It seems that he subconsciously believes that as long as he wants to, even things in space orbit can be shot down. 130

Suddenly, a feeling of extreme danger struck.

Wang Lie held Kotori and Shiori in one hand and walked back several meters in an instant. Now he is not much better than ordinary humans, and he can only do so much.

next moment.

A destructive incandescent light suddenly descended from the sky, piercing fiercely into the ground, leaving a bottomless pit without sound.

Wang Lie raised his head and squinted at the sky, looking for the source of the light emitted just now.


A figure was soon spotted.

A beautiful girl wrapped in a pure white dance dress that exists in a fantasy world. Behind the pure white dress is a feather piece that is connected in the shape of a crown.

Yet her beautiful face is now filled with hatred and anger.

Phantom sighed softly behind him.

"Shenwei Lingzhuang Yiyi, an extinct angel (Methratton)! It is an elf of Sequence One, but the elf crystal of the [Kether] crown is still here with me, how could it... Could it be Kuangsan's Ke Kedi? "

The identification code of Sequence Three: Nightmare (Nightmare) The ultimate ability of the angel Kekedi possessed by Tokisaki Kurumi is [Twelve Bullets], which has the power to send people to the past.

"What comes next is not something you can participate in, so go to sleep for a while now!"

The phantom's words sounded, and then Wang Lie felt a gentle spiritual force invade his mind, but it was like returning to the embrace of the mother's body, drowsy, and did not want to resist

But after all, he is very special, Wang Lie was not greatly affected, but after Shizhi and Qinli in his arms fell asleep, he also fell down holding the two girls.

With half-opened eyes, he could see vaguely.

The pure white angel in the sky, forming a crown behind him, constantly changing its shape, using skills such as <$Sun Wheel·Sky Wing·Lightsaber·Cannon Crown>$, chasing and killing phantoms hysterically and frantically.

"Origami! Origami!!"

At this time, not far away, a man and a woman who should be a couple came out from the corner. They probably just escaped from the burning house. Both of them were covered in smoke, and they called a name anxiously.

In front of them, a girl about his age stood there wiping tears, as if she had run all the way back.

"Father, mother—"

Silver broken hair, delicate red cheeks, a very beautiful girl.

It's just that this face was inexplicably familiar to Wang Lie, as if he had just seen it.


In the next instant.

An incandescent light beam occupied the entire field of vision, followed by a flash of black light, and a man in black iron armor with red stripes was vaguely seen.

Then there was a sudden explosion of air waves, and he vaguely felt a finger touch his forehead, and his mind fainted.

At the last moment of unconsciousness, a tearing cry was heard in his ears.

Childish and painful.

[Yue Zhan light novel, the story of sequence [-] the fairy Tobi ichi Origami, in volume [-].

To put it simply, the enemy that Origami has been looking for to kill her father is the self who went back to seek revenge on Phantom five years ago.So Origami who knew the truth was reversed.

This is the original.I made some changes here. 】

Tiangong City.

"Ni-chan, Ni-chan, wake up!"

"Ah! Kotori, good morning!"

Wang Lie opened his loose eyes and woke up. While saying hello, he casually grabbed the red-haired girl who was jumping on his body, lifted up her skirt, and slapped the little bear hard.

When Qin Li was covering her butt and puffing her cheeks, she kissed her face again.

Then he turned over and glanced at the living room outside the door. "Where's Shiori?"

"~~ I know how to care about my sister."

Kotori looked away jealously, and finally replied: "I'm making breakfast!"

Wearing slippers, Wang Lie lazily walked out of the room. Just as he went down the stairs, he saw a slender girl with blue hair busy in front of the cupboard, frying eggs with a warm and satisfied smile.

Wuhe Shiori.

Laichan High School recognizes a Yamato Nadeshiko-like girl. She has the nickname "Sister-sama" at school. In fact, she is also a very gentle and considerate person. She is also capable of doing housework at home. She takes care of her sister Wuhe Qinli and brother Wuhe Lie in every possible way. .

Wuhe Lie.

It is now Wang Lie's external name.

Now he is the eldest son of this family of three, to be precise, so although he calls himself Wang Lie, the name on his household registration and school registration abroad is actually Wu Helie.

According to follow-up investigations, it should be one of the orphans whose parents died in the Tiangong City fire five years ago. According to the surname, he should be a member of a Chinese family. After the fire broke out, he fled all the way to Wuhe's house.

In the end, he was adopted by Wuhe Yaozi and his wife, but because of work problems, in fact, Wuhe Shiori has been taking care of him and Kotori brothers and sisters.

"Ni Jiang is up, wash up quickly, eat breakfast and go to school, it's already time."

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