"No." Yao Chen replied without hesitation.

"Okay, everyone listens to the order, bloodbath the Xingyu Pavilion, those who surrender will not be killed, and those who resist in the corner will be killed without mercy." Hunhan ordered coldly.

"As ordered!"


The disciples of the Hall of Souls launched their respective attacks again, hitting a barrier.

"Elders, the Xingyun Pavilion encountered an unprecedented disaster today. If you leave, I, Yaochen, will not make it difficult." Yaochen's gaze turned to the many elders of the Xingyu Pavilion.

"Pavilion Master, the Starfall Pavilion is our root, and we have put in as much painstaking effort for it as anyone else. No matter who wants to destroy it, we will fight to the death!"

"That's right, fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

Many elders of Xingyun Pavilion shouted in unison with solemn expressions.

"Okay, today, let us fight to the death. I want to see how domineering this Soul Palace can go!" Yao Chen shouted forcefully, his voice boosting the morale of the Star Falling Pavilion.Perhaps for many of them, if even their roots are ruined, what face will they have to walk in Zhongzhou in the future.

"Aunt Qin, I'm afraid I need to trouble you to break the big formation in front of us. Our trip caused too much commotion, Yaochen's relationship and influence are good, and there are already many eyeliners around. The people he befriends come to help, it will only hinder the progress of my plan." Hun Han smiled at Qin Lan who was beside him.

"Okay, little master." Qin Lan nodded, being so polite to Hunhan, she didn't treat her like a slave, and a warm current flowed through her heart.

Qin Lan stretched out her jade hand, and the black energy spread out rapidly. An invisible big hand grasped the empty space heavily.Immediately, rays of light emerged, and an invisible mask glowing with stars appeared in everyone's sight.


The previous self-confidence on Yao Chen's face no longer exists, and his eyes rest on Qin Lan who is in front of Hun Han with incomparable solemnity.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Xiao Yan, run!" Yao Chen shouted.

This time, a semi-holy powerhouse was dispatched from the Soul Palace, which greatly exceeded Yao Chen's expectations.

"Yao Chen, take Xiao Yan with you. As long as you and Xiao Yan are here, there is hope for the day when our Xingyun Pavilion will be rebuilt." Venerable Feng Feng Xian said solemnly.

Xiao Yan's talent is peculiar, and any disciple of Xingyun Pavilion can't compare with it.Yao Chen is an eighth-rank pharmacist, and his appeal is unimaginable.Yao Chen and Xiao Yan teamed up to wait for the opportunity, and there will be a day when Xingyun Pavilion will make a comeback.

Qin Lanyu clenched her hand fiercely, and a black fist landed fiercely on the invisible mask.

A punch fell, and strong ripples spread out on the mask, and a loud rumbling sound, like thunder, resounded across the sky.The photomask is crumbling, giving people a feeling that it is about to be shattered at any time.

"Feng Xian!" Yao Chen secretly scolded the other party for being stupid.The Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pill he gave to the other party back then was just an experiment with the other party.But the other party kept this matter in mind.

"Yao Chen, don't hesitate anymore. Take Xiao Yan and Qing Luan by the way. The big formation will definitely not be able to withstand her three attacks." Venerable Feng looked at the mask that was on the verge of breaking, with a very gloomy expression.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, Venerable Wind will not be like this.The opponent has seven Dou Zun, and this does not include the old ghost who picked up the stars. There are many Dou Zong strongmen.The number of fighters of Dou Huang and Dou Wang exceeds a thousand.Among them, there is also a strong man whose strength has reached the semi-holy level.With the current strength of Xingyun Pavilion, it is not enough to compete with the opponent.

"Xiao Yan, if you dare to escape, I will kill your second brother first." Hun Han threatened.

"You..." Xiao Yan's eyes almost burst into flames.

"Yaochen, don't leave yet! Elders, let us live and die with Xingyun Pavilion today." Venerable Feng Feng Xian said lightly.

"I swear to the death that I will live and die with the Starfall Pavilion!"

"I swear to the death that I will live and die with the Starfall Pavilion!"

"I swear to the death that I will live and die with the Starfall Pavilion!"


Facing a powerful enemy, all the disciples of the Falling Star Pavilion shared the same hatred, shouting loudly.

"Feng Xian, elders, and all the disciples of Xingyun Pavilion, try to survive. Xiao Yanzi, let's go." Yao Chen waved his hand, turned and fell towards the ground.

On the day when Xingyu Pavilion was established, Yaochen and Fengxian realized that the situation like today would happen one day.In order to deal with the worst situation, Xingyu Pavilion secretly made some preparations.

Xiao Yan looked at the medicine dust falling towards the ground, and then at Xiao Zhan, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li who were being escorted by Hunhan's subordinates.After hesitating for a while, he finally followed Yaochen's pace.

"Chop off Xiao Li's right hand!" Hun Leng said coldly.




"Second brother!"

Xiao Zhan and Xiao Ding cried out in pain, Xiao Li screamed, and then his body trembled continuously.Xiao Yan, who landed towards the opposite side, froze for a moment, and stopped there.He clenched his hands tightly, pinching blood from his palms.

"Xiao Yan, don't test the authenticity of my words. If you dare to go one step further, I will kill your second brother. If you commit suicide, I can assure you that your father, elder brother and Second brother." Hun Leng said coldly.Since Feng Xian dared to let Yao Chen, Xiao Yan, and Mu Qingluan leave, there must be secrets in the Xingyun Pavilion that he didn't know.

Xiao Yan didn't look back, he hesitated for a while.Turning a deaf ear to Hun Han's words, his figure continued to land towards the ground.

"Xiao Yan, you bastard, don't you really care about your second brother and father's life?" Xiao Ding cried out in pain.

"Brother, can you believe the oath he made?" Xiao Yan suddenly stopped and said mockingly.

"Of course I can believe it. Our Soul Clan and Soul Palace, although we are not very honorable in doing things, so far, if we don't make promises, we will never break our promises. As the young master of the Starfall Pavilion, you should know that if the leader breaks his promise, How much damage will it cause to your majesty." Hunhan said calmly.


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