With a finger of the wooden knife, a wild light flashed in his eyes.

"Lord Lie, I thought I would have to train you for a few more years before I could fight freely, but now I admit that I was wrong, your swordsmanship is far superior to mine."

"Just okay."

Wang Lie shrugged.

Yasai Kuchan licked his lips aggressively. "But fighting is not just about swordsmanship. My body has been genetically adjusted, and after a long period of training, my physical fitness is more than twelve times that of ordinary people."

Wang Lie nodded.

Then he should use ordinary people's physical fitness, and I'm afraid he won't be able to demonstrate sword skills if he is lower.

There were people around who broke away from the shock, trying to stop Bazhai Kongchan, who didn't know if it was bullying, but was suppressed by the leader, all eyes immediately gathered, just watching the battle.

"Since you are also a master, then I don't need to keep my strength."

Bazhai Kongchan chuckled, posing in a strange pose, with an ancient aura.


"Tianxin's unique celebrity [Qiyu]!"

With a slash, the air was instantly broken, and amidst the high-frequency vibrations, an ear-piercing scream came out.

Tianxin is famous.

It was even earlier than a school of kendo before the Edo period, and later integrated the essence of fencing and swordsmanship from many continents and countries, and now shows terrifying power under the powerful physique adjusted by Yasai Kongchan.

The knife is propelled with such force that even special steel can be cut with this technique.

Sharp, powerful, and fast.

It spans several meters in an instant, and even leaves behind visual afterimages.

See if you are still moving.

The corner of Bazhai Kongchan's mouth had a triumphant smirk, and it slashed down fiercely.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

in the field.

After a few breaths.

Wang Lie's wooden knife rested lightly on Bazhai Kongchan's neck, as if limp and without any strength, but Bazhai Kongchan seemed to be stared at by a poisonous snake, and did not dare to move at all.

"I admit defeat! Admit defeat!"

In desperation, Bazhai Kongchan put down the wooden knife that missed Wang Lie again, and directly admitted defeat.

Broken gold!cut jade!Tsunami!Earthworm!

The secret methods of their family couldn't even touch the corners of each other's clothes, and only destroyed a large area of ​​the hardwood floor. It was meaningless to fight any more. In fact, she thought that the opponent hadn't shown much strength until now.

I don't know if the boss can beat this guy, Bazhai Kongchan looked at Wang Lie like a monster, walked up to the burly man who was the leader of the Karate Club, threw the wooden knife, and was caught by the Kendo Club.

"I lost anyway, the rest is up to you, don't say you can't fight, we rely on you to earn back our face as seniors. At least ~ force him to have some strength."

The leading man looked serious, and said in a deep voice, "Do you think I will lose?"

"I don't know, it's none of my business, I lost anyway."

Yasai Kongchan shrugged, and happily returned to the team to harass his beautiful juniors.

At this time, other people in the field reacted and breathed incessantly.

"No one thought that the vice president would actually lose to a freshman."

"This year, there is another rookie stronger than Ayasegawa!"

"It's simply weird. I've never seen such a sword technique, and I've never even heard of it. If he goes to genetic adjustments to increase his strength, I'm afraid it's not an exaggeration to be called a sword master."

"Hey, the vice president is finally exhausted. I don't know if the president's general meeting will end."

A group of commune members chattered into a commotion.

Even the head of the Kendo Department lost, and it seemed that he was more than a step behind this freshman. Now he is still standing quietly in the center of the dojo without blushing or panting, his eyes are calm and deep, and he is indescribably calm.

For a moment, many people felt faintly in their hearts that perhaps they might be a little overwhelmed when they suppressed the breathless Nine Ghosts of this generation in Tiangong City. Some couldn't believe it, but they were also a little excited.

For too long, too long, no one has challenged this nearly invincible president who reached the peak of humanity at the age of eighteen.

Even in the national competition, the few players in front of him are actually only related to his level, victory or defeat, and various aspects of the state, mood and field.

This level is already the strongest peak under today's technological adjustments. There are only seven or eight people in the whole Hiyori. Maybe a little more, but definitely not more than fifty.

After all, although the opposite side has a long tradition and many people, the social atmosphere is not enthusiastic about martial arts.

Wang Lie stood in the field, waiting quietly. After a while, seeing that no one seemed to want to make a move, he shrugged and walked out under the complicated eyes of everyone. He didn't seem to have the slightest sign of exhaustion.

Even the expressions and movements are the same, which makes the new and old members around feel unfathomable.

Master, master!

Hiyori always respect the strong, no matter what field the strong are, as long as they are strong, they can be respected.

Look around in a circle.

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