The man quickly reached into his arms and took out the candy with a small stick.

Quickly, but respectfully, the packaging was peeled off.

Then he knelt down next to Kotori, put the candy stick between the commander's two fingers and clamped it.

Itsuka Kotori put the candy in his mouth, and turned the stick pikopiko.

"Is there any movement in Tiangong City? Has any important secret weapon appeared?"

It is certain that Wang Lie belongs to Gabriel. If Shizhi has not watched the video, she should be the only one who knows.Even if other people had some guesses, they couldn't be sure, and besides the other elves, there was absolutely no country that Gabriel would want to contact.

No community would ever think of contacting an existence that is completely unknown but has the ability to easily destroy itself.

So now, everyone in the airship also knows that the male elf who sealed Qinli five years ago, the high priest, is now Wang Lie, and this is why Qinli can live as a human being.

Wang Lie is naturally the so-called important weapon, a weapon against elves, a weapon that seals elves into humans.

"The target has been missing for [-] hours, Commander, are you sure you don't want to look for it?"

Kotori waved her hand, of course she didn't need to look for it, and it was impossible to find it. Although she hadn't been to the neighboring world yet, she knew it was another world.

Today's technology is impossible.

When the time comes, Wang Lie will naturally show up, so Qin Li is not too worried. Now he should not worry about whether Wang Lie has an accident, but whether there are lunatics running to provoke him.

But the problem is that elves are appearing more and more frequently now, and it is imperative to seal the spiritual power of elves.

At this moment, Qinli's cell phone rang, and Qinli looked at the phone, her face suddenly turned pale, her neck turned stiffly, she hesitated a few times, and finally picked up the phone tremblingly.

Trying to calm down the voice, shouted sweetly: "Good morning, Ani."

There was a gentle voice on the other side.

"Good morning, Kotori, I asked your teacher, you didn't come to school today, and neither did my brother. So, now you can say why my brother hasn't come back after he went out to look for you!

Yesterday... didn't you tell me that you were together? "

Qin Li laughed dryly. "Well, Ni-chan went out to do something."

"So, when are you coming back?..." At this time, the school bell rang over there, and the other side seemed to be reminded, and then Shiori's voice was still soft and ultimatum.

"Kinri, I want to see you two when I get home, and then I have to explain everything to me."


Qinli covered her head helplessly, she was not afraid of her brother, but she was very afraid of this sister.

A creature like Yamato Nadeshiko is black when cut.

What to do, if she can't find Ni Jiang before dark, she will die a miserable death, even if she finds it, she will die a miserable death if she doesn't tell the truth.


"Don't call me, don't call me before the elf dies."


Kannazuki pointed to a light screen, Kotori still looked over, and felt like seeing the light of hope for a moment.

In the center of the crater caused by the space earthquake that flattened the city yesterday, a slender and tall black-haired boy stepped out of nothingness. His long black hair like silk and satin was scattered, and his eyes were as deep as the deep sea.


"No, there is no spiritual power fluctuation, and the test results show that it is [-]% similar to humans."

"Humans? Impossible, it is impossible for humans to do this kind of thing."

"Compared with the data, it shows that it is Wang Lie five years ago, which is the current Wuhe Lie."

Qiqi, all eyes are focused on the girl with twin ponytails on the bridge.

Kotori couldn't hide it either, she could only admit it. "Well, that should be my brother, the core of our plan, the spirit of law who has the ability to seal spirits: High Priest."

"Commander, he should be the angel yesterday!" Kannazuki asked:

After all, the place where Wang Lie appeared happened to be the place where he disappeared yesterday, and his appearance was [-]% or [-]% similar to Gabriel, which couldn't stop people from thinking about it.

"That's right, Gabriel should be in his real elf state, and the high priest is in a posture after his spiritual power has been reversed."

Five years ago, Elliott Baldwin Woodman, the founder of the organization, recruited her into Ratatoskr because of Wang Lie's high priesthood posture, and told her to reverse this situation.

The others immediately broke out in a cold sweat, what the fuck, the core of the plan was that elf who threatened Explosive Star at every turn yesterday?

This job is far more dangerous than they thought, right?

Do you want to buy an insurance policy, but if the earth explodes, who will you vote for?

"Commander, with all due respect, I think Wu Helie is the one who needs to be sealed the most. His angel is too dangerous."

"Use the teleporter to recycle first!"

Wuhe Qinli waved his hand and didn't say much.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Five years ago, Wang Lie had his spiritual power sealed by Wuhe Shizhi's ability, and it was only yesterday that she was worried that she forcibly retrieved part of it. If Wang Lie is to seal the elf's ability, he must maintain his own spiritual power.

It is necessary to bear this part of the risk.

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