"He was injured. And I don't have any evidence that he lied. If I punish him now, I will only leave a moody and unreasonable image to others. Moreover, this will also scare the snake. It is not conducive to my return to the soul The next plan of the clan." Hunhan said lightly.

Qin Lan smiled, looked at Hunhan with relief, and said: "Little master, you have grown up. If the master sees it, he will be very happy. Count the time, and you should return to the soul clan to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony."

The coming-of-age ceremony of the Soul Clan, like that of the Ancient Clan, will bestow the clan marks on those disciples with superior talents.Before Hunhan fought against Hunchen, if he had the family pattern, it would only make it easier for him to win.

Looking down at the buildings below, in the original story line, the old ghost who picked up the stars led his men to attack the Xingyu Pavilion, accompanied by two heavenly lords, but finally failed in front of Yaochen who had advanced to the semi-holy realm.

The ancient ruins of the Skeleton Mountain Range have not yet been opened, and Yaochen has not been resurrected, all of this will be rewritten by Hunhan.The Starfall Pavilion, which existed for decades, was finally conquered by his soul cold.

After an hour of fighting, in front of Qin Lan, a semi-holy powerhouse, Xingyu Pavilion, a new force that has risen in recent years with the help of Venerable Feng and Yaochen, will forever remain in history.

All the disciples above Douwang in Xingyun Pavilion were ruthlessly beheaded.It also includes their family members.All the Xingyu Pavilion disciples below Douwang were surrounded by people from the Hall of Humans, waiting for Hunhan's trial.

"I declare that the Xingyu Pavilion will be disbanded immediately. You are innocent people. As you have seen just now, everything is due to Xiao Yan's greed for life and fear of death, and he dare not judge himself. From the beginning to the end, all I want is Xiao Yan alone. Err Live your life well in the future, our Soul Hall will not embarrass you. If you make troubles, Soul Hall will make you regret coming to this world. Do you understand?" Hun Han asked.

Hearing this, the remaining disciples of the Starfall Pavilion nodded their heads one after another.Most of them are only disciples of the Outer Pavilion, and they don't have a strong sense of belonging to the Starfall Pavilion.On the contrary, he fled without fighting against Yao Chen and Xiao Yan, planting the seeds of hatred in his heart.

With a wave of Hunhan's hand, the men and horses in the Hall of Humanity showed a hole.Without any hesitation, all the disciples of the Falling Star Pavilion fled as quickly as possible.

"Senior Zhaixing, order people to bring all the treasures of the Xingyun Pavilion back to the Human Palace. In addition, the Xingyun Pavilion was destroyed, and the Sifang Pavilion was vacated. Who do you think is suitable to fill this vacant space?" Hun Han said to the person beside him. The old ghost who picked up the stars asked.

The old ghost picking stars was given to him by Hun Han's father, Hun Tiandi. Among all the people present, except Qin Lan, he only trusted the old ghost picking stars.

"Among the affiliated forces of our Human Hall, there is a force that can fill this vacancy. Their pavilion master is a strong Dou Zun, and there are nine Dou Zong under his seat. However, this force is all poison masters!" The old ghost picking stars nodded.

"Poison Master?" Hun Han was secretly taken aback.

"Yes." Old Ghost Zhaixing nodded, the head of this force is still his confidant.However, poison master is a very sensitive word for fighters in Zhongzhou mainland.Many forces cannot tolerate their existence.This is also an important reason why they are attached to the Human Palace while their own abilities are strong.

The old ghost picking stars can't guarantee whether Hunhan will reject the poison master!

"What's the name of this force?" Hunhan smiled.

"Five Poisons Pavilion!" Old Ghost Picking Stars nodded.

"Okay, let's do it! In addition, Senior Zhaixing, you still need you to send people to the Izumo Empire in the northwest region to find a force called the Poison Sect. Let them join the Five Poison Pavilion! If they don't come, you just say My name!" Hun Han smiled.It is extremely appropriate for the little fairy doctor with the Enandu body to take over the Five Poison Pavilion.

Now that the Xingyu Pavilion has been destroyed and Xiao Yan's lair has been captured, Hunhan's heart is not so uneasy.Without Xingyun Pavilion, Gu Xun'er turned to him again, Xiaoyixian was his person, Yun Yun was his senior sister, and Zi Yan was his senior sister.In this life, he wants to see what kind of waves Xiao Yan can make!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The soul world is located in the northern region of Zhongzhou.The forces in the surrounding area are almost all affiliated forces of the Soul Clan.They surrendered to the Soul Palace, and all of them were under the jurisdiction of the Soul Palace.For the leaders of these forces, they are extremely unfamiliar with the Soul Race.The only thing they know is that the Soul Palace they submit to is just an external force of the Soul Clan.As for how powerful the Soul Clan is, I don't know anything about it.

The Hall of Soul has extremely terrifying strength. If you want to get involved in the northern region of Zhongzhou, if you can become a subsidiary force of the Hall of Soul, it is equivalent to having a gold medal for avoiding death.Therefore, for those forces that have not yet become affiliated forces of the Soul Palace, the greatest wish in their hearts is to be favored by the Soul Palace.

Soul Palace, mysterious and powerful.The Soul Clan brought mystery and power to the fullest.Even the other families of the Seven Ancient Clans don't know how powerful the Soul Palace is.

"It's finally back!"

Hun Han looked around, not a single plant or tree here had changed in any way.The difference is that he has grown up.

At this moment, Hunhan was standing in a square.There are many core members of the Soul Race sitting around the square.Around him are all "peers" of the same age as him.It was more than ten years since I saw each other, and there were many people whose names he couldn't recognize.

Unlike the coming-of-age ceremony held by the ancient tribe, the Soul tribe did not invite any party to participate.Only the Hall Master of the Soul Palace, the Ten Great Heavenly Venerates, and the disciples of the Soul Clan themselves.The reason for this is to maintain the sense of mystery in the hearts of others.Or it could be read as understated.

An ancient bell ringing suddenly resounded in this world.The sound of the bell resounded mightily throughout this square, even the huge imperial capital of the Soul Clan.

"The hour is up, the ceremony will begin. Elders, please!"

After the sound of the bell rang through the air, a vigorous and plain voice sounded in everyone's ears.spread far and wide.

Then, on the rostrum directly in front of him, ripples appeared in circles of space.The seven incomparably terrifying coercion made everyone in the field gasp.

"Dou Sheng, it's all Dou Sheng!"

This is a coercion that comes from the depths of the soul.All the young disciples of the Soul Race in the field had shocking expressions in their eyes, but also longing in their hearts.They are talented, except for noon, sooner or later they will become like the seven elders who came out of the void ahead, becoming a strong man standing on the real peak.

The seven elders of the Soul clan, who were dressed very carefully, sat down with serious faces.The one in the middle is the Great Elder of the Hun Clan who had met Hun Han a few times.

"let's start!"

With a wave of the Great Elder's hand, some young women and handsome men, holding many props, started a rather cumbersome coming-of-age ceremony.The children of each race can only be considered as complete growth if they have experienced the coming-of-age ceremony.After attending the coming-of-age ceremony, the so-called marriage and some important positions can only be carried out after completing the coming-of-age ceremony.

"Father didn't show up."

Hun Han glanced around, except for the three elders of the soul clan: the first elder, the second elder and the third elder, the other four fighting saints were just ordinary elders of the soul clan.Not only did Hunhan's father, Emperor Huntian, not show up, but even the Void Tunyan didn't show up.However, the appearance of seven Dou Sheng powerhouses greatly frightened those foreign powerhouses in the Hall of Souls.

After staying in the soul clan for a long time, Hunhan naturally knew that this was not the real strength of the soul clan.With these strengths alone, it is still impossible to wipe out the seven ancient clans without anyone noticing.

"The ceremony has begun, Hun Yutong!"

While Hun Han looked around, the elders in front of him were already ready.He took out the list and read out a name that Hunhan was slightly familiar with.

When testing the bloodline of the soul clan, apart from Kai Hunhan, there were three other people who possessed the bloodline of the soul clan's divine grade: Hun Yutong, Hun Jianhao, and Hunfeng.

Hearing the call of the elder, a woman in red clothes.He got up quickly, moved his body, and swept up to the high platform in front of him vigorously.

There are a lot of young souls who have come of age this year.But there are only a few outstanding people who can hold a coming-of-age ceremony on this occasion.When they participate in the completion ceremony, they will be assigned to the core position of the clan.

Passing through the road of some flowers, some women sprinkled some water on Hun Yutong with branches, and finally Hun Yutong walked in front of the Dark Soul Monument.The Dark Soul Monument can test a person's bloodline level.As Hun Yutong lowered the Dark Soul Tablet with his fingers, ten ripples appeared beside the black stone tablet.Moreover, the black stele glowed with a bright red fire-like light.

"Hun Yutong, the ninth commander of the Black Annihilation Army, the sixth-rank Dou Zun, and the blood of the gods. After the discussion of the elders and the approval of the patriarch, he was awarded the Zijin clan pattern!"

The bloodline level of the soul clan is divided into ten ranks.The first rank is the lowest, and the tenth rank is the highest.The Soul Clan is more demanding than the Ancient Clan, and only those whose bloodline level reaches the seventh rank or above are eligible to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony.

Family pattern can be understood as a kind of secret technique.It is a family pattern passed down from ancient times, which can temporarily increase the power of blood in the body at a critical moment.The family pattern is divided into four grades: silver, gold, purple gold, and colorful gold.The highest is the colorful gold.

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