Hunhan flipped his hands and called out the strange fire. Under the burning of the strange fire, the originally round pill began to be uneven.Streams of faint spiritual mist diffused from the pill.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Following Xiao Han's operation, the Nine-Color Pill Thunder in the sky began to roll violently again as if some kind of traction appeared.

"Did you make it?"

This scene greatly shocked the surrounding audience.The thunderclouds in the sky started to change!

Unbelievable exclamations resounded throughout the world.Countless eyes fell on the tumbling thundercloud.Among the thunderclouds of nine colors, black thunderclouds began to brew.Looking at the brightly colored thunderclouds in the sky, everyone's blood surged with excitement.For them, this is the real Danhui.

"Black magic thunder!"

"Look, it's the Black Demon Thunder!"

"The black magic thunder that can only be produced by ninth-grade pills!"

Dan Lei, who was already in shape, has changed again.Amid the uproar of everyone, the Nine-Color Pill Thunder turned black.It was like a prehistoric beast, entrenched in the sky, ready to choose someone to devour at any time.It brings a great sense of shock to people's hearts.

"Damn it, he succeeded?" Yao Chen frowned deeply, he really couldn't understand how Xiao Han learned this secret art of ascending spirit.

Could it be that Xiao Yan taught Xiao Han?

Do not!

When this thought flashed, it was denied by Yao Chen.Xiao Yan and Xiao Han are like fire and water, Xiao Yan is definitely not that stupid, he will hand over this secret medicine refining technique to Xiao Han.

If not, how did Xiao Han get it?

When Yao Chen was looking at Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan's gaze happened to be secretly aimed at him.The four eyes met, and Yao Chen felt something in his heart. In Xiao Yan's eyes, he actually read a feeling of blame and complaint.

Xiao Yanzi wouldn't think that I taught him, would he?

Yao Chen thought about it in his heart.If this was the case, he would not be able to wash himself off even if he jumped into the clear water.

"It turns out that the two of them are brothers!"

"I really envy their master, who has cultivated such outstanding disciples!"

"Yes, it is very rare to cultivate one. I didn't expect to cultivate two!"

People around are talking about it.

Yaochen: "..."

Xiao Yan: "..."

Xiao Yan looked at his master Yaochen again, and the negative emotions in his pupils became more intense.

Xiao Yan's eyes fell on Xiao Han again.Secretly said: It's too early to be proud now.The Black Demon Thunder is equivalent to a blow from a Dou Sheng powerhouse, I want to see, what do you use to take the Black Demon Thunder!

In the mighty sky, thunderclouds billowed, and the entire sky was split into several pieces.There are black thunderclouds everywhere.The mighty thunderous coercion emanated from the black thundercloud.

"Young man, come on!"

Feeling the coercion of the power of thunder in the sky, many bystanders clasped their hands slightly and blessed Xiao Han.

The Black Demon Thunder is only a ninth-grade elixir, and even the semi-sacred powerhouses dare not take it at will.One careless, very likely to destroy Dan.

"Young patriarch, I will help you!"

The old man Mu Gu stepped on the void, left his stone platform, and flew to Xiao Han's side.Several pharmacists who were present followed suit one after another.They are all from the Hall of Souls.

"Can you catch it?"

The square was silent, and everyone held their breath.With the help of old man Mu Gu and others, can Xiao Han catch the black magic thunder that is about to fall?

However, any medicinal pills of the eighth grade or above, because they are too powerful, will trigger the power of heaven and earth to destroy them.Whether the pills are eligible to exist, this Dan Lei is the final test for them.

"No need, it's just a black magic thunder."

Xiao Han smiled calmly, and with a wave of his hand, a big steel-like guy was taken out of the ring by him.


Old Man Mu Gu and the others were slightly taken aback.The big steel guy in front of him is indeed a puppet that has almost been lost on the mainland.

"Master, puppet number zero is serving you!" A mechanical voice sounded from the puppet's mouth.

"I'll go, it still has intelligence?"

The old man Mu Gu was shocked.He looked at the steel puppet in front of him in surprise.People who have reached his status already know that there are some powerful puppets in the hands of many strong men.

Puppets also have high and low quality.It is the first time for Mu Gu to see such a treasure like the puppet of Xiao Han No.

"Can you catch it?" Xiao Han pointed to the black magic thunder in the sky.

The No. [-] puppet is a nano-robot, a robot obtained by Xiao Han when he signed in.When it was in the Tianmu Mountains, it really shined.

"Master, yes." No. [-] puppet replied

"Go, catch the falling black magic thunder!" Xiao Han ordered.

"Obey, master!" The puppet zero took the order, slowly rising into the sky.


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