"I picked up something on the road just now. I think it matches you very well. Try it and see if you can absorb it!" Hunhan said with a smile.In order to avoid troublesome explanations, I simply said that I picked it up.

"Yes." Queen Medusa nodded.Not being polite to Hunhan, he sat down cross-legged.

With Queen Medusa's meditation, there are three red marks on her eyebrows.The imprint is like three petals, which seems to add a kind of immortality to Queen Medusa in front of her.

"Hunhan, there is actually a fighting skill hidden in it!" Queen Medusa was very pleasantly surprised, she wanted to kiss Hunhan.Among the things just now, there is actually a powerful fighting skill that can petrify opponents just by relying on their eyes.

"Congratulations." Hun Han congratulated.

"Thank you, Hunhan." Queen Medusa thanked.The spirit bone not only allowed her to obtain a fighting skill, but she could also feel that she had undergone a certain transformation.After a pause, he asked with a smile, "Why are you so nice to me? Tell me honestly, are you plotting something?"

"Am I nice to you? You think too much. I have always been so nice to the people around me. Don't forget, the Tuntian Python is still my magic pet!" Hunhan smiled, noticing the latter's With eyes that wanted to eat people, he quickly changed the subject and said, "Let's go, go and see what's inside!"

"Are you going in too?" Queen Medusa asked in astonishment.

"En." Hunhan nodded, he also wanted to see what was calling Queen Medusa.

As the body leaned forward, the bottom of the Tianshan pool was dyed red by volcanic ash, and it was automatically pushed away to the sides, and the two stepped into the depths of the pool.When the two entered it, the wriggling volcanic ash submerged their bodies.

Step into the ash and the world around you changes.For the first ten minutes, it was mixed with red volcanic ash.As the road goes deeper, the color of the volcanic ash becomes lighter and lighter.After about a few minutes, the color of the volcanic ash had changed to its normal color.Immediately afterwards, they advanced a distance of more than [-] meters, and a lava world appeared in front of the two of them.

Entering the magma world beneath the volcanic ash, Queen Medusa felt even stronger in her heart.Even if she doesn't close her eyes, she can sense the call from her heart.The jade finger pointed in one direction and said happily, "There!"

Under the guidance of Queen Medusa, the two passed through the [-]-meter magma, and the milky white halo was faintly visible.After a while, the two of them had already arrived in front of Halo.

"Spatial lock?" Hunhan was slightly taken aback.The previous milky white halo was emitted by the space lock.In this magma world, there is actually the same space lock as the world at the bottom of the magma in the inner courtyard.The palm of the hand touched the space barrier, and a feeling of oppression spread into the heart.He said in astonishment: "This is not a space lock. This is a beast spirit cover!"

"Beast Spirit Mask?" Queen Medusa looked puzzled.

"Yes. Some monsters that were extremely powerful in life can condense this kind of beast spirit cover when they are dying!" The Xiao family explained.

"You mean to say that there is a powerful sky-swallowing python that fell here?" Queen Medusa touched the beast spirit cover and could feel the breath of the sky-swallowing python.

"Yes." Soul Han nodded.

"Then how do we get in?" Queen Medusa asked emotionally.

"It's simple, you just need to smear your blood on it! As for the beast spirit mask, unless you have overwhelming strength, only the same blood can open it." Hunhan replied.


Medusa bit her slender jade finger, and lightly tapped the bloody fingertip on the beast spirit cover, and then drew a white mark.At the trace, it began to fluctuate rapidly.Immediately afterwards, the milky white mask fluctuated, and a white crack slowly tore open.


Hunhan took Queen Medusa's hand and stepped inside.As the two people stepped into it, the milky white mask fluctuated, and the cracks quickly disappeared.Only a little bit of magma seeps in.

The moment they stepped into the beast spirit hood, Hun Han and Queen Medusa's eyes blurred.A lush forest appeared in front of the two of them.It is hard to imagine that there is still a forest in the magma world under the blood pool of Tianshan Mountain.

The area of ​​the forest is not large, about a thousand acres.The ground under the feet is not thick, and it is full of sandy soil with red, white and purple as the main tone.In the central area of ​​this forest, there is a barren area.The area is slightly raised, and it looks like the ruins of an altar.On the altar, nine-colored rays of light bloomed, illuminating the entire area.An indistinct majesty pervaded from the altar.This made Hunhan's Dou Qi flow slower.

Queen Medusa pointed her toes and flew towards the altar without being affected by that coercion.Seeing this, Hunhan followed closely.On the high platform that looks like an altar, there is a small white stone.The center of the stone platform is slightly sunken, and a small sapling grows there.The sapling is only as thick as chopsticks, entrenched like a giant python.On the top of the small tree hangs a white fruit.

The saplings are strange, and the fruits are also quite strange.There is actually a pattern of a nine-colored sky-swallowing python on it.

"What is this?" Hunhan asked suspiciously.

"Nine-color original fruit." Queen Medusa replied.Queen Medusa didn't look at Hunhan, her eyes were fixed on the white fruit.She can be sure that it is the fruit in front of her that is calling her.

"Nine-color original fruit?" Hunhan showed doubts.

"Yes. This kind of fruit needs to absorb the vitality and blood essence of the nine-colored sky-swallowing python, so that it can be born with a very small chance. Moreover, its birth requires a very harsh condition. It must be the nine-colored sky-swallowing python Self-sacrifice, self-sacrifice, may be born just now." Queen Medusa and the Heaven-swallowing Python have merged part of their consciousness.Know some inherited memories that belong to top-level monsters.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hun Han and Queen Medusa looked down at the surroundings.Only then did I realize that the surrounding red and white sandy soil vaguely outlines the skeleton of an extremely large nine-colored sky-swallowing python.A nine-colored sky-swallowing python fell here in ancient times.

"Take it away quickly. This thing is of great use to you!" Hunhan looked at Queen Medusa with a smile.In this blood pool in Tianshan Mountain, such an opportunity is actually hidden.

"En." Queen Medusa was very excited, she bit her jade finger, smeared blood all over her hands, and began to touch the nine-color original fruit carefully.

As soon as the nine-color original fruit touched the jade hand of Queen Medusa, a dazzling light burst out.The nine-color original fruit turned into a nine-color liquid and quietly invaded the body of Queen Medusa.On the latter's palm, there was a pattern of a nine-colored sky-swallowing python.

After getting the item, Hunhan and Queen Medusa looked around, confirmed that there were no other treasures here, and then flew out of the beast spirit hood.Through magma and volcanic ash, came to the blood pool of Tianshan Mountain.

"I'm very sorry for wasting so much of your precious time." Queen Medusa whispered softly for the first time.

"It's okay, the remaining energy in the Tianshan Blood Pool can still allow me to break through to the realm of Dou Zong." Hunhan smiled, and then sat cross-legged at the bottom of the Tianshan Blood Pool.

As Hunhan sat cross-legged, Qinglian's heart fire blocked the gains in the red liquid.In just a few seconds, Hunhan had already entered the state of cultivation.A ferocious suction surged out of his body.

With the surge of suction, this quiet area of ​​red liquid suddenly became agitated.Vigorous and shockingly viscous blood-colored energy, like streaks of red horses, continuously drilled into Hunhan's body.

"Cultivation techniques above the ground level?"

Queen Medusa on the side was slightly startled.Judging from the energy fluctuations around him, Hunhan's cultivation skills have at least reached the intermediate level of the earth.Earth-level middle-level exercises are very rare in the Northwest Continent.Queen Medusa was relieved to think that Hunhan was a freak.

Queen Medusa stretched out her jade hand, and the energy in the red blood flowed slowly through her palm like a ribbon.Secretly said: Such a powerful energy, could it be possible for a Dou Zhe at the peak of Dou Huang to break through to the realm of Dou Zong?

Thinking that these energies have a miraculous effect on the powerhouse of the Douzong, especially the powerhouse of the Douzong whose body is a monster.Queen Medusa felt a ripple in her heart.Drive the battle energy, stay away from Hunhan for [-] to [-] meters, start to sit cross-legged, and enter the cultivation state.

When Queen Medusa entered the state of cultivation, her entire delicate body trembled violently.The blue-colored Qinglian Earth Heart Fire isolated the fire poison in the liquid, and the influx of energy crazily poured into her meridians, bones, muscles, and even cells.The energy inhaled is extremely strange, and it can always put her body in a mysterious and vigorous state.When she breaks through, the strength of her will be raised to a new level.

At the bottom of the dark red pool of blood, there was silence.The Gold-eating Rat Clan outside the blood pool held a meeting around Hun Han and Queen Medusa.

"Jin Li, are you ready?" Patriarch Jin Shi asked while sitting right in front.

"Don't worry, Patriarch. I have followed your instructions and poured the poisonous rat poison into the bottom of the Tianshan Blood Pool. As long as they continue to absorb the energy from the bottom of the Tianshan Lake, it won't be long before they will be mixed with the blood in the red liquid." The vicious mouse poison was inhaled into the body, and finally died!" The person closest to Patriarch Jinshi smiled sinisterly.

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