
Hun Chen drank lightly, and the earth-yellow fighting spirit surged out of his body.A small part enveloped him, and most of it was poured into the black hammer in his hand.The energy brought up around him not only caused ripples on the ground under his feet, but also in the sky.At first glance, it looks like the sky is shaking.

"No, this is his stunt to become famous." Old Ghost Zhaixing frowned deeply. If Hunhan died under his nose, how would he explain to Emperor Huntian!

As soon as the star picking old ghost moved, he was stopped by a figure.

"Qin Tian?" the old ghost Zhaixing called out in a low voice.

"They are dueling. According to the rules, no matter who you are, you are not allowed to intervene." Qin Tianzun reminded in a flat tone without changing his face.

There is a rule in the Soul Clan and Soul Palace, if there is an unresolvable conflict, the two sides can duel.Once a duel, mutual consent, death or injury without complaint.No one is allowed to settle accounts in the future, not even Emperor Huntian.This is also an important reason why Hunchen dared to accept the duel of Hunhan.

Hun Chen has already found out that the patriarch of the Hun clan, Hun Tiandi, doesn't like the child in front of him.And the soul wind he bet on is very likely to become the young patriarch of the soul clan.As early as eleven years ago, the moment Hunhan was appointed as the deputy head of the Human Palace, Hunfeng's mother had already sent a secret letter, asking him to find a way to get rid of Hunhan.

Hunchen never dreamed that Hunhan in front of him would take the initiative to fight him and give him a big credit for nothing.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The dou qi surged out of Hun Chen's body, forming a powerful coercion, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, hitting Hun Han's.On the one hand, Queen Medusa has secretly driven her fighting spirit. If the battle endangers Hunhan's life, she has made up her mind to save this human being who has helped him many times.


Hunhan clenched his hands tightly, and let out a low voice.The qi and blood in his body surged, forming a qi gang of several inches, isolating the coercion that enveloped the soul dust.

Today's Hunhan has not yet obtained the clan pattern.Unable to use the god-grade blood of the soul clan to exert blood coercion on the soul dust in front of him.

"Hey, what kind of fighting skill are you doing?" Hun Chen was slightly taken aback. With his limited knowledge, he subconsciously thought that the phenomenon formed by soul-cold body cultivation in front of him was a fighting skill.

"Lonely and ignorant." Hun Han mocked.

"Huh. Arrogant! Even if you know a certain advanced fighting skills, so what. In the face of absolute strength, you will become vulnerable. In the next life, reincarnate, keep your eyes open!" Hunchen looked at Hunhan's His eyes were extremely disdainful, and the black hammer in his hand had already burst into bright yellow light.

From Hunchen's point of view, from the aura exuded by Hunhan in front of him, it can be judged that Hunhan is still not his opponent.

Earth-level Advanced Fighting Skill Sumeru Hammer

Eight Doors Dunjia·First Door·Open Door·Open

A gleam of light flashed in Hun Han's eyes, and the qi gang around him suddenly swelled by several inches.


The black hammer turned into half the size of a mountain in Hunchen's hands.With a terrifying momentum, it slammed down on the top of Hunhan's head.The fighting power of a strong man in the realm of the Nine Star Dou Zong is indeed not comparable to that of a low level Dou Zong.The energy leaked from the attack actually formed a space lock, restraining Hunhan from all around, as if casting a body-holding technique on Hunhan.

Originally, the space lock is a supernatural power that can only be mastered by the strong in the Dou Zun realm.Some Nine-Star Fighting Sect powerhouses with outstanding talents can also perform this type of space lock in advance.

The black hammer fell completely against Hunhan's body.When it hit the ground, the whole valley trembled several times.A huge pit with a radius of [-] meters was smashed out by Soul Dust with a hammer.


The shock wave generated by the attack still sent Hun Han's body flying.Shaking his soul cold, his Qi and blood churned, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Hahaha, you will definitely lose today. With a one-star Douzong cultivation base, you can dodge my blow, which is enough to be proud of. It's just that you have the chance to take my second blow!" Hun Chen's eyes flashed Surprised and shocked, Hun Han, with his one-star Douzong cultivation base, was able to pass a round under the hands of his nine-star Douzong powerhouse.Compared with shock and surprise, Hunchen's eyes were more sinister.Today, he will definitely take Hunhan's life.

Compared to before, Hunhan looked a little tired, except for the bleeding from the corner of his mouth.Hun Chen thought, this must be the aftereffect of performing that mysterious fighting technique.As the deputy hall master of the Hall of Soul and Human Hall, Hun Chen understands that some powerful secret skills will have some sequelae.Seeing this, Hun Chen was overjoyed.

Eight Doors Dunjia·Second Door·Xu Door·Open

However, Hun Chen's eyes froze for a second.Originally using the secret fighting technique, Hunhan dispelled the fatigue caused by the speed of energy consumption.Hun Han looked full of vitality.

Hun Chen frowned, and said to himself: Hey, this kid is very weird.It can't be delayed any longer!

Earth-level Advanced Fighting Skill Sumeru Hammer

Hun Chen came up and blasted towards Hun Han again, this time he didn't hold anything back.All the grudges in his body surged out.Wanting to kill with one blow, he took advantage of the opportunity of a duel to kill Hunhan.

Eight Doors Dunjia·Third Door·Shengmen·Open

The raging grudge, like a surging tsunami, squeezed fiercely towards Hunhan.The space lock belonging to Dou Zun greatly restricted Hun Han's actions.However, the cold soul in front of him began to congest and turn red, and even the qi gang outside his body began to be filled with green energy.

The aura formed by Hunhan collided violently with the space lock of Hunchen.The momentum of the aura actually began to rise this time, and faintly refused to give in to Hunchen's space lock.

Hunchen, who was stunned, had already slammed down the Sumeru Hammer in his hand.It's just that this time is different. When the Sumeru Hammer fell, Hunhan's body had already been pushed away tens of meters.Did not be able to fulfill the earthquake typhus.

"What kind of secret fighting skill is this?" Hunchen frowned deeply. In other words, Hunhan in front of him was already able to compete with his nine-star Douzong with his one-star Douzong cultivation.

"Eight Door Dunjia!" Hun Han replied.

"Eight Gates Dunjia?" Hun Chen frowned even more. As the Deputy Hall Master of the Other Hall, he had never heard of this secret technique.

The first door of the Eight Doors of Dunjia can remove the restrictions of the brain domain, in order to achieve the purpose of exerting 100% of the physical ability, and overload the body to increase the attack and speed.

The second door of the eight-door Dunjia can release the restriction of physical fatigue, overload the body's energy to restore physical strength, and offset the fatigue caused by the energy consumption speed of opening the door.

The third door of the eight-door Dunjia can further increase the attack and speed, the body begins to congest and turn red, and the body begins to emit green energy.This is the last safe zone among the eight Dunjia and eight gates.After use, there is no need to worry about physical damage.

The soul cold just now was able to resist the restraint of the space lock of the soul dust, and the speed was further improved, because the third door of the eight-door dunjia was opened.His movement speed has reached a terrifying level no less than that of ordinary Dou Zun Dou Zhe.

"It seems that you are really cold!"

There was a trace of fear in Hun Chen's eyes, and then he continued: "As the deputy hall master of the Human Hall of the Soul Hall, I have to take my position and seek a job. In order to prevent some liars from sneaking into our Human Hall, I have to test you. Hun Han, you and I won't decide the outcome of this duel, so let's stop here. I admit your identity as the Vice-Hall Master of the Human Hall."

It seems that there is nothing wrong with Hun Chen's words.Of course, if he could defeat the opponent, Hun Chen would never say that.The duel has only been going on for a short while now, and the combat power displayed by Hun Han is already comparable to him.Hun Chen wasn't sure if Hun Han had any other cards in his hole.To be on the safe side, Hun Chen said these high-sounding words in time.

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