"Congratulations, you have received a new sign-in task. Please sign-in in the main hall of the Starfall Pavilion. The time limit is one year!"

Inside the giant black hall, there is a huge square.Around the square, there are black stone pillars as high as hundreds of feet, standing in the sky.The stone pillars are covered with countless strange runes, and a series of jet-black chains extend from the stone pillars, criss-crossing and outlining the mid-air of this square.At the end of these black chains, there are faint light clusters floating one by one.

"That's the body of the soul?" Queen Medusa was slightly taken aback, looking dumbly at each of the balls of light.Among the light clusters, there are illusory bodies of souls, and they all have pained expressions.

"Yes." Soul Han nodded.

In this black hall, there are quite a few soul bodies like this.I wandered around a few halls at random, and all the souls were bound by black chains.

Dead silence and weirdness enveloped the square.Eerie and death are the keynotes here.Looking around, it gives people the illusion of being in the Nine Nether Hell.

"Do you feel that our Human Palace is cruel?" Hun Han asked suddenly.

Queen Medusa's body was stiff, and she glanced at Hunhan.He pondered for a moment, but nodded anyway.Queen Medusa asked herself fierce enough.However, compared with the human palace in front of her, she felt ashamed in her heart.Queen Medusa is very vicious, once a snake tail blasted the body of a strong human fighting spirit to pieces of meat.But the human palace in front of him didn't even spare the souls of the people after death.

"This continent has actually been sick for a long time. Bloodshed and sacrifices are happening on the continent every moment. Because of the duels of some powerful fighters, their personal grievances, not to mention those weak fighters, even Those ordinary people who are only at the stage of fighting spirit will be affected by it. What's more, they abuse and oppress those ordinary people completely for their own selfish desires. The purpose of our soul clan and soul palace is to unify the mainland. In this process, in order to have overwhelming strength, I had to take these actions." Hun Han confided.He didn't know if this was his father Hun Tiandi's dream, at least it was his Hunhan's dream.

Now that Hunhan has decided to help Heavenly Emperor Hun to unify the mainland, Hunhan also wants to build a happy and peaceful world by the way.Like the country he lived in in the previous life, it is a country that he likes.

"It's just that these methods are too extreme?" Queen Medusa questioned.

Queen Medusa can understand if she wants to unify Dou Qi Continent and do some cruel things.It's just that these light clusters are all the souls of people after death.

"If the civilization is not civilized enough, let the barbarism be enough. Deal with the rascals with rascals, and return rascals with rascals!" Hunhan said forcefully.

"Let the savage be savage enough, deal with the rogue with a rogue, and return a rogue with a rogue!" Queen Medusa murmured.I deeply agree with this.For a long time, her prestige has frightened the big and small empires around Tagore, isn't that what she did!There is indeed no civilization left in this world.

Queen Medusa looked around again, and the things imprinted in her pupils suddenly became very pleasing to the eye.

"Deputy Hall Master, this is all the horses that our Human Hall can gather at this time. There are still many people in our Human Hall performing tasks outside. If the Deputy Hall Master is not in a hurry, we can also ask for help from other Human Halls , and even ask Tiangang Hall and Disha Hall to send powerful opponents to support us." Mu Gu said respectfully beside Hun Han.

In terms of status, Hunhan is the thirteenth son of the Huntian Emperor, and the deputy master of the Human Hall here; in terms of strength, Hunhan's combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the old man Mu Gu.In terms of emotion and reason, it is worthy of the old man Mu Gu's respect for Hun Han.

The so-called missions that the old man Mugu said was just going out to hunt souls.

"No need, this matter can't be postponed, so you don't have to bother the other Human Halls, as well as the Tiangang Hall and the Disha Hall." Hun Han rejected the proposal of the old man Mu Gu.

The Soul Palace is said to be an external subsidiary force of the Soul Clan, but it is actually controlled by the Soul Wind Mother.Due to the competitive relationship between Hunhan and Hunfeng, the fewer people involved in the extermination of the flames, the smoother the whole operation will be.

"Senior Mu Gu, leave the last fifty people to me. Leave some other people here to guard. As for the others, you take them all into a secret place!" Hunhan ordered.

"Where is it?" Mu Gu asked the old man.Being polite to Hunhan, and calling him a senior, his favorability towards Hunhan has risen to a higher level.

Hun Han moved closer to Old Man Mu Gu, and whispered softly, "Xingyun Pavilion!"

"Vice Hall Master, you don't mean to..." Old Mu Gu looked at Hunhan in surprise, Hunhan was going to attack Xingyu Pavilion!

"Yes, four months at most. I will meet you there." Hunhan nodded.

"Deputy Palace Master, you still don't go with me. You only bring those people, isn't it too little?" Old Mu Gu glanced at the people Hunhan had appointed, and they were all fighting kings. By.

"A lot. In fact, I think it's too much." Hunhan said lightly.

"Deputy Palace Master, should this matter be discussed in the long run?" Mu Gu old man still asked worriedly.

"No need. If something happens, I will bear it alone." Hun Han smiled.Even if something happened, with his cheap father, who would dare to let him really bear it!After a pause, he said again: "When passing the Tianmu Mountains, we should destroy the Gold-eating Rats by the way. Even if we can't destroy them, we must teach them a severe lesson. Remember, we must drive them out of Tianmu Mountain pulse!"

The gold-eating rats dared to come to Yin, and poisoned Hunhan and Queen Medusa in the blood pool of Tianshan Mountain. If this revenge was not avenged, Hunhan would not be able to swallow this breath.

"Obey!" Mu Gu respectfully said.

The Gold-eating Rat Clan is the ninth-ranked race on the World of Warcraft list, and there are not many masters in the clan.There are only three or four Dou Zun's powerhouses, which is not a worry for Rendian.

Suddenly, a ripple appeared in the space around Hun Han.A person wearing tight black night clothes stepped out from the void.

"Sage Butterfly Soul!" Old Mu Gu looked at the visitor in astonishment.The person who came was none other than Hun Han's mother's maid—Qin Lan.

"Aunt Qin, how are things going?" Hun Han asked.

"Little master, I have gone to the dean of the outer courtyard of Canaan College - Hu Gan, and the mentor Ruolin you mentioned. There is no such person as Xiao Yan in the student roster of Canaan College." Qin Lan replied.

Hearing this, Hunhan frowned slightly.Maybe, because the news of the Falling Heart Flame in the inner courtyard had been captured, Xiao Yan didn't enter Jia Nan Academy like in the timeline?

However, Xiao Yan did not enter Jia Nan Academy, so where did he go?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

soul, soul

"Patriarch, old man Mugu has sent a letter saying that Mr. Hunhan has taken up his post in the Human Hall of the Undead Mountain Range." A man in black knelt down on one knee to the man in white who was sitting on a desk reading a book, reporting extremely respectfully.

"En." Emperor Huntian kept his eyes on the book and replied indifferently.

"Patriarch, Elder Mu Gu sent a separate letter saying that on the first day Mr. Hun Han took office, he had a duel with Hun Chen, the vice-master of the Human Hall of the Undead Mountain Range, and beheaded him!" the man in black continued.

"En." Hun Tiandi still responded indifferently.As if it was just an ant that died.

"In addition, on the first day of taking office, Mr. Hunhan gathered all the people in the Human Hall of the Undead Mountain Range, and wanted to take action against the Starfall Pavilion." The man in black continued to report.

"Where is he now?" Emperor Huntian finally asked aloud.

"Mr. Hunhan left the Undead Mountain Range and headed for the Northwest Continent with fifty Douwang fighters. Looking at the direction, it seems to be the direction of the Black Horn Region." The man in black said.

"Black-horned domain?" Emperor Huntian paused.I don't understand what Hunhan is doing back in the Black Horn Region!

"Yes. In addition, the old man Mu Gu came to report, whether to stop the attack on the Xingyun Pavilion? The old man Mu Gu also hopes that the patriarch can help!" The man in black continued.

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