While communicating with Aoyama and Nanami naturally, Yishiyeyu struggled, trying to get rid of the foot held by Mu Nishino.


Nishino Muyi didn't pay attention, and was kicked in the nose by Yishiyu's right foot.

"What's wrong?" Qingshan Qihai asked when she heard the voice.

"It's nothing, I accidentally kicked the table." Yi Shiroyu said calmly.

Nishino Mu rubbed the tip of her sore nose, grabbed her two ankles with her big hands, and gently scratched the sole of her left foot.

This woman just needs cleaning up!

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard," Yishiyu responded quickly: "Did Nishino's legs go weak? Why hasn't he come out of the toilet yet? Why don't you send him a message and ask?"

Nishino Mu was stunned, suddenly realized that he gave up grabbing Yi Caiyu's feet, hurriedly took out his mobile phone, turned off the sound, and sent a message to Qingshan Qihai first.

Chapter 340 Mingxiu Hachiman, Dark Nishino

[Qami, have you left the president's office yet? 】


[I'm visiting your office, go downstairs and buy me a glass of water, I'm a bit thirsty, I'll drink later]

【Okay, what do you want to drink? 】

[Purified water is enough]

[How long will you be out? 】


After sending the message, Qingshan Qihai greeted Yishiyu and left with a thud.

Nishino Mu crawled out from under the table, Yi Caiyu moved his body, crossed his legs and clamped his neck.

"What are you doing?" Nishino Mu's face was pressed against Yi Caiyu's belly, her neck was restrained by her crossed legs, and he grabbed her thighs with both hands uncomfortable, trying to separate her legs.

"You dare to scratch me?" Yi Caiyu stroked Nishino Mu's hair and said mischievously, "Go ahead and scratch."

It really echoes the old saying: Only women and villains are hard to raise.

Nishino Mulei was out of breath, but he still didn't part the thighs clamped by Yi Caiyu.

"I said, are you sick? Let me go out quickly, or I will be rude to you."

"I won't let you go out. You are the first man who dares to play with my feet. If you don't pay the price today, don't even think about going out."

The feather clip of one color tightened even more.

Nishino Mu laughed back angrily: "If you hadn't kicked me with your shoes off, why would I scratch the soles of your feet when I have nothing to do?"

Yi Caiyu tugged at Nishino Mu's ear, and said triumphantly, "I didn't expect that, I acted preemptively. You must be hiding between my legs to peek at the scenery under my skirt."

"What's hiding between your legs? I'm hiding under the table, and you told me to hide under the table. Don't bite back."

"This is just your one-sided statement. Who do you think the police will believe? Let me tell you what you think. You hide under my reception table and want to peek at my skirt, but you forgot that it is winter. I Wearing trousers, so when I sit down and you see me in trousers, the mentality explodes, but soon you cheer up, because you are not only a uniform control, leg control, but also a perverted foot You saw my beautiful little feet, so when outsiders were present, you grabbed my shyness and frailty and played with my feet."

"Yi Cai Yu, are you bullying me?"

Xi Yemu's eyes widened in disbelief, and he was furious.

"Who told you not to control your hands and touch my feet." Yi Caiyu picked Nishino Mu's chin with his white fingers, raised his eyebrows and said, "Your fingerprints are on the socks. You said that if I call the police , will your reputation be ruined?"

"You'd better not threaten me!" Nishino Mu sneered, "You should know that I'm not afraid."

"Of course I know that you are not afraid. Sister Yang Nai is the governor of Tokyo and will definitely protect you. However, my main purpose is not to ruin your reputation, but to prevent you from marrying Teacher Jing. Peeping under the table, stroking her legs" news spread all over the Internet, no matter how much Teacher Jing's parents want a grandson, they will not agree to you marrying Teacher Jing. "

Nishino Mu's heart froze. He had been threatened countless times by women. He thought he had seen through women's routines and would not be easily deceived. How could he have imagined that the first time he saw Yi Caiyu after losing his memory, he fell instantly.

"What exactly do you want?" Nishino Mu said calmly, "I can't give up on marrying Jing, but if you know something, you should understand that it's right not to anger me."

"Nishino, I don't understand. What's wrong with Yukino? Why don't you marry Yukino?"

Nishino Mu narrowed his eyes slightly: "You did this for Yukino?"

"Otherwise?" Isshiki Yu yawned, rubbed his eyes and said, "Don't think that I do this kind of thing because I like you. The person I like is Hikigaya Hachiman."

"Oh, so you like Hachiman. I'm a good brother of Hachiman. If I help you chase him, the success rate is as high as [-]%. Let's discuss how to do it. If you let me go, just pretend that you haven't seen me today." , I'll just pretend it never happened," Xiye Mu smiled, showing his white front teeth, and stretched out his hand for an OK gesture, "OK?"

"Okay big-headed ghost! Are you stupid?" Yi Caiyu clamped his legs, took out his mobile phone, pointed it at Nishino Mu's face, and ordered: "Come on, smile again, just do it again with that silly smile of yours just now .”

"Hey, hey, Isshiki, don't you go too far?" Nishino Mu said, really hard, he can break free, such as directly holding Isshiki's legs, standing up straight, and lifting her up, but that would be too much movement , It is easy to attract the attention of two people in the office.

"Excessive? Wouldn't it be more excessive for you to step on a few boats?"

"We really love each other!"

"It's nonsense, how many women in the world are willing to share men with other women."

"This... Anyway, we are happy together, can you not meddle in your own business."

"I want to take care of it. I'm used to being the president of the student union, no matter how uncomfortable I am."

"Are you going to take care of others?"

"No! It doesn't matter that you have a sense of accomplishment, who made you disrespect me like Hikigu Hachiman in high school."

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