"It's good that you know, if you're sorry for me in the future, you'll die."

"No, I won't be sorry to you, not even once."

"Come on, you must have said this to other people many times, so I don't believe it."


Hiratsuka remained silent for a long time, and when the moonlight gradually darkened, Nishino Mu hung up the phone and fell asleep.

At noon the next day, Mu Nishino was woken up by Mai Sakurajima.

"Did you sleep too late last night, and still sleep so deeply at noon?"

"I don't know what's going on, I'm so sleepy."

Nishino Mu patted his mouth and yawned big.

The spirit is extremely depressed, and the main reason is that Mr. Hiratsuka Shizuka played too crazy yesterday.

"Hungry? There are apples."

Mai Sakurajima sat by the bed, playing with the apple and the shining fruit knife in her hand.

Nishino Mu glanced at the phone screen, and at 11:15, he waved his hand and refused: "No, I'll have lunch later."

"I haven't made lunch yet. Don't you really want apples? Be careful not to be hungry."

"Uh, one is fine."

"Get up first, brush your teeth and wash your face, the apple is here, eat it later."

"it is good."

Seeing Mai Sakurajima put the apples on the bedside fruit plate, sheathing the fruit knife, her movements were unprecedentedly gentle.

I have almost never experienced such a situation, and feel that the atmosphere is very depressing.

Mu Nishino looked at Mai Sakurajima, who had completed all the actions and was sitting motionless by the bed, and said awkwardly: "Sister Mai, why don't you leave for a while and come in after I get dressed."

"Oh, good." Sakurajima Mai is as charming and beautiful as before, but her mental state seems to be not in a good state. She left belatedly, and almost tripped over herself when she walked to the door.

Nishino Mu got dressed, didn't rush to wash his face and brush his teeth, picked up the apple that Sakurajima Mai had peeled by the bedside and took a bite.


Nishino Mu saw the apple peels and cores in the trash can beside the bed.

Judging from the number of apple peels and apple cores in the trash can, Mai-senpai couldn't have peeled just one apple. She came here and silently peeled several apples to eat?

Xi Yemu subconsciously slowed down his chewing of apples. He slowly opened the drawer and stared at the fruit knife inside.

When I was sleeping, Mai-senpai sat on the edge of the bed, stared at my face and peeled apples, and even peeled several apples in one go. The most frightening thing was that she ate almost all the peeled apples, and she only kept one. and……

"Mai-senpai came early, why did you wait until after 11 o'clock to call me? What was she thinking during the period of peeling and eating apples?"

The more I think about it, the scarier I get.

Xiye Mu's back felt chills, he spat out the apple in his mouth in horror, grabbed the fruit knife, and threw it into the trash can together with the apple in his hand.

"Nishino, hurry up, I made you a delicious lunch."

Mai Sakurajima's voice came from outside the door, and Nishino Mu swallowed profusely with sweat.


Nishino Mu felt uncomfortable, and his nerves were tense during lunch, and he always felt that Mai Sakurajima was acting abnormally.

Staring at me blankly while eating, there seemed to be love in the eyes, and there seemed to be murderous intentions in the eyes?

When she used chopsticks to insert eggs, her movements were even more violent, as if she was not inserting eggs, but an object of venting her anger.

A strange conviction appeared in Nishino Mu's heart - Mai-senpai was the one who wanted to commit suicide for love!

But it doesn't make sense, Mai-senpai is not this kind of person.

strangeness.Obviously weird.

Being stared at by Mai-senpai is exactly like being watched by a murderer.

Nishino Mu had never seen a murderer, but he was full of fear and fear, and Mai Sakurajima gave him a particularly depressed feeling.

Cold sweat oozes from the back.

Mai Sakurajima didn't seem to notice Mu Nishino's situation, picked up the chopsticks, and continued to poke the smashed eggs, white and yellow, all over the bottom of the bowl as if to vent her anger.

Forced himself to calm down and think for a while, Nishino Mu pulled up Shiina Mashiro who was next to him with rice in his mouth, and said, "I want to take Mashiro out, can I trouble Mai-senpai to look after the house?"

"Okay, go early and return early," Mai Sakurajima put down her chopsticks, put her hands on her knees, and said softly, "But don't run away, or I will always look for you, forever and ever."

Breathing became difficult, Nishino Mu felt that his face must be frighteningly pale, forced a smile, nodded at Mai-senpai, pulled Shiina Mashiro, and ran out of Gensokyo as if escaping.

Watching Nishino escape helplessly, Mai Sakurajima held her cheeks in her hands and murmured: "Even if I ran away, I didn't forget to bring Mashiro with me. I really envy her."

Nishino Mu drove Shiina Mashiro to a place far away in one breath.

"Where is this place?" Shiina Mashiro asked.

"Let me take a look at the map." Nishino Mu tilted his head to look at his phone, and replied, "The port area."

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