"Uh!" Hunhan was completely speechless in surprise.

Familiar with the storyline of Dou Po, Hun Han understood that the ancestor of Pill Tower was actually a ninth-grade elixir.However, such a pill was actually made by his mother.In other words, his mother's identity turned out to be a rank nine pharmacist.

Astonished astonished, Hunhan thought of his own talent, and took his mother's identity as a matter of course.Just because his mother is a ninth-rank pharmacist, he has a very high talent for refining medicine.

"This is why when Emperor Huntian appointed you as the deputy head of the Human Palace, I felt that he was actually protecting you all the time. The real ruler of the Soul Palace is the Eighteenth Wife of the Emperor Huntian. Although the Soul Palace It’s just that the external power of the Soul Clan is a force that cannot be ignored. If you can hold the Soul Palace in your hands, it will be tantamount to cutting off the hands and feet of the eighteenth lady, and it will be beneficial and harmless for you to become the young patriarch of the Soul Clan.” Qin Lan If it is speculated.At the same time, with the support of those elders in the soul clan who have received the favor of Hun Han's mother, the inside and outside of the soul clan will be completely in the hands of Hun Han.

Of course, even if there is opposition from individual elders and personnel, it will not be a cause for concern.

Chapter 120 Soul Cold Dream

The eighteenth lady is the mother of Hunfeng, the future patriarch of the Hun Clan.Hunhan has been in the Hun Clan for six years, and he knows a little about Hunfeng's mother.

Hunfeng's mother is from the soul clan, and Hunfeng's grandfather is the second elder of the soul clan.She also has a younger sister who married into the Lei Clan and is the wife of the Lei Clan patriarch.

Hunfeng has such a mother, and he has awakened the divine blood of the Hun Clan.With Hunfeng's talent and background, it's no wonder he can become the young patriarch of the Hun Clan.

Emperor Huntian has many children, among them, Hunfeng and Hunhan are not the only ones who have awakened the divine blood.

"Aunt Qin, you said just now that the real ruler of the Hall of Souls is Mrs. Eighteen?" Hun Han asked in astonishment.

"Yes. Hun Miesheng, the master of the Hall of Souls, is the son of the second elder. Hun Miesheng was originally the deputy master of the Hall of Souls, but he heard that he was going to be transferred to become an elder of the Soul Clan. In the end, he begged his sister The Eighteenth Madam interceded for him, and was finally appointed by Emperor Huntian as the master of the Soul Palace. Don't look at Hun Miesheng as unruly, the entire soul clan, he is only afraid of four people. One is Huntian Emperor, and the other is Void Swallow Yan, one is his father, the Second Elder, and the last one is his elder sister. Moreover, Void Swallowing Flame has the grace of teaching soul death." Qin Lan continued.

"Really?" Hunhan suddenly remembered that Hun Miesheng still possessed Zihuo who swallowed flames from nothingness.It turns out that there is still such a relationship between this person and the fire!

"Well. The entire soul clan, if anyone has the hope and ability to become the young patriarch of the soul clan, Hunfeng must be selected. On the contrary, the soul pan is definitely not in the selection list!" Qin Lan nodded slightly.

"Oh." Hun Han nodded.There is no denying this, within fifteen years, Hunfeng has indeed become the young patriarch of the Hun Clan.

"Little master, don't worry. Compared with Hunfeng, you are no worse than him. Hunfeng has the Soul Palace, and you have the Pill Tower behind you. Hunfeng has the divine blood of the Soul Clan, but you have the Soul Clan and Xiao Xiao. The god-grade blood of the two clans. Soul Wind has the support of the second elder faction, and the master has helped many disciples of the Soul Clan before his life, and has a certain influence, and you are no worse than him!" Qin Lan comforted.

After listening to Qin Lan's words, Hun Han finally understood.It turned out that this was the reason why he was assassinated.Hunhan's strength and appeal have already threatened the interests of some people.

"Aunt Qin, you're overthinking. I don't have any unreasonable thoughts about being the patriarch of the Soul Clan." Hun Han said calmly.

The Patriarch of the Soul Clan!

As a time traveler, Hunhan's heart is not just a small Douqi Continent.The soul clan is certainly a giant in the Douqi Continent, but what if it goes out of this plane?The so-called soul race is just fish and shrimp in the water.

Hunhan, I still don't like it!

"Little master, what is your dream?" Qin Lan asked curiously.

"my dream?"

Hun Han pondered for a while, then raised his index finger, pointed to the sky, and said, "Where is my dream!"

"Where?" Qin Lan looked at Hun Han suspiciously.

"Yes, I want to be the brightest star in the sky. Its light can compete with the sun and the moon!" Hun Han replied with longing eyes.

To be a star?

People become stars?

Qin Lan looked at Hun Han, her face still pale.Although he didn't know what Hunhan wanted to do, Qin Lan could hear clearly that Hunhan wanted to become the strongest fighter in the world.

"Soul cold!"

While Qin Lan was talking with Hun Han, a magnetic voice came from beside him.

Hun Han and Qin Lan followed the prestige and saw that Princess Yaoye was already standing at the entrance of the cave.

Yao Ye lightly jumped and landed beside Hun Han.Hun Han asked with concern: "How is it, did it work?"

"Yeah." Yao Ye nodded, her eyes were filled with excitement.Flipping with her empty hand, a ray of dark blue flame was suspended above the palm of her jade hand.It is the heart flame of the sea of ​​different fires!

"Well, not bad. Although the strength has not improved, but don't worry, the benefits brought by refining the strange fire are long-lasting. In the years to come, as the control of it becomes more and more proficient, the benefits obtained will also increase. It will become bigger and bigger." Hun Han smiled, sincerely happy for Yao Ye.

"Hmm. Hunhan, who is this elder sister?" Yaoye looked at Qin Lan curiously, slightly taken aback by the latter's peerless appearance.

"This is my mother's personal maid, I call her Aunt Qin. Aunt Qin, this is a friend I met recently, her name is Yao Ye, Princess of the Gamma Empire!" Hun Han introduced each other with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Yao Ye, can I call you Aunt Qin like Hun Han?" Yao Ye greeted Qin Lan with a smile without playing the princess temper.

"Yes." As for Qin Lan, she nodded calmly.

Seeing Qin Lan's attitude, a strange color flashed in Yaoye's eyes.Then continued to smile.

"Yao Ye, don't take it to heart, Aunt Qin is like this, don't lie and smile!" Hun Han explained.

"Hunhan, you think too much. You are so confiding to me. If I have a grudge because of this, then I am not Yaoye! What's more, Aunt Qin did it rashly. My instinct tells me that Aunt Qin He is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside!" Yao Ye said with a smile.

"Well. It's good that you can do this. Oh, yes, I almost wasted all this blood by talking to you all!"

Hunhan was not afraid of Yaoye's presence, so he sat cross-legged, sitting in his blood, and began to run the Fortune Ascending Dragon Art.With the operation of the kung fu, the blood around him broke away from gravity and penetrated into the cold soul.

Blood devouring practice!

Yaoye's face was full of astonishment.In her consciousness, she classified this as evil magic power.As soon as the thought appeared in his heart, it was immediately blown out by Yaoye.

Hunhan gave all of Hai Xinyan to her Yaoye, such a generous person, even if he is as evil as Poison Master, she would still associate with him.

"The little master is training his body!"

On the one hand, Qin Lan, like Yao Ye, looked at Hun Han in amazement.

"Body training?" Yao Ye's eyes showed doubts.

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