Sound waves like a tsunami gathered together.At first glance, it looks like a transparent gold-eating rat with a body like a mountain.The attack power caused by the sound waves has already pulverized all the trees on Tianshan Mountain.Within a radius of ten miles, it has become a barren area.Ten miles away, the towering tree surrounded by several people was cut into several pieces by the fierce wind.

It is worth mentioning that this is a sonic attack.The focus of the attack is not the ground, but the sky.Otherwise, even the entire Tianshan Mountain would be destroyed instantly under such terrifying sound waves.

"Isn't this a bit too much?"

Someone couldn't help muttering to himself.Eyes staring nervously at the beautiful figure in the sky.They didn't forget that once relying on this type of sound wave array, the Gold-devouring Rat Clan killed a high-ranking Douhuang, hundreds of Douhuang powerhouses, and countless Douwang-level fighters.It's not a battle right now, it's just a routine test.Is it already over to use such a powerful sound wave array?

Patriarch Jinshi had a very faint smug look on his lips.The positions of the gold-eating rats that appeared afterward seem to have no rules, but they actually imply an ancient formation.With the increase of the formation, even he, the powerhouse of the Eight-Star Douzong, would be extremely difficult to deal with.On the other hand, Queen Medusa's aura is just a low-level fighting sect.Jinshi is confident that he can take this opportunity to let Queen Medusa rest here forever.

Sure enough, Queen Medusa in the sky spat out a mouthful of blood.Looking at the phantom of the gold-eating mouse that opened its huge mouth to devour it behind him, his complexion changed drastically, and he didn't dare to be careless at all.Drive his fighting spirit with all his strength, and rush towards the top of the mountain.

"Gold-eating rat!"

Three deep words sounded in Hunhan's heart.Hunhan's eyes were sharp, and his hands were clenched tightly.Sensing the gaze coming from behind, Patriarch Jinshi subconsciously turned his head and looked back.Seeing that Hunhan was only the cultivation base of the Nine Star Douhuang, he was ignored directly.Continue to watch the wonderful scene in the sky.

The Rat Tide sound wave amplified by the array has already exceeded the speed of sound.The speed was extremely fast, and it slammed into the colorful Changhong fiercely.

The colorful Changhong was hit and fell heavily on the top of Tianshan Mountain.The vibration resounded, and even the entire Tianshan Mountain trembled violently.

Silence, dead silence in the arena.

Countless eyes looked up at the top of Tianshan Mountain.The original top of Tianshan Mountain has already been knocked down by more than half.

"Is she dead?"

Not only the soul is cold, but even the other fighters who failed to break through the barrier halfway up the mountain held their breaths one by one, their minds temporarily being affected by Queen Medusa.

One second

three seconds

ten seconds

After thirty seconds passed, there was a bang.From the depths of a rock pile on the top of Tianshan Mountain, stones splashed out.A woman with a delicate and slender body, wearing a colorful dress that outlines astonishing curves, extremely enchanting.With a cold and proud smile on the corner of his mouth, he stood on the top of Tianshan Mountain.

"Yeah, she's alive!"

Even if it's none of your business.The wonderful scene just now feasted the eyes of these fighters who failed to pass the level.Seeing Queen Medusa successfully break through the barrier, I cheered for her excitedly.

Queen Medusa wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and stared at Patriarch Jinshi on the stone platform halfway up the mountain with an incomparably sharp smile in her eyes overlooking all living beings.

Patriarch Jinshi was slightly taken aback.The sound wave array that was enough to kill high-ranking Dou Zong just now failed to kill him.Frowning deeply, he secretly said: This is not normal.Even if the main body is the seven-colored sky-swallowing python, it will definitely not be spared with the cultivation base of the low-level Douzong.

In fact, how did Patriarch Jinshi know.Ever since Queen Medusa successfully evolved with the help of Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, the Seven-Colored Heaven-Swallowing Python ate the blood essence of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.Although the current Queen Medusa is only a low-level Dou Zong, her own power has been strengthened to a rather terrifying level.Otherwise, with the power of the sound wave array just now, it is enough to kill it.

Looking at each other across the air, Patriarch Jinshi completely ignored the chill in Queen Medusa's eyes.This is the Tianmu Mountains, the territory of the Gold Devouring Rat Clan.Indifferently said: "Next!"

Hunhan calmed down his inner mood, and walked to the entrance calmly, without even looking at Patriarch Jinshi.Said lightly: "Soul cold!"


Patriarch Jinshi coughed lightly, and didn't pay much attention to Hunhan's name.The gold-eating rats that were originally added because of Queen Medusa dug the soil and burrowed into the ground one by one.With a wave of his hand, the Gold Eater next to the stone ladder moved slightly.In this way, Patriarch Jinshi said lightly: "Let's begin!"

With a thought in Hunhan's mind, the fighting spirit was driven to cover his whole body.He did not rush towards the top of the mountain as quickly as Gu Qingyang, Huo Zhi and the others did. He took a step forward, stepped on the stone ladder, and slowly climbed up the mountain step by step.

"Three-color grudge!"

Patriarch Jinshi, as well as the young leader who successfully passed the barrier on the top of Tianshan Mountain, looked at the fighting spirit on Hunhan's body in astonishment.Hunhan's grudge is different from others.Others have a single color of fighting qi, while Hunhan's fighting qi has three colors of silver, blue and red.


When Hunhan was halfway up the climb, the gold-eating rats beside the stone ladder let out a sharp cry in unison.The voice was like a wave, and it slapped fiercely towards Hunhan.

"Hey, he only has the realm of the Nine-Star Douhuang, how come the difficulty of breaking through the level has become more difficult?" Geng Shuang from Ice River Valley blurted out without any scruples.

As for Gu Qingyang, he frowned slightly and aimed at Patriarch Jinshi.When these Nine Star Fighting Emperor powerhouses broke through the barrier before, the sound waves were just like ripples on the surface of a lake, but the sound waves in front of them were already like ocean waves, and the power contained in the sound waves was incomparable.Obviously, this is the wanton suppression of Patriarch Jinshi.

Gu Qingyang, as the proud son of the ancient clan second only to Gu Xun'er, apart from his great abilities, in his spare time, he loves the history of Dou Qi Continent.He glanced at the stunning woman beside him.Knowing that Patriarch Jinshi suppresses Hunhan, it must be because of this non-human character woman beside him.

The torrent of sound waves penetrated everywhere, frantically trying to break through the fighting energy around Hunhan's body.The three-color Dou Qi is comparable to the Heavenly Fire Dou Qi of Emperor Tuoshe.Even if Hunhan is only at the level of the nine-star Douhuang, his real combat power has already surpassed the level of the Douhuang.

"What a mighty fighting spirit." Patriarch Jinshi looked astonished, and thought in his heart, is Hunhan not human like Queen Medusa?

As the patriarch of the Gold Devouring Rat Clan, Jin Shi is very clear about it.Don't look at the number of gold-eating rats around the stone ladder and Gu Qingyang and others did not change when they broke through the level.Those minor changes before have increased the power of the sound wave array by a full [-]%.Even if he couldn't kill the low-level Dou Zong, he could still seriously injure him.But, right now, he couldn't break through Hunhan's battle qi shield.In other words, the fighting strength of the young man in front of him surpassed that of the low-level Dou Zong.

"Look, why isn't he leaving?"

When everyone was shocked by everything in front of them, Hunhan stopped suddenly.

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-One

Hunhan stopped on the stone ladder.Turning around slowly, he looked down at Patriarch Jinshi at the entrance halfway up the mountain.


At this time, the energy tide in the sky gathered to a very high level.In the mist that descended from the sky, there were some faint thunderclaps.

Patriarch Jinshi frowned, staring at Hunhan.If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and he has a very bad feeling in his heart.

There was a mocking and cold arc on the corner of Hunhan's mouth, his eyes were sharp, and with a flip of his hands, a black horse was suspended in his palm.Since the appearance of this black thunder, the energy in the surrounding space has become very violent, and even the thunder in the sky has become more frequent and louder.

"Different thunder?"

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