"You don't want me?"

Mu Nishino held Mai Sakurajima's shoulder.

"I didn't say no, but I don't want it only once, can I choose for a lifetime?"

Chapter 335 I Will Bear Your Weight

Mai Sakurajima was dizzy.

When did it start?Since when did Nishino become a scumbag?He wasn't this kind of person before, he was obviously super upright.

Subconsciously wanted to nod in agreement, and said in the most beautiful voice, "Yes, I can let you choose for the rest of your life, as long as you need it, you can choose to come to me."

But why?Why is Hiratsuka Shizuka the one who married Nishino?She is so old, what is so good about her.

feeling terrible.


"I... There is still fish stewed in the pot in the kitchen, I'll go and have a look."

Mai Sakurajima panicked and found an excuse, got up and wanted to leave.

She needs time to think, it is a bad idea to follow Nishino without a name.If there is another way, it will never be accepted.

"Wait, Mai-senpai, I know what you're thinking," Nishino Mu pulled Mai Sakurajima's wrist, and said self-deprecatingly: "You think I'm shameless, I'm going to get married, but I still want to stay You are by my side. However, Mai-senpai, I am not willing to let you go, whether you want it or not, I will never forget you in this life, your gentleness and virtuousness, and your flawless body. I can't forget your smile..."

Can this be called knowing what I'm thinking?Obviously all wrong.What I want is to get the status of legal wife by your side, to be by your side forever.

Mai Sakurajima thought so, turned her head and said: "Enough, enough, a flawless body or something! It's your imagination."

"It's not a daydream. I think I know your body quite well. Well, conservatively, I've seen at least [-]% of your body."

"Don't say it!"

"Speaking out can strengthen the bargaining chip. I tell you clearly that you can't get married. I almost see you all."

"...So, I look back?"

"Come on, ravage me to your heart's content."

"No, there is really fish in the pot, I'll go and have a look."

Mai Sakurajima left.

Nishino Mu sat for a while, got up from the bed, put on his clothes, put on slippers, and walked down the third floor.

"Come and see."

As soon as I reached the second floor, I was stopped by Shiina Mashiro.

She came out of the room and stood at the door to say hello.

"what happened?"

Xi Yemu walked up to her and patted the bristling hair on her head.

"I've prepared chocolate."

This is really stubborn hair, I can't press it down at all, it seems that I need to use a setting spray.

Nishino Mu thought while responding:

"Why prepare chocolate? I don't like to eat it."

"Chocolate for Valentine's Day."

Almost forgot, today is Valentine's Day.

Nishino Mu nodded slightly, reluctantly withdrew the palm that pressed Shiina Mashiro's hair, squeezed her cheek, and said grandly:

"There's no point in celebrating Valentine's Day, every day is Valentine's Day."

"But there were no presents before."

Innocent child, do you take what I say seriously?How can I spend Valentine's Day with you every day and send gifts to each other?Nishino Mu said calmly, "I gave it away."


"In my heart. I think about you every day and love you. This feeling is conveyed to you all the time. This is the most sincere gift from the bottom of my heart."

Nishino Mu was surprised that he could say such a thing because he was too relaxed in front of Shiina Mashiro?

The power of love words is enormous. Even Shiina Mashiro was still moved after hearing it. She hugged Nishino Mu's left arm tightly, and slowly approached him with an innocent face, closing her eyes intoxicated.

"Nishino, you're really good at coaxing an inexperienced child like Zhenbai. If the flirting is over, please come and help me with the cooking."

At the entrance of the corridor, Mai Sakurajima came up at some point, with her arms crossed, watching this scene with interest.

"Cough cough."

Nishino Mu coughed twice, Shiina Mashiro had no intention of letting go, just like a koala hugging his arm.

"Mashiro, Nishino hasn't washed up yet, and he's going to the kitchen to serve food, can you pester him later?"

Mai Sakurajima came over and took Shiina Mashiro's hands and pulled them.

"No pestering, feel Mu's love."

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