After the words of the great elder fell, the eyes of the three young men of the Gu tribe fell on Gu Xun'er.As for Gu Xun'er, her eyes fell on Xiao Han.The meaning is already obvious, the task of the three youths is to protect the safety of Gu Xun'er.And Gu Xun'er took Xiao Han as his leader.

"Let's go."

Xiao Han smiled, took Gu Xun'er's hand, stepped into the void, and stepped into this ancient ruins that made Dou Zun's soul linger in his dreams!

Chapter 218

When sight was restored, Hun Han and Gu Xun'er were already in a misty and strange place.Occasionally, there are strange fires flickering in the distance, like will-o'-the-wisps on the cemetery.There was a deathly silence all around, not to hear the cry of any animal.

"This is the Heavenly Tomb?" Hun Han looked around cautiously.

Familiar with the story line of Dou Po, Hun Han knows that there are many energy bodies here, and they devour each other because of the soul of the tomb.Even if it is a human being with flesh and blood, they will never let it go.

It is worth mentioning that in the history of the opening of the Heavenly Tomb.Once someone's body was taken away, and the strong here came out again.

"There are only two of us. It seems that the others have been teleported to other places. This area is very large. According to my father, the thing you are looking for has appeared on the third floor of the Heavenly Tomb.

What is Hunhan looking for?With a sign-in system, apart from foreign objects, there is something else that can arouse his interest.

This time Hunhan entered the Heavenly Tomb for a total of three purposes: First, Xiao Yan will get many opportunities here, especially the soul of the Heavenly Tomb, so that the soul realm can break through to the emperor realm.This story line, as long as he subverts it.Then no matter how much Hun Han waved, Xiao Yan would never have a chance to stand up.

Because, the key to open the cave of Emperor Tuoshe is in his hands.

Second, take advantage of the slow flow of time here to improve your cultivation.Hunhan has many soul crystals, all of which were bestowed by his father, Emperor Huntian.He is confident that he can break through the soul realm to the emperor realm.

In addition, Hunhan still has a lot of thunder beads from the void thunder pool in his hand. With these thunder beads, his cultivation can step into the realm of fighting saints in a short time.

Third, there are many ancient strong men buried here.Hunhan also wanted to see if any of the strong men here had foreign objects.Especially different light, different dark, different wood.Once these three kinds of foreign objects are collected, Hunhan's skills will be great.

When Hunhan told Gu Xun'er about these thoughts in his heart, Gu Xun'er asked Gu Yuan who had entered the celestial tomb.According to Gu Yuan, when he entered the Heavenly Tomb with Xiao Xuan's remnant soul, he encountered an energy body by chance.That energy body possesses a foreign body.

It's just that Xiao Xuan's remnant soul can't continue to take off, and the cave must be built as soon as possible.Therefore, at that time, Gu Yuan did not go to kill the foreign object.

By the time Gu Yuan finished his work, the energy body with the foreign body had already escaped.And Gu Yuan searched for a long time, but he couldn't find any trace of the other party.In the end, Gu Yuan had no choice but to withdraw from the Heavenly Tomb.And that foreign object is exactly the strange darkness that Hun Han needs.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations, you have completed the location check-in task and checked in the Heavenly Tomb. Get the item: the shoulder armor of the ancient supreme!"

"It's all the suits of the ancient supreme." Hunhan was overjoyed, and with a thought, he took out all six pieces of equipment.

"Ding dong!"

"The system issued a new sign-in task, please sign in on the space cornerstone of the space fair. Do you want to receive the sign-in task?"

"Space cornerstone?" Hun Han was taken aback.

If you want to build an independent living space, you can't simply use the power of space.To build an independent living space, you need to have a space cornerstone.

After Hunhan knew that the Sky Tomb was opened, a space trade fair would be held in the mainland.But Hunhan didn't know where the space cornerstone was!

And the cornerstone of space is the foundation of building a space.If destroying the cornerstone of space is the fastest way to destroy a space.If you want to find the cornerstone of the space in the space trade fair, the challenge of this task is not a little low!

"Ding dong!"

"Whether to receive a new location check-in task. The host can refuse to accept the task. Once refused, as the number of rejections increases, the time interval between each location check-in task will become longer and longer!"

"Get it!" Hunhan replied.

The difficulty of the time-limited task is indeed not low, but the final reward will be very rich.And the more difficult the task is, the more rewarding the final reward will be.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations, you have received a new location sign-in task. Please sign in at the venue of the Space Fair. The time limit is three years!"

"Finally gathered all the equipment."

Hunhan looked at the six pieces of equipment in front of him: Qi Tianguan, leg armor, shoulder armor, boots, breastplate, and cloak.

"Brother Hunhan, what are you doing, do you want to be an emperor?" Gu Xun'er asked with a smile.

"Does it look good?" Hun Han asked.

"It looks good. Brother Hunhan looks good in whatever he wears. Invisibly, Brother Hunhan is full of arrogance." Gu Xun'er nodded and said.

Hunhan also felt a little awkward wearing these equipment for the first time.Put away Qi Tianguan.Every piece of ancient supreme armor has inscriptions on it.In this celestial tomb, it can improve his combat effectiveness a lot.

What Hunhan was going to was the third floor of the Heavenly Tomb.In addition to the energy body of the semi-saint, there is also the energy body of the Dou Sheng.With the armor of the ancient supreme, his survivability will increase dramatically.

"Let's go." Hunhan said with a smile.He stretched out his hand to hold Gu Xun'er's jade hand.

Although it was not the first time, Gu Xun'er's cheeks were still flushed.There is a look of happiness in the eyes.

The ability of the Sky Tomb is very strong, much stronger than that of the ancient world.The misty gas lingers around, giving people the illusion of being in a fairyland.

According to the itinerary, it would take about four months for Hun Han to enter the second floor of the Heavenly Tomb.

Due to the coercion of energy, the sky tomb cannot fly here for too long.Hun Han and Gu Xun'er still want to break through to the realm of fighting saints here. In order to save more time, Hun Han and Gu Xun'er can only fly over as much as possible.

When Hunhan and Gu Xun'er had just walked two or three kilometers forward, a white phantom figure rushed towards them making them burst into flames.

Gu Xun'er waved her hand, and landed on that figure.The opponent's light bloomed, and finally turned into an irregular thumb-sized crystal.

"This is an energy body! It's just the lowest energy body here." Gu Xun'er commented truthfully.

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