"Yes." Hunhan nodded at him.

"Then what kinds of foreign objects have you obtained now?" Qin Lan asked again with concern.

"Now, I have obtained Qinglian Earth Heart Fire and Jiuyou Fengbing!" Hunhan replied truthfully.Hunhan didn't keep some secrets about herself.Reason told him that telling others some of his little secrets appropriately would only make others more loyal to him.

"Different water and strange fire. So, you still lack a lot of foreign objects!" Qin Lan murmured.

"Yeah." Hun Han nodded.Such things as foreign objects are hard to come by, and he doesn't know if he will be lucky enough to collect all nine kinds of foreign objects that are not used in this life.Once he has gathered all nine different foreign objects, how far will his grudge evolve to!

If it is said that what Fen Jue evolves is the level of kung fu and the purity of battle qi.Then, Hun Han's kung fu evolved the quality of battle qi.

"Little master, what do you think this is?"

Qin Lan turned her jade hand over, and in the palm of her jade hand, there was a very thick black light floating.

Chapter 125 Butterfly Soul Netherworld, Powerful Mother

"This... this is strange darkness!" Hun Han exclaimed.

"Yes. The master once said that in addition to the strange fire, there are also foreign objects such as different water, different wind, different thunder, different light, and different darkness in the fighting spirit plane. The thing in my hand is the thirteenth place in the list of strange darkness. The strange darkness—the butterfly soul ghost. Only in the abyss where there are countless dead souls and there is no light shining forever, can such a foreign object be formed." In Qin Lan's eyes, there was a look of reluctance.

Ever since this black awn that looked like a black butterfly appeared, there were faint roars of ghosts in the surrounding air.In this underground karst cave, the moonstones on the stone walls are lacklustre, only Hunhan and Yafei, who is refining Fallen Heart Flame, exude two colors of light, one red and one blue.

There was a faint sound of knotting in the air.Under the perception of inspiration, Hunhan vaguely sensed that Qin Lan's hands were forming seals.Frightened by Hunhan's whole body, the scene of Han Feng letting go of Hai Xinyan came to mind.

Hunhan's hands reached out quickly, grabbed Qin Lan's hand, and said softly, "Aunt Qin, what are you doing?"

Qin Lan explained: "Little master, I'm already a semi-holy powerhouse. Butterfly Soul Netherworld doesn't have much effect on me. If you have it, the quality of your fighting spirit will definitely be raised to a higher level!"

The strange darkness is the same as the strange water, because it is hidden in the boundless darkness, it is even more difficult to find than the strange fire.Looking at the entire continent, except for those hidden sects and strong men, there is no one who has ever heard of anyone who can obtain such treasures as the Alien Darkness.

But, for him, Qin Lan was willing to cede Butterfly Soul Nether on his own initiative.A warm current flowed through the soul-cold heart.

Once Qin Lan loses Butterfly Soul Youming, will Qin Lan still be a Butterfly Soul Saint?

Hearing Qin Lan's words, Hunhan was moved and scolded: "Nonsense, Aunt Qin, do you think I'm just a child!"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Hun Han realized that there was a language problem.He is really a child at the moment!

Hunhan paused, and continued: "Aunt Qin, put away your Butterfly Soul Youming. If my strength needs to be based on your pain, then I would rather be an ordinary person!"

"Little master, I'm not in pain. Your strength is my happiness!" Qin Lan struggled, trying to pull out her hand to continue making seals. However, Hunhan's hand didn't know why it was so strong, and it was holding onto her tightly. Jade hands.

Qin Lan activated his fighting spirit, shook slightly, shaking Hunhan's hands, and began to continue forming seals.

"Aunt Qin, even if you set it free, I won't want your Butterfly Soul Youming. You know my character very well." Hunhan shouted softly.

"Little master?" Qin Lan looked at Hun Han with a blurred gaze.

"Put it away, Aunt Qin, even if I only have two kinds of foreign objects, I still have the confidence to become the strongest in this continent. Alright, I'm going to start practicing." Several jade bottles were taken out of the ring.

On the one hand, Qin Lan sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to terminate the seal and put away Butterfly Soul Netherworld.Looking at the jade bottle on the ground, he felt surprised, and said in surprise, "This is... Earth Core Body Tempering Milk?"

"Yes." Hun Han nodded, and the jade bottles in front of him contained the Earth Core Body Tempering Milk obtained in the forest in the outer courtyard of Canaan College.

Earth Core Body Tempering Milk is not only useful for tempering, but the energy contained in it can also increase one's fighting spirit.Whether he can break through to the realm of Dou Huang depends entirely on the Earth Core Body Tempering Milk in front of him.

Hun Han pulled off the bottle cap and drank the milky white liquid in the jade bottle in one gulp.Sitting cross-legged, he began to perform the exercises, absorbing the energy in the milky white liquid.

Time flows by in practice.After three days passed, Hun Han only had two bottles of Earth Core Body Tempering Milk left.His realm has been greatly improved.There were already spots of silver on his bones.Due to the fact that there was a gap in Dou Zhe's training history in body training, Hun Han couldn't accurately locate his own realm.However, Hunhan had a feeling in his heart that he could crack a lone peak with just one punch.

However, the realm of qi cultivation did not break through to the realm of Douhuang as imagined.

As for the two bottles of Earth Core Body Tempering Milk left behind, they were naturally prepared for Hun Han's apprentice Ya Fei and his nephew Nalan Yanran.

The little fairy doctor can advance to the next level by eating poison; Yaoye already has a bottle of earth-centered body-tempering milk; The medicine can grow up, and now the strength is comparable to that of a fighting king.Only Yafei and Nalan Yanran possessed the Earth Core Body Tempering Milk, so they could break through to the realm of fighting spirits and even fighting kings earlier.

"Release your breath and let me see what realm you have reached?" Qin Lan ordered.

"En." Hunhan obeyed, without reservation, and released all his fighting spirit.The dou qi surging out formed a seven or eight level wind in this underground cave.

"Well, that's right, I already have the realm of Seven Star Fighting King." Qin Lan flicked his fingers, and a jade bottle floated in front of Hunhan.

"What is this? Pill?" Hun Han opened the bottle cap, and there was a golden pill lying on the bottom of the bottle.

"Well, this is a sixth-grade elixir, the Pohuang Pill, but it was a treasure bestowed on me by the master before his death. A fighter who can make a nine-star Douwang peak break through to the Douhuang realm immediately." Qin Lan explained.

"It's something left by mother!" Hun Han was slightly taken aback, this was the first time he had come into contact with his mother's things.

"Well, with this Pohuang Pill, when you are at the peak of the Nine Star Douwang, you can immediately break through to the Douhuang realm!" Qin Lan's expression was still so rigid.

"En." Hunhan nodded, put the elixir into the ring, paused, and asked, "Aunt Qin, do you think my mother also has the burning formula?"

"Yes. Actually, Master is practicing Fenjue. According to Master, the reason why she came to this world is to find the strange fire." Qin Lan recalled.

"Then how many strange fires did my mother obtain in the end?" Hunhan asked curiously.

"Three types, namely the Yin-Yang Shuangyan ranked [-]st on the Alien Fire List, the Fengfury Longyan ranked [-]th, and the Jiuyou Jinzuhuo ranked [-]th." Qin Lan replied.

"Uh, mother only got three different fires!" Hunhan was stunned to himself, when it came to luck, he could only compete with Xiao Xuan, but couldn't compare with Xiao Yan who was blessed with luck.

In the story line, before Xiao Yan became Emperor Yan, he obtained five different fires.However, Hunhan needs nine different kinds of foreign objects in order to achieve great success.When it comes to the degree of difficulty, it's not just a little bit small!In this life, Hunhan doesn't know if he can gather all nine different kinds of foreign objects.

On the one hand, Qin Lan noticed Hunhan's expression, thoughtfully, and comforted him: "Little master, don't worry. The master said that foreign objects such as strange fire and strange water can be regarded as special products of this world. In our During the period of accompanying the owner to search for the strange fire, I can roughly know where there are foreign objects. Especially the strange thunder, after such a long time, it must have left the infancy!"

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