry?"

Fumino Guqiao's heart sank: "It would be great if it was that simple, don't be so happy, I'll call and ask."

After hanging up the phone with Wugeng Liuli, Fumino Guqiao didn't call anyone else.

hit what?There is nothing to fight. The abnormality of two consecutive people today fully demonstrates the seriousness of the problem.

Nishino suddenly asked her to help investigate the man behind the [Declaration of Suicide for Love]. Teacher Jing suddenly tweeted that she was going to get married.

Guqiao Fuminao sat up, quickly swipe the phone screen with his fingers, and found the chat group.

[Bubble Gum Chat Group]

"Announcement: Nishino decided to marry a wife! The wife is not us, but Teacher Jing..."

The announcement was made by Mai Sakurajima.

Chapter 330 Perseverance

[Mai: Had a headache, only to realize that Zhenbai is the well-deserved uncrowned king]

【Hui Ye: What happened? 】

[Xue Nai: What happened to the announcement? 】

【Yang Nai: Jing is amazing, we were tricked by her】

[Wen Nai: @辉夜, @雪奈, haven't you two followed Teacher Jing's Twitter?Look at the announcement, and then look at her twitter, if nothing else, what Mai said is true, Shizu and Mashiro are the winners]

[Qihai: ... I lost? 】

【Rizu: So suddenly...】

[Black Cat: I just asked Nishino to agree... I thought he would never marry a wife within a year]

[Hui Ye: @早坂, what's going on?Aren't you supervising Nishino? 】

[Hayasaka: Miss, are you still awake?What just happened today, I will write a report to you at night, and I am still writing the report now]

【Women: ...】

[Hui Ye: Xiao Ai, stop writing, why write a report?Who asked you to write it?I didn’t ask you to write it, tell me directly]

[Hayasaka: You asked me to write it. Yesterday you wanted to be lazy and said that you would write the report and hand it in, and you would deal with it according to the priority. I was thinking about Nishino and Jing. If I told you and didn’t write the report, What if you criticize me?Just write the report immediately]

[Hui Ye: ...Xiao Ai, I was wrong, I didn't make it clear, I said that you need to write a report for ordinary work, and you don't need to write a report for the private affairs you are responsible for, and you don't even need to leave any traces. tell me after

【Hayasaka: Ahem, I want to write a report】

[Wen Nai: @早坂, you must be serious about helping Miss Hui Ye, she asked you to write a report, so you can write it]

[Hayasaka: I am writing. I am busy arranging a lot of work during the day, and writing reports at night. I used to write reports, but I don’t have to write everything. I only need to write some important things. I have the initiative. What is the result?Ms. Hui Ye is not in the position yet, so she asked me to write a report on everything as much as possible, how dare I object, isn't it written? 】

【Shi Yu: All evil evil capitalists, @四宫辉夜】

[Yue Nao: @四宫辉夜, did Hayasaka do a bad job?And give her a meaningless workload? @早坂, it’s really not good, come to work with me. 】

[Hui Ye: All right, all right, Sister Ai, I was wrong, I knelt down to you, (), report, you decide whether to write it or not, anyway, you won’t let me down]

[Hayasaka: Does that mean I don’t have to write reports anymore? 】

【Hui Ye: Yes, that's right】

【Hayasaka: ()】

[Hayasaka: Next, I will report the reason for what happened to the young miss...]

The group was very lively, Mai Sakurajima looked at Shiina Mashiro's painting, afraid that she would read the news on her mobile phone, and then inadvertently inform Nishino and the others of the plan they discussed in the group.

That plan was an evil plan led by Kaguya, and she pretended to agree with it, but it didn't prevent her from taking advantage of it for her own benefit.

Yukino opened the door and came in, took a look upstairs, sat next to Mai Sakurajima, and rubbed her temples tiredly, "So many things, I haven't been so tired for a long time."

"It's really rare, I thought you would never get tired." Mai Sakurajima said.

Shiina Mashiro looked up at the two women who were speaking, and continued to draw with her head down.

"Sometimes I envy Mashiro, she is carefree, that's great." Mai Sakurajima said again.

"Well, I don't hate her character." Yukinoshita Yukino took up the topic and continued: "You really want to do that?"

"Other than this, there is no other way. Believe me, I know that this should not be done, but I did it anyway."

"Heh," Yukinoshita Yukino showed a contemptuous smile, "You know the seriousness of the matter, and you still want to hang out with Kaguya, so you're not afraid of Nishino's fury?"

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