Amidst the fierce metal tremors, the whole building shook violently.

Ziyao's elf looked at Wang Lie in surprise, then shook his head sadly.

Wang Lie didn't have any extra words, Wang Lie missed with one sword, and another sword was struck in an instant.

Bang! !

The radiant silver energy sword collided fiercely with his steel long knife.Glued together like two balls of mucus, violently tumbling and turning.

Wang Lie rushed forward slowly, faster and faster.

Qiang Qiang! ! !

A large white light spot lit up around Wang Lie instantly, which was the impact point caused by the excessive speed of the knife and sword.

Each impact is a white dot.

But now the whiteness in front of one person and one elf has spread to cover most of the classroom, wherever it spreads, it will be annihilated silently.

Wang Lie only had the strength of his physical body now, but the elf on the other side realized that he only relied on the strength of the elf's body for everything, and did not use his spiritual power.

But it is still strong to the limit, and the collision of extreme cohesion will shake the whole building violently, one step closer to collapse.

Wang Lie's arm holding the knife was barely visible, but it was vibrating at a very high frequency, driving the same vibration of the steel blade, colliding with the elf's sword angel, thousands of times in a short space of time.

"Elves are indeed demigod-level creatures, even if they don't use their spiritual power, they are already beyond the limit."


Holding the knife in both hands, Wang Lie drew a sharp trajectory in front of him like lightning.

"Wan Jian returns to the burial!"

With a clang, the silver light lit up and flew away from Wang Lie in all directions.

The powerful force and speed actually brought the air into huge whirlpools, and these whirlpools attacked the elves from all directions like silver snakes.

Then the air boiled.

The temperature rose rapidly, and sword lights ignoring the elves flooded towards the elves from all directions, forming a second wave of attacks.

The frenzied flow of swords and sword energy from the surroundings, whether virtual or real, strong or weak, varying in severity, turning or straight, all kinds of different and distinct forces. Even more than a dozen variations and follow-ups.

Regardless of whether he was a human or a machine, he was wiped out in an instant until there was not even a scum left.


last blow.

The sword cuts the body, the heart kills the god!

In Wang Lie's hands, the long steel steel knife is like the most cunning poisonous dragon, and it fiercely pounces on the elf. With the brighter red light in Wang Lie's eyes, the thinner blade dances in the sky in slow motion, absorbing all kinds of strength.

The thought flashed in his mind, and Wang Lie clenched his swords instantly, holding them across his chest with his backhand.

Suddenly, the blade swung out.


Swish! !

The light of the knife is rippling.

The air boiled like a boiling ocean, and more than a dozen frozen buildings were divided into two.

Wang Lie stood in the middle, flanked by thick steam walls more than ten meters high.

He stands right in the middle.Walking quickly with a knife in hand, like a god in the sea, mighty.

It turned into a white line fiercely and rushed towards the falling elf.

Without energy, Wang Lie's strongest attack is the limit.

In a short period of time, Wang Lie used three tyrannical abilities within one second, forming an overwhelming terrorist attack.

The purple elf's expression shook.

Standing in the center of the besieged ultimate attack, she clearly felt that she was not fighting alone.Instead, you are fighting with the most valiant army!

If she doesn't use her spiritual power again, even her elf body will be extinct under the light of the sword.

next moment.

The brilliant purple spiritual power sword light gushed out.

In a violent collision.

The surrounding area instantly exploded into a vacuum.


The vacuum was only maintained for a short moment before it completely collapsed.

Boom! ! !

There was a huge 397 sound wave vibration between the magnificent sword and the simple long knife. The ground where the two were standing collapsed instantly, layer by layer, and finally fell on the ground. A clear ring of vibration spread around the two of them. go.

The building collapsed instantly.

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