"Okay, besides shaking hands, you want to do something else. How about this, you and I return to the snake-human race, and I will make you a prince. If you want to rule, I can also make you a king!" Medu Queen Sha said with a smile.

The queen's husband is called the prince if he is not in power; if he is in power, he is called the king.

Looking at Queen Medusa's expression, Hun Han couldn't speculate whether the other party was real or not.With a wave of his hand, he put the No. [-] puppet into the ring, and replied: "Forget it, I have been in the human race for a long time. I am not used to your snake-human race. Let's go, halfway up the mountain is the Tianshan Terrace, where There will be checkpoints set up by the Gold-eating Rat Clan. As long as we successfully pass through the checkpoints, we will be eligible to reach the Blood Pool of Tianshan Mountain on the Zenith."

Tianshan Xuetan is related to the task of signing in the location of Hunhan.What rewards will there be for the location sign-in task this time?

Halfway up Tianmu Mountain is an extremely wide platform.At the end of the platform, there is a stone ladder passage leading directly to the top of the mountain.In front of the stone stairs, the gold-eating rats with the heads of rats guarded them.

There was no one on the platform, and Hunhan and Queen Medusa were the first two people to get out of the maze.With the passage of time, one after another, young leaders stood out and boarded this platform.

Following a short old man, followed by two giant rats with dark golden hair, they came to this wide stone platform, and the selection of this year's Tianshan Blood Pool has just really started.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hello, everyone, old man Jinshi, the patriarch of the Gold-eating Rat Clan. Since you are able to come here, you must not be ordinary people. You should also be aware of the rules of our Tianmu Mountain. Only after passing the checkpoints we set up can you be able to Get the remaining eight places! As for who can get the final place, it depends on your respective abilities."

Jinshi's feeble voice rang out on the stone platform of Tianshan Mountain.

"Strong Fighter!" Queen Medusa seemed to be whispering to herself.

Hunhan smiled. Although the Jinshi patriarch in front of him looked weak, he was a genuine high-ranking Douzong strongman.The two gold-eating rats with human bodies and animal heads behind Patriarch Jinshi must have entered the Tianshan Blood Pool, and they had already reached the top of Dou Huang's bottle, and wanted to completely transform into human forms.

"Cough!" Jin Shi glanced lightly at the audience and coughed lightly.With a wave of the sleeve robe, the stone stairs leading to the top of the mountain surged.Dense golden gold-eating rats emerged from the ground around the stone ladder.

"The Gold-eating Rats are best at sonic attacks. Such a huge wave of rats will send out sonic waves. Even the strongest of the Douhuang will find it difficult to support them. Do you need me to help you?" Hun Han asked the beauty beside him. Queen Tussaud.

Sonic attacks were not uncommon in ancient times.With the changes of the times, because the relevant advanced skills have been lost, this kind of attack is very biased.

"No need, it's just a few more mice." Queen Medusa smiled contemptuously.

When Queen Medusa looked ahead, Patriarch Jinshi's eyes also stayed on Queen Medusa.A snake and a mouse, as natural enemies, both sides have natural instincts towards each other.The former smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth, while the latter frowned slightly.

Regarding Queen Medusa's colorful Sky Swallowing Python Clan, there are related records in the ancient books of the Soul Clan.In ancient times, the Colorful Sky Swallowing Python Clan ranked second only to Taixu Ancient Dragon and Ancient Monster Phoenix among monsters.The colorful sky-swallowing python is a snake, and the gold-eating rats are rats. In ancient times, the two races were natural enemies.The Seven-Colored Sky Swallowing Python often feeds on the Gold-eating Rats.In order to survive, the Gold-eating Rat Clan secretly collude with other powerful races that have snakes as their natural enemies and whose relationship with the Colorful Sky Swallowing Python is extremely deteriorating.A sudden attack launched a fierce attack on the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python.Although the Colorful Sky Swallowing Python is strong, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Under the attack of more than ten times that of Party B, the Seven Colors Swallowing Sky Python clan was wiped out.For that battle, although the gold-devouring rat clan and other monster races that had snakes as their natural enemies won the victory in the end, they each paid a heavy price.Many races soon disappeared from sight.After so many years of reproduction, the Gold-eating Rats regained their vitality.Although they won in the end, the Gold-eating Rat Clan has a deep-blooded fear of the Seven-Colored Heaven-swallowing Python.

Moreover, Hunhan also knew that there were several seven-colored rough stones in the treasure pavilion of the Hun clan.The original stone was discovered in the place where the original colorful swallowing python clan lived for generations.

"What's the matter, patriarch?" A gold-eating mouse tribe followed Jinshi's gaze, and his gaze also fell on Queen Medusa.Frowning deeply, he said, "Why does she give me a feeling of palpitation? Could it be that that woman is not human?"

During the growth process, every golden mouse has encountered natural enemies from the ground and the sky.Ever since stepping into the sixth-order realm comparable to Douhuang, the gold-eating mouse beside Jinshi has never felt this way.Today, the fear deep in his blood and soul surged into his heart again.

"Patriarch, I suggest that she be disqualified!" the gold-eating mouse beside Jinshi whispered.

"No. Regardless of whether she is human or not, we, the Gold-eating Rats, must not get involved in the other eight positions. Otherwise, we will be involved in another war just after we recover." Patriarch Jinshi denied.

"It's just the patriarch, so it's okay to give up the quota to humans. If I give up the quota to our natural enemies, I will be the first to refuse!" The gold-eating mouse beside Jinshi said.Let the natural enemy get the beauty of the blood pool in Tianshan, how can the gold-eating rats feel happy!

"Although we can't deprive her of her qualifications, we can take good care of her." Patriarch Jinshi whispered to the Gold Eater beside him for a while, and the Gold Eater beside him showed a sly smile and glanced sharply at Medusa The queen then turned around and left, swiped her claws to dig the soil, and got into the ground.

All these actions were captured by Queen Medusa.

Soon the gold-eating mouse went back, and the Jinshi patriarch said loudly: "The time is up, let's break through!"

As Jinshi's voice fell, the atmosphere on the Tianshan stone platform became tense.The countless gold-eating rats beside the stone ladder suddenly burst into a strange light.Staring at the entrance of the stone ladder one by one, the golden hair all over the body stood up like a hedgehog.

Although the breakthrough has already begun, none of the youths and teenagers in the arena are one step ahead, obviously wanting others to try the sonic array of the Gold Devouring Rat Clan first.

Jin Shi glanced at everyone in the field without urging him, and said indifferently: "You only have one hour. Those who have not reached the top of the mountain within one hour will be judged as failure."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly.Two figures came out from the crowd, cupped their fists respectfully at Jinshi and said, "Xuanyinzong, Liu Can, Su Chen."

Jin Shi nodded, Xuanyin Sect was also well-known around.The two young men in front of them are not low in cultivation, they have the cultivation bases of six-star Douhuang and seven-star Douhuang.Among all the fighters on the Tianshan stone platform, their cultivation base is considered to be on the upper end.

After saluting with Jinshi, the light green wind-attribute grudge burst out from the two of them, enveloping them as much as possible.


However, before the two of them flew ten meters away, the overwhelming sound waves penetrated everywhere, and the two of them froze, spewing out two mouthfuls of blood.In the eyes of everyone, he had to retreat.

"Failed. Next!" Jinshi shook his head.

Seeing the wind attribute fighters of the Seven Star Fighting Emperor, they were still defeated.The field fell into silence again, and the sound waves in front of him were extremely terrifying.

When no one dared to stand up, a boy in black stood up.The young man is not very old, he looks about thirteen or fourteen years old.

"Ancient Clan, Ancient Qingyang!"

The young Lang stood proudly, and did not salute the Jinshi Patriarch like Liu Can and Su Chen did before.In the eyes, there was a fleeting disregard for the last one.

"Gu Qingyang!" Hun Han was slightly taken aback, and also began to look at the other party.

"You know him?" Queen Medusa asked.

"I've heard about him." Hun Han responded.

Gu Qingyang is a talented young leader, and he is the strongest person in the Gu clan except Gu Xun'er.With his own efforts, he became the commander of the ancient black army.After the Five Emperors broke through the sky, they even became the patriarch of the ancient clan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"let's start!"

Seeing the douqi emerging from Gu Qingyang's body, Jin Shi waved his hand casually.


Gu Qingyang stepped on his feet, his back turned into wings, his body turned into a black rainbow, and shot towards the top of the mountain at a terrifying speed.Obviously, Gu Qingyang wanted to win with speed.

squeak squeak

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