This is still the case even after death. This is the foundation of becoming a god, but Alaya does not allow it, so they become evil spirits and cannot be freed forever.

The mind is the most magical power, as long as it is strong enough, there is no place that cannot be reached, and there is nothing that cannot be done.

But at this time, Wang Lie slashed towards nothingness with a blade of light, breaking through the boundary between the present world and the neighboring world.

Carrying the concept body of eighteen directions, touching the power of the true god, the neighbors are continuously divided, except for the eleven particles that do not move, the other parts are all divided into spaces, breaking the boundaries, ground, water, wind and fire, and constantly evolving and transforming.

Then the spirituality captured from the depths of the sea of ​​human consciousness was broadcast in batches and sank into chaos.

One after another rules emerge in the adjacent space, and one by one spirituality is hidden deep, waiting for the day of awakening.

With such a big move, space quakes of different sizes appeared almost at the same time in various parts of the world, reaching unprecedented peaks, and several small countries disappeared at this moment.

Including Indonesia not far away, a certain state in the United States, and a certain big island in Hiyori...

At this moment, parliamentarians, prime ministers and presidents from all over the world were almost dragged off the bed. Everyone's face was full of panic, as if seeing the end of the world, and an emergency meeting was held. If there is no change in the past few days, the response to the elves will probably happen again. changed.

There are hundreds of space quakes all over the world. Although most of them are standard level and cause little harm, they represent hundreds of elves.

The people who participated in the experiment thirty years ago all went crazy like a ghost at this moment, they kept calculating, and then went crazy.

British DEM building.

Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott, does this original villainous boss look like his dead father? Confused, calm, what the hell, what's on my mind at this moment, is it? Over the years, countries have secretly followed up and conducted dozens of experiments?

How long can Earth Lord last?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this moment, the leaders of countless countries around the world have torn off the few hairs on their heads, and countless people are panicked, and some even start some spaceship projects on a whim.

In short, I feel that Mr. Earth is no longer safe.

But New Tokyo is still quiet, brightly lit, and bustling.

Wang Lie's face was a little pale, and he was breathing heavily as he leaned against the railing of the window sill.

At this moment, it is still a little bit reluctant for him to forcefully use all the conceptual bodies. Moreover, forcibly dividing a complete world and dismembering it is not what he should do at this stage.

The power of the mind is almost exhausted, and it is so weak like never before.

What Wang Lie wants to do is not to create gods, or to create the kind of gods bound by beliefs. After analyzing Alaya's Hall of Valor and his experience in more than a dozen worlds, he created another system.

Another existence that does not stagnate like heroic spirits, and does not rely on faith to advance like ordinary gods.

To put it simply, it is a combination of elves, gods, and heroic spirits, another form of existence that is not a true god, but can be eternal.

Specifically, the experimental results...

"Go take a shower first."

His head was a little muddled, and his thinking slowed down to a bottom line value. This was a sequela of excessive spiritual power extraction.

But if at this time, if someone who doesn't have long eyes dares to attack him, he will let that person know what it means to be a devil's father with morality, intelligence, physique and beauty.

Shaking his head, Wang Lie unbuttoned his collar and opened the bathroom door as usual.



In an instant, Wang Lie's body paused.

——Under the disheveled head, there stood a girl who should have fallen asleep.

Covering the back of the night long hair, like crystal eyes.

Even if I add ten "peerless" to describe it, it is still not enough to express the [-]% beauty, the beauties who exude such an overwhelming sense of presence.

——Her body is completely naked.

"ten spices?"

Wang Lie tilted his head.

Then he took off his shirt on his own, revealing solid and well-proportioned muscles, with clear lines, but not hideous, but perfect and beautiful, full of attractiveness.

And Tohka was the same in his eyes.

The beautiful limbs of art make people's retina, optic nerve, and brain cells explode with heat in an instant.

A size that can be grasped in one hand, a tight waist, and a soft and elastic buttocks.It is a body full of charm and mystery that makes girls in the world respect it beyond jealousy and envy.

While he was taking it off, his eyes never left Tohka's body.


Tohka's body trembled, and she looked over in surprise.

"What... Lie... Lie!?"


Wang Lie nodded dully, then stretched out his hand, caressed, slightly pointed, scraped and flicked.

It's very soft, although it's not big, it's soft beyond imagination, and people can't help rubbing it a few more times, pressing it down, and popping it out again.

"Slippery and tender! Pull it and it will bounce a few times like jelly."

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