The reason why Xiao Yan entered the Warcraft Mountains to practice was because he followed Yao Chen's suggestion.Now that Yao Chen has been sold to Han Feng by Hun Han, there is no doubt in Hun Han's mind whether this story line will appear again.

"Well, I have left their names." The little medical fairy touched the ring, flicked his jade finger, and took out a roster.Handed it to Hunhan, and said: "The Warcraft forest is full of dangers. Every time someone enters, people will be injured, or even disappear or die. So any mercenary hired by us to enter the Warcraft mountain range to collect medicine, I will be remembered." Write down their names. If someone disappears or dies, I will privately send a small pension to their family. I will record the names of every hired mercenary in this."

Hun Han took the roster and started to read it from the back.According to the latest record of entering the Warcraft Mountains, Wanyaozhai hired fifty mercenaries in total, all of whom were required to be higher than the two-star fighters.It's the same as in the storyline.

Among the list of fifty mercenaries, Hun Han frowned deeply because of a person's name.On the last position of the roster on this page, those two words were Xiao Yan!

Hun Han fell into deep thought, shaking his head slightly.It's not right.Yao Chen had already been sold to Han Feng by him, Xiao Yan followed Yao Chen's advice, and finally entered the Demonic Beast Mountain Range to practice.Now that Xiao Yan has lost his ring, why did he still come to the Warcraft Mountain Range?

"Hunhan, what's the matter?" The little fairy doctor had never seen such a heavy expression on Hunhan's face, and couldn't help asking with concern.

"It's okay, I saw a name that doesn't have a good relationship with me!" Hun Han closed the roster and returned it to the little doctor.

"Who is it?" the little fairy doctor asked.

"Xiao Yan." Hun Han replied, not intending to hide it from the little doctor.

"Xiao Yan?" The little doctor Xian Dai raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Why, you know him?" Hun Han was taken aback, maybe what should have happened also happened!

Now, Hun Han and Xiao Yixian are friends, and Hun Han doesn't want to become enemies with Xiao Yixian in the future.In the original story line, the little fairy doctor would go through fire and water for Xiao Yan, that bastard, and would do anything!

"I don't know. I entered the Warcraft Mountain Range a few days ago. At the beginning, a young man who was above a four-star fighter joined the team. He was already a four-star fighter when he was young, so I paid special attention to him. That young man seems to be called Xiao Yan." The little doctor replied truthfully.

"Is it just like that? Didn't some other episode happen?" Hun Han stared at the little fairy doctor, not letting go of any subtle actions of the latter.

"Another episode happened?" The little fairy doctor was lost in thought, looking at Hunhan's eyes.He also misunderstood Hunhan thinking that she was having an affair with Xiao Yan.His face was slightly red, and he quickly explained: "I didn't have any episodes with him, so don't think about it. The process of collecting the medicine went smoothly, and I came back after collecting the medicine. The reason why I have a little impression of him is only his. The talent is very extraordinary. Moreover, when we came back, he stayed alone in the Warcraft Mountains. He didn't even want the two hundred and fifty gold coins that he could get at the end. Do you think he is weird?"


Hunhan thought, and continued to ask: "Little Immortal Doctor, do you remember if he is wearing any rings?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing this, the little fairy doctor didn't think too much, as if he was afraid that Hunhan might misunderstand, he hurriedly replied: "I... I didn't fall in love with him, why did I pay so much attention to him?"

The matter is very important, Hun Han continued to ask: "Little Immortal Doctor, think about it again, is he wearing a ring on his finger? This is very important to me!"

Now that he has decided to help Emperor Hun clear the obstacles, Hunhan has to care about this biggest obstacle.In the past, Hun Han always thought that his cheap father Hun Tiandi didn't care about him, but now that he knew that the other party had good intentions.For some things, you can no longer just play around like before.

The little fairy doctor looked at Hun Han for a long time before realizing that she had misunderstood herself.Blushing in embarrassment, lost in thought, he replied: "Ring? There were a lot of people at that time. Apart from having some impression of his name, I didn't pay attention to whether he was wearing a ring or not."

Hunhan paused for a moment, then asked again: "Then is he carrying a handful of black monsters?"

If Xiao Yan is carrying the Xuan Heavy Ruler on his shoulders, then Xiao Yan will definitely regain Yao Lao's gold finger!

"No." The little fairy doctor shook his head and said.

"Are you sure?" Hun Han asked.

"I'm sure of this!" The little fairy doctor nodded.

Hearing this, Hunhan thought, could it be that he was thinking too much.However, without Yao Lao's protection, how could Xiao Yan enter the Warcraft Mountains to practice.With his cultivation as a four-star fighter, what is the difference between that and courting death!

Now it seems that the original story line has shifted.Although Xiao Yan came to practice in the Warcraft Mountains as scheduled, he only joined the herbal collection team of Wanyaozhai, and did not have any other interaction with the little doctor.

The treasure in the cave was obtained by him eleven years ago.The remnants of the Jinglian Demon Fire were on his body, the Seven-Colored Poison Sutra was given to the Little Immortal Doctor, and Ziyunyi was given to his nephew Nalan Yanran.None of these things are happening today.

However, at the thought of Xiao Yan entering the Warcraft Mountain Range, Hunhan felt uneasy in his heart.This unbeatable Xiaoqiang has been weakened so much, but he still has such a big heart, daring to enter the Warcraft Mountains to practice alone.

"Little Immortal Doctor, you just said that you just entered the Warcraft Mountain Range to collect medicine a few days ago?" Hun Han was silent for a while, then asked again.

"Yes." The little fairy doctor nodded, and at the same time asked suspiciously: "Hunhan, why do you care so much about him?"

"Because I have a lot of trouble with him. If he doesn't die, I won't live!" Hunhan said seriously.

Perhaps, the moment he became the thirteenth son of Emperor Huntian, the fate of hostility between him and Xiao Yan was already doomed.If Emperor Hun Tian wanted to unify the Dou Qi Continent, Xiao Yan's interests would definitely be violated.Hunhan didn't know if there was a saying about the protagonist's halo.Hunhan only knew that if Xiao Yan was allowed to grow up, his father Hun Tiandi might die, and the Hun clan might also be wiped out.Even he couldn't be alone.

Xiao Yan, that must be killed!

In the past, he mistakenly thought that his father Hun Tiandi was indifferent to him, but now that he knows everything about it, how can he ignore it again.

"So serious?" The little fairy doctor looked at Hunhan in surprise.

"Yeah." Soul Han nodded.

The little fairy doctor thought in his heart, he had already made up his mind.Since the other party is Hunhan's enemy, he will also be her little fairy doctor's enemy in the future.

"Little Immortal Doctor, I'm leaving!" Hun Han said resolutely.

"So urgent?" The little doctor stared at Hun Han in astonishment, who had just returned.

"Yeah." Soul Han nodded.

According to the development of the story line, Yun Yun, Hunhan's senior sister, will enter the Warcraft Mountains in the near future.Now Xiao Yan has also entered the Warcraft Mountain Range.For some things, Hunhan absolutely cannot let them happen.

Moreover, Hun Han can take this opportunity to remove once and for all the biggest obstacle to his father Hun Tiandi's domination of Dou Qi Continent.

"You bastard, you just got back and you're leaving. Where are you going this time?" The little fairy doctor asked with concern.

"Warcraft Mountain Range!" Hun Han replied.

"Okay, then I'll go with you!" The little fairy doctor smiled.

"You?" Hun Han looked at the little fairy doctor.

"Why, can't it? I just want to leave too. If Wanyaozhai doesn't have you, it doesn't make sense for me to stay for a few more days." The little fairy doctor said intriguingly.

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