Hun Han waved his sleeves, his figure didn't flinch.The power of the black thunder and lightning is not as good as before, and it never made him take half a step back.


Immediately afterwards, Void Yulei spread his hands, and two black lightning bolts struck Hunhan's body like water jets.However, the pace of the latter still did not flinch in the slightest.

"You are too weak now. Don't worry, you will not bury your reputation if you follow me!" Hun Han continued to move forward with a smile.

Void Yanlei's pupils were full of fear, and it was so stubborn that it didn't want to accept its fate at all.Even if the attack had no effect, he still launched a crazy attack towards Hunhan.

Three steps, two steps, one step.Hun Han walked in front of Void Yanlei, took the opponent's jade hand, and placed it between his brows.A crazy suction force surged out from between Hunhan's brows.After about ten seconds, the girl in front of her turned into a black horse.This is the original source of thunder in the void.

"It's finally here!"

Hun Han grabbed the black horse in front of him, opened his mouth, and swallowed the black horse.A strange thunder entered his stomach, and the violent energy seemed to tear Hun Han's body apart.A tingling feeling spread all over Hunhan's body, making Hunhan's body stiff and trembling.

Hunhan quickly operated the Taishang Nine Yuan Jue, as long as he swallowed the void and thunder, his fighting spirit could be further evolved.

"one Year!"

Qin Lan looked in front of him, as if lifeless, motionless, like a dead old monk sitting quietly, muttering to himself.The soul cold in front of him is already devouring the void and thunder, and there will be no danger.

Once, Hunhan's mother said that there is the safest way to swallow foreign objects.That is to plant a mark in the foreign body, and rely on the supernatural power of the mark to refine the foreign body.

However, in order to do this, one needs to find that kind of unconscious foreign body that has just formed, or has not yet formed.Otherwise, once foreign objects have instincts, they cannot plant marks on their original objects.It's not easy to find foreign objects that meet the conditions!


A slightly deep breathing sound resounded in this silent void.

"Little master, congratulations on refining the nihilistic thunder!" Qin Lan cupped her fists and congratulated.

"Yeah." Hun Han nodded, flipped his hands empty, and a black thunderbolt floated in his air.The appearance of Lei Mang made the surrounding lightning energy become very restless.

With a thought, he absorbed the Void Thunder into his body.Stand up, stretch your arms, and move your muscles and bones.

Suddenly, the surrounding energy surged violently, forming a vortex centered on Hunhan.

Eight Star Fighting King

Nine Star Fighting King

one star fighting emperor

Two Star Fighting Emperor

Samsung Fighting Emperor

Four Star Fighting Emperor

five star fighting emperor

Six Star Fighting Emperor

Seven Star Fighting Emperor

Eight Star Fighting Emperor

The breath of soul cold is rising steadily.In just one or two minutes, the aura climbed from the eight-star fighting king to the eight-star fighting emperor.Finally, when breaking through the realm of the Nine Star Douhuang, it came to an abrupt end.

In just one or two minutes, I have obtained the results of twenty or thirty years of hard work by others.Even Qin Lan, who was in the semi-holy realm, looked at Hunhan with envy.Qin Lan remembered that when she first refined Butterfly Soul Netherworld, she only raised it from a two-star Douhuang to a six-star level.

Qin Lan can also understand that Hunhan has raised so much.Nihility Thunder is ranked second in the list of strange thunders.If it is allowed to enter the mature stage and then refined, the range of realm improvement will only be more terrifying.

"Aunt Qin, how long have I been practicing?" Hunhan asked.I haven't spoken for a year, and even my voice has become hoarse.

"One year." Qin Lan replied.

"One year? So ten years have passed by the outside world?" Hun Han frowned slightly.

"Yes." Qin Lan nodded, thinking of Hunhan's cultivation technique, she asked curiously, "Let Aunt Qin see how far your battle qi has evolved?"

Hunhan smiled slightly, and with a thought, blue-black grudges emerged from his body.The grudge is very strange, not to mention hot and cold, but also with a hint of thunder.It looks like the product of Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Nine Nether Wind and Ice, and Nothingness Thunder.

"Foreign body grudge!" Qin Lan said in surprise.

Hunhan's grudge is like the energy of a foreign body.Its purity surpasses all grudges.Let's put it this way, although Hun Han only has the cultivation level of the Nine-Star Douhuang now, even if he meets the Nine-Star Douhuang peak, he can kill him.Even if he meets a middle-level Douzong, he will have the power to fight against him.Once Hunhan breaks through to the Douzong, even the strong of the Nine Star Douzong will not dare to be an enemy.In other words, Hun Han was invincible at least at the same level.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Hunhan nodded, his Dou Qi combined the three attributes of water, thunder, and fire, and its quality was indeed no different from that of the Abnormal Fire Dou Qi.

According to the original story line, the three thousand flames made Xiao Yan's cultivation level increase from a four-star Douzong to a nine-star Douzong.If it wasn't for the fact that the Thunder of the Void hadn't yet entered the mature stage, the improvement in Hunhan's cultivation would only be more terrifying.However, Hunhan was already very satisfied to be able to promote from the seven-star fighting king to the nine-star fighting emperor and break through the big step of fighting emperor in one fell swoop.

Looking at this void, Hunhan exudes the power of the soul, wanting to sense the surroundings, except for the violent thunder energy in the surrounding space, it is impossible to sense what kind of mysteries are hidden in this space.

"Little master, what's the matter?" Qin Lan asked curiously.

"I'm curious, why is this place so strange?" Hun Han looked puzzled.This place can actually cause the surrounding void energy to gather here, which has to be said to be something worth thinking about.

"With your current cultivation, you can't discover the secrets here. When the master came here, he didn't find any clues. Perhaps, only by stepping into the legendary emperor realm can we solve all the mysteries!" Qin Lan's pupils also revealed strong curiosity.

However, the birth of all foreign objects in the world is by no means accidental.

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