
"Come in."

The two women sat in the living room, and Megumi Kato looked at the knives on the coffee table, which Mai Sakurajima hadn't put away.

"What are you doing?" Kato Megumi asked.

"Just to see which knife is the sharpest, chopping chicken for dinner."

"Well, I thought you and I thought the same way."

As Kato Megumi said, he took out a fruit knife with a sheath from his bag and put it on the coffee table.

What is this for... Sakurajima Mai moved slightly in her heart, while drinking tea, she shifted her gaze to Kato Megumi's face.

"what is this?"


"What is it used for? Self-defense?"

"No." Megumi Kato shook his head, and continued, "The knife that is tentatively used to kill Nishino."

This... Mai Sakurajima shook her hand, the tea almost spilled out, and she hurriedly asked, "Why?"

Kato Hui replied calmly: "Is it because of playing a certain game? I was thinking yesterday that reality is actually a large-scale life game that cannot be woken up. Can you think about the ending in the game, such as death."

"What the hell do you want?"

"I thought Mai-senpai had the same plan as me, but it doesn't seem to be the case now. It's a pity, but I haven't made up my mind yet." Megumi Kato said, "I don't know what to do, I just want to Try the saying in the group, kill the person Nishino likes, kill Nishino, and then commit suicide, in this case, three people will solve the problem, won't they?"

"I don't agree with that!" Mai Sakurajima said angrily, "You'd better not even think about it."

"Don't be afraid, I've never thought about it that way, but if Nishino thinks I think so, will I get extra attention from him." Kato Megumi said calmly.

"Megumi!" Mai Sakurajima put down her teacup and glared at Megumi Kato.

"Don't be angry, I'm just telling you what I think." Megumi Kato said, "Nishino has a gentler personality. Even if he knows that I want to do such a bad thing, he won't think about hurting me. The method he most likely uses It is to accompany me and enlighten me. If he does this, what is the difference from me marrying him. Mai-senpai, I am here this time because I want you to teach me acting skills, pretending to be a sick girl, a sick girl. The words are right, but it’s a performance after all, and it should require some acting skills.”

"Impossible." Sakurajima Mai sneered, and resolutely refused: "Acting skills are not so easy to learn."

"It's a little bit to learn." Kato Megumi insisted.

Is it a coincidence or something else?

Sakurajima Mai grabbed the teacup and shook her head, she didn't believe in coincidences.

"Hui, Ming people don't speak secretly, do you know my plan?"

"Mai-senpai's plan?" Kato Megumi's face changed subtly: "That means Mai-senpai's plan is the same as mine? Or, my plan broke Mai-senpai's plan?"

"To be precise, my plan is exactly the same as yours, and the ultimate goal is to let Nishino spend more time with me."

"That's it." Kato Megumi said with a hint of desolation on his face, "But this kind of approach will make Nishino's daily life worry, you should ignore this point."


Mai Sakurajima was speechless, she was so occupied with the idea of ​​being with Nishino that she really ignored it.

"But, if you don't do this, what else can you do?" Mai Sakurajima said mockingly, "Looking at Mr. Nishino marrying Jing?"

"It doesn't matter, even if you are married, you can get a divorce," Megumi Kato said, "Instead of thinking about strange things, it's better to think about how to get along with Nishino and get closer to his sincerity. Well, I'm going back. "



"I send you."

"Thank you."

On the other side, Nishino Mu left the park and found the bank.

He took Shiina Mashiro in and inquired how much money was in Shiina Mashiro's bank card.

Not as much as imagined, only [-] million US dollars.

"A lot of money is with my parents. I can ask them for it, and I can also paint."

"Okay, that's a lot." Nishino Mu hugged Shiina Mashiro, "I'm not short of money, I don't need you to make money to support me, I should make money to support you, otherwise I feel useless."

"Mu is not useless, he is a true white man."

"Hahaha, it's hard for you to know the word man."

Shiina Mashiro gently pulled Nishino Mu's finger, emphasizing solemnly: "It's the man of Mashiro."

"It's really domineering, good, good, I, Nishino Mu, am a real white man."

Chapter 333 I treat you as a friend, yet you actually want to marry me

In the island nation, there are two Valentine's Days a year.

One is on February 2, when women give gifts to men.

The other is March 3, when men give gifts back to women.

It is no exaggeration to say that on February 2th, Valentine's Day, Nishino Mu could receive so many gifts that he was very busy on March 14th.

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