"Yes, our Canaan Academy has no intention of fighting for power. In the Jiama Empire, there are many outstanding officials who are all students of our Canaan Academy. Therefore, if you can enter the Canaan Academy, it will make her It's even more like a fish in water in the officialdom!" Tang Yuelian explained.

"Yeah." Hunhan nodded in agreement.

Just like not being able to get the direct support of those officials, the two sides have common experiences and come from the same alma mater, which also laid the foundation for wooing each other.

This year's seed players are not good at stubble.Thinking of the last person left, Hunhan asked curiously: "There are only four people, how about one more?"

"The other one is very mysterious. According to the information I got, she was brought by the Great Elder of the Inner Court!"

"Great Elder, Su Qian?"

"Yes. Since she entered the academy, she has harmed many mentors. Almost all the medicinal materials carefully cultivated by the academy have been poisoned by her. Her physique is very strong, and she can directly swallow medicinal materials raw. Moreover, her strength is also vented. It's huge. Facing the mentor who cultivated medicinal materials at the level of a six-star fighter, he actually wounded him with a single punch!" Tang Yuelian looked in a certain direction with admiration in her tone.

"Zi Yan?" Hun Han blurted out, looking at the petite figure with purple hair.

"That's right, her name is Zi Yan!" Tang Yuelian nodded.

According to the original story line, Zi Yan was brought into Canaan Academy by Su Qian, the Great Elder of the Inner Court.Now, because of his cold soul, Zi Yan was unexpectedly brought into Canaan Academy by Elder Su Qian.

Could it be that, even with the addition of his chills, some storylines are still proceeding according to the original development?

Hunhan touched Najie, and touched the Tuntian Python on his chest.Shaking his head slightly.Xiao Yan's opportunities ten years later were almost all obtained by him in advance.Everything is on his body, how can Xiao Yan obtain these opportunities according to the original story line!

As for Zi Yan, it can only be said to be a coincidence!

Hun Han got up, wanting to go and catch up with Zi Yan.As soon as he stood up, he noticed that Zi Yan was looking at him, very unfriendly!

No, he did not offend Zi Yan!


The inner court trials are still going on steadily.Hun Han, Ruo Lin, Su Mo, Chen Huanhuan, Yao Ye, and Zi Yan were all terrifying.Every time you face the enemy, you will control the enemy with one move.The victory was very easy.All six of them made it to the final trials.


In the blue sky, after a crisp bell sounded, the noisy square quickly became quieter.

In the center of the square where all the eyes of the audience gathered, Vice President Hu Gan stood up slowly, scanned the surroundings, and a powerful voice rang out in the square: "Everyone, after yesterday's inner court trial, we have selected The last [-] students who are eligible to enter the inner court. However, in the inner court, the levels are clearly defined. If you want to obtain better cultivation conditions, you must try your best to obtain better results in the last competition. Results. Every improvement in the ranking can obtain more abundant training resources. So, everyone, in the next competition, do your best!"

Next, it's easy.Each person has a number, randomly drawn.Players with adjacent odd and even numbers compete against each other.The winner, fight the winner.The loser fights the loser.Until the champion is selected and the final ranking is determined.

"No. [-], Hunhan, fight against No. [-], Su Mo!"

When the referee's voice fell, Hun Han and a fat man with a sledgehammer walked onto the ring.

The fat man had a hulking back and a bronze skin, and he looked very capable.Every time a foot is stepped out, the ground will vibrate with a deep sound.

"Don't hide it, I'm not them. Show your true strength!" As soon as Su Mo finished speaking, the yellow grudge flowed from his body and poured into his bronze hammer.

The infusion of battle energy, the runes on the bronze hammer, are full of brilliance.At first glance, it looks like the meridians of the human body, very strange.

"Earth-level low-level weapons!" Six words popped out from Xiao Han's mouth.

"That's right, you are a smart person! Take the trick, I'm going to do it!" Su Mo urged.

Mysterious-level intermediate fighting skill Mountain Breaking Hammer

Su Mo held the bronze hammer in one hand, and stomped hard on the sole of his foot. The ground cracked inch by inch, and he swung the hammer and jumped up.The hammer in his hand fell fiercely towards Hun Han's head.

Overlord Fist

Facing Su Mo's attack, Hun Han couldn't dodge it and threw his fist at him.

Faintly, following Hunhan's fist swing, the entire arena shook slightly.

"Earth-level fighting skills?" Hu Gan, who was seated in the middle of the audience, had a look on his face.

The fist collided with the bronze hammer, and a strong shock wave rippled out in the field.Immediately afterwards, Hun Han took a step back. Looking back at Su Mo, the bronze hammer in his hand flew out of the ring with a dull sound.

As for Su Mo's right hand, it was shaking and numb, and he looked at Hun Han fearfully.He is known for his strength, but in the end, he was defeated by the latter.

"Do you want to continue?" The corner of Hun Han's mouth curled up in triumph.

"You are great! I admit defeat!" Su Mo gave Hunhan a thumbs up.

"In this round, on the thirteenth, Hunhan wins. In the next round, on the fifteenth..."

"Don't be so troublesome. If anyone thinks that they can take away the championship from me, they can come up and challenge me!"

Before the referee's voice fell, Hun Han cut in.


"He wants to continue the challenge?"

"Although he is very strong, is he really sure that he can withstand the continuous challenges of forty-nine people?"

In the face of Hunhan's words, everyone is full of doubts!

Chapter 95 Hunhan VS Ruolin

The referee looked at Hu Gan, the vice president of the outer court.Seeing the latter nodding, he said, "It's rare for someone to dare to do this. Do you agree?"


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