"That's because some experts of the Nine Nether Earth Pythons are always mysteriously missing. They have already been overwhelmed by themselves, so they don't have the ability to take care of these things." Queen Medusa replied.

"Too busy to take care of yourself? What happened?" Gu Xun'er asked in surprise.

"There is a very strange person who can control the powerhouses of the Nine Nether Earth Python, and many of them are Dou Zun-level powerhouses." Queen Medusa replied.

"Control?" Gu Xun'er was even more surprised.

"Yes. After searching for information, I found out that she has the legendary blue eyes and three pupils!" Queen Medusa nodded slightly.

"Did you meet her?" Hun Han asked curiously.

Hunhan knew that the mysterious person was Qinglin.

"Well, she still wants to control my snake-human race. It's just that my snake-human race is a little different from real snakes, and it's not within her control range!" Queen Medusa nodded.

Today, the snake people live in the Tianmu Mountains, which also belong to the beast domain.Qinglin once passed the Tianmu Mountains and wanted to control Yuemei of the snake-human race.As a result, Queen Medusa was attracted, and Queen Medusa even had a big fight with Qinglin!

night, silent.

The Skeleton Mountain Range is misty, as if covered with a layer of mysterious gauze.A few wisps of fluorescent-colored will-o'-the-wisps flickered and flickered, making the gauze even more spooky.


Suddenly, a dragon cry woke everyone up.A purple dragon more than ten feet roared towards the sky.

When Hun Han and others arrived at Zi Yan's tent, the battle was over.

"Zi Yan, what's wrong?" Gu Xun'er asked with concern.

"Well, maybe someone regarded her as the Nine Nether's Underworld Python!" Hun Han said with a smile.

"Hey, who would be those disgusting stinky snakes!" Zi Yan curled her lips.

The next day, when the sun was shining on the earth, everyone gathered at the Mountain of Skeletons again.At noon, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space ahead.

"Get ready, the ruins are about to open. After entering the ruins, there is a fire path first. How to get out of the fire path, do you remember my words?" Hunhan asked again.

On the way here, Hunhan had already told the people around him all about the strategy of the ruins.With a strategy, it is not wishful thinking for Hun Han to occupy the things in the ruins.

The space in the distance is fluctuating more and more with the passage of time.


A strange sound suddenly sounded in the space, and the distorted space burst into countless space fragments.


Hun Han's words led everyone to rush forward without hesitation.


Screams sounded all around.The person who was as impatient as Hunhan was, because he rushed to the front and his cultivation was not good, he was strangled and screamed by the scattered space fragments, and many strong fighters fell in a single match.

These space debris are very terrifying to others.For the strong Dou Zun, it is not a big deal.Hunhan and his party, Dou Zun's powerhouse stood at the front, even if there were some space fragments coming towards them, they were crushed by these Hunhan and others, turning them into a fierce wind.

After a while, a large hall appeared in the eyes of Hunhan and the others.The main hall is very huge, like a small mountain, standing on top of the Skeleton Mountain Range.With a loud bang, the stone door sank, revealing a dark passage.

"Battle Qi body protection!"

Hunhan took the lead, driving his fighting spirit, and stepped into the passage.Just as his feet stepped into it, the surrounding stone walls began to turn a strange blue color.Then, coquettish blue pillars of fire sprang out from under the feet, filling the entire corridor in an instant.


There were screams again and again, those fighters who rushed into the fire way before Hunhan, because they didn't activate the fighting energy to protect their bodies, were burned by the sudden blue fire pillar and turned into a pile of ashes.

Although the blue pillar of fire is not a strange fire, it is formed by the blessing of formations, and its power cannot be underestimated.It's not a strange fire, the power of burning is already comparable to that of a strange fire.

As for Queen Medusa, Xiao Yixian, Gu Xun'er and others, they were shocked by this.If it wasn't for the Raiders with Soul Cold, rushing into this place rashly, these blue flames would be enough for them to drink a pot.


Hunhan greeted him, and instead of moving forward foolishly, he dived into the sea of ​​flames below.

Outside the main hall, Xiao Yan frowned slightly.In his impression, Hun Han was not an impulsive person.However, Hun Han led his men into the hall first.Could it be that he, Xiao Yan, knew that this ruin was absolutely dangerous, but didn't Hun Han know this?

Well, there is only one truth.Hunhan was extremely familiar with this cave.

"Xiao Yan, why are you still standing there? Let's go! It's too late, but there will be no baby soul fruit!" Yao Xing exclaimed.

Xiao Yan frowned even more, he had a very bad feeling.In this ancient ruins, he might lose to Hunhan again!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Little Immortal Doctor, Queen Medusa and the others were incomparably surprised when their feet stood on the cold floor.Things turned out to be just as Hunhan said, the exit of the fire path was actually under the magma.

Looking up, they could vaguely see figures moving in the fire path.From their point of view, they can see that the fire path is a maze, and there is no end at all.

If one does not know this, one can get lost in it.In the end, the grudge will only be exhausted, and the body will be burned by the terrifying flames.

"As expected of the ancient ruins, I played tricks on everyone. Fortunately, there was a reminder from the tower owner, otherwise we couldn't see through the mystery of the way of fire so quickly." Old man Mu Gu knew that it was time to say something nice.

"Let's go, before they come in. Let's enter this ancient ruins and take possession of all the treasures in this ruins as much as possible!" Hun Han stepped forward.

After a while, through a wide boulder passage, a square appeared in front of everyone.At the end of the square is a hall with a heavy stone gate.Beside the stone gate, there are ten figures standing upright like golden spears.

"A puppet? And it's a puppet that has reached the level of an earth demon puppet!" Gu Xun'er was slightly taken aback.

The power of Hunhan's soul radiated out, easily erasing the puppet's soul imprint, but covering it with his own soul imprint.With a wave of his hand, these ten puppets were all collected by him into the ring.

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