"Leaving Xiao's house?"

The confidant in the room was slightly startled, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Okay, patriarch, I will leave the Xiao family with you and go to Stone Desert City."

"I would too."

"And I!"

Xiao Zhan's proposal was unanimously approved by the fighters in the room.

"it is good!"

Xiao Zhan has been running around in the past month, and the three elders have completely treated him like a horse.For leaving the Xiao family, Xiao Zhan has long had this intention.At the same time, Xiao Zhan already understood very well that he would never be able to return to the position of head of the Xiao family in this life.

"Xiao Zhan, come out for me!"

Just as Xiao Zhan was plotting with the Xiao family's children, a scolding voice sounded outside.Xiao Zhan walked out of the room, completely stunned.Around the Xiao family's mansion, there are fifty strong men with fighting spirit and wings, they are suspended in mid-air.In the sky above the Xiao family hall, a figure floated there.Two words with an extremely fearful sound came out of Xiao Zhan's mouth: "Hunhan?"

"Soul cold?"

Alarmed by Hunhan's voice, the three elders of the Xiao family rushed from all parts of the Xiao family's mansion to the courtyard of the Xiao family hall immediately.

"Brother Hunhan, I don't know what is the reason for your visit this time? If we can help, we will definitely do our best." The elder of the Xiao family bowed his waist and pinched Mei, showing kindness smiley face.

As for the second and third elders of the Xiao family, their eyes were full of shock.After a lapse of eleven years, Hun Han was able to step into the void and become a super strong man in the Dou Zong realm.

"Bring me Xiao Zhan." Hunhan said lightly.

"Okay." The elder of the Xiao family didn't dare to slack off, and whispered to the people around him.Then, boldly, he asked, "Brother Hunhan, can you tell me if Xiao Zhan offended you in any way?"

The soul is cold and silent.Seeing this, the elder of the Xiao family didn't dare to ask further questions.With the strength of the Dou Zong powerhouse, he can easily destroy his Xiao family.Moreover, with the national strength of the Gamma Empire, they would not dare to question Hunhan afterwards for their Xiao family.

Every now and then, Xiao Zhan came to the door of Xiao's hall.

"Brother Hunhan, what do you want this time?" Xiao Zhan looked at Hunhan suspiciously.Hunhan snatched the token of the patriarch of the Xiao family - the fragment of Tuoshe ancient jade, and then snatched the relic left to him by Xiao Yan's mother - the ring.Xiao Zhan really couldn't imagine that there was anything else in him that could make Hunhan in front of him think about it.

"Your life." Hun Han replied.

"My life?" Xiao Zhan frowned, suddenly having a bad feeling in his heart.This time the soul chill gave him a different feeling.

"Yes. If you can tell me the whereabouts of your son Xiao Yan, I can take your life." Hun Han replied.He stared at Xiao Zhan.


Xiao Zhan heard it.This time Hun Han wanted to use his Xiao Zhan's life to force his son Xiao Yan to show up.After a pause, Hun Han in front of him is already a fighting sect, Xiao Zhan has no idea how his son Xiao Yan offended Hun Han again.In Xiao Zhan's heart, he secretly scolded Xiao Yan for being a prodigal son, knowing that Hunhan is not easy to provoke, why would he still provoke this evil spirit.

(Xiao Yan: ...)

Of course, Xiao Zhan never dreamed that Xiao Yan did nothing wrong this time.What's wrong is that Xiao Yan shouldn't be the son of the Dou Po plane.

As long as Xiao Yan is still alive, Hun Han will feel uneasy.

"Little brother, is there any misunderstanding between you and Yan'er?" Xiao Zhan asked kindly.

"Xiao Zhan, tell me the whereabouts of Xiao Yan, and I can let you live. Otherwise, the consequences are not something you can bear. If you don't tell me the whereabouts of Xiao Yan for a day, I will kill a member of the Xiao family. Until you kill Just all the members of the Xiao family. After that is your eldest son and second son, and finally you." Hun Leng said coldly.

"Xiao Zhan, hurry up and tell him where Xiao Yan has gone! Tell him to hurry up and apologize to Hunhan." The elder of the Xiao family shouted loudly.

"Yes, Xiao Zhan, tell him quickly. Don't be an eternal sinner of the Xiao family." Second Elder Xiao Ying also urged.

"First Elder, Second Elder, I really don't know where Xiao Yan is going!" Xiao Zhan's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, and there seemed to be no lies in his expression.

"Forget it. Xiao Zhan, come with me!" Hunhan waved his hand, and a fighter from the Hall of Humanity landed beside Xiao Zhan.Xiao Zhan wanted to resist, but was subdued by the King Fighter without any suspense.

"Go." Hunhan waved his hand.

"Hunhan, you can't leave like this. Xiao Zhan is still a member of my Xiao family. As the elder of the Xiao family, I can't let you just take him away like this!" the elder of the Xiao family said suddenly.

"Why, you want to stop me!" Hun Han frowned slightly.Could it be that he is going to start the killing ring today?It's just that the other party is Xiao Yu's own grandfather!

In order not to conflict with the elder of the Xiao family, Hunhan stepped on the sole of his foot, and just about to leave, the elder of the Xiao family suddenly rushed to Hunhan's side, grabbed Hunhan's hand, and sternly shouted: "Put down Xiao Zhan!"

When the elder of the Xiao family just grabbed Hunhan's arm, a voice came into Hunhan's mind.

"Little brother Hunhan, as the eldest elder of the Xiao family, I am very helpless in doing this. I don't really want you to keep Xiao Zhan. I also ask little brother Hunhan to complete the old man and injure the old man!"


Hunhan thought in his heart that the great elder of the Xiao family was acting!Hunhan hesitated, he had never met such a weird request!

"Little brother Hunhan, please!" The voice of the elder of the Xiao family came into Hunhan's mind again.

"Forget it, for Xiao Yu's sake, I'll help you just once!"

Hun Han sternly shouted: "Old guy, court death!"

Hunhan's arm shook lightly, and the elder of the Xiao family who was in the realm of a great master was directly sent flying.

"You..." The elder of the Xiao family pointed at Hunhan, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and fainted very simply.

He was very clear about how much power Hun Han had used.It can injure the elder of the Xiao family, but it is not enough to make the other party faint.Obviously, the latter is acting!

"Are you going to stop me too?"

Hunhan glanced at the second and third elders of the Xiao family, and the latter shook their heads one after another.With a slight movement, a great Doushi can be stunned, even the entire Xiao family is no match for Hunhan.

Looking at the elder of the Xiao family again, Hunhan knew that there would be no suspense for the former's position as patriarch.His eyes were aimed in the direction of the Xiao family's Dou Ji Pavilion. From the beginning to the end, the hidden fighting spirit expert of the Xiao family didn't even dare to fart.

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