"Yes." Soul Han nodded.

"Are you really so sure? It's not a day or two for the Jinglian demon fire to appear in the world. Every time it appears, no one can successfully subdue it in the end. Are you really [-]% sure?" Gu Qingyang questioned.

"Well. Based on what my soul clan has learned about the Jinglian demon saint and the previous situation in the Jinglian demon fire space, I have already figured out a set of strategies. When the time comes, you come with me, and I promise to let you get the Jinglian as you wish. Demon fire!" Hun Han nodded.

In order to prevent Gu Qingyang and Gu Xun'er from rebounding, Hunhan didn't reveal his secret.Instead, he said that he had developed a set of strategies based on the information obtained by his predecessors.

Gu Qingyang remained silent and looked at Hunhan for a while.If he didn't question Hunhan brainlessly, thanks to the strategy given by Hunhan, the ancient clan, soul clan and Danta gained great benefits in the cave of the good fortune sage.It can almost be said that the treasures in the cave were emptied.

If another person spoke such big words, Gu Qingyang would naturally ridicule him.It's just that Hunhan is a monster and cannot be viewed with the eyes of ordinary people.Finally said: "If I can obtain the Jinglian demon fire, I will take a big advantage."

"Let's go, we should start now." Hun Han said.

"Where are you going?" Gu Qingyang asked.

"Xiao Xuan's cave!" Hun Han replied.

"Are you going to meet him for a while?" Gu Qingyang opened his eyes wide and looked at Hunhan in shock.

Who is Hunhan going to meet?

Those were the five strongest fighters in the Dou Qi Continent.

Call ~

Seeing Hun Han nodding his head, Gu Qingyang let out a long breath as before.The shock in my heart could not be calmed down for a long time.The young man who was on par with him a few years ago dared to challenge Xiao Xuan who once ruled the continent.If it were him, Gu Qingyang, the genius of the dignified ancient clan who was second only to Gu Xun'er in talent, this was something he didn't even dare to think about.

Gu Qingyang looked at Hunhan's back again.It turned out that he was not only a few levels behind Hunhan, but separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.There is no comparison between him and Xiao Han!


ps: This book is a stud!I didn't stop at once!Sorry, everyone!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gu Qingyang's three ancient youths, following Hunhan and Gu Xun'er, flew towards the depths of the sky tomb for about half an hour.They have come to a black area like ink.Around this black area, the light is extremely dim.Being in it gives people the illusion of standing in an empty space.

"Is that Xiao Xuan's tomb?"

Gu Qingyang pointed to an ancient stone tablet in front of him.

The stele stood there alone.In this black area, it seems to exist forever.Even after countless years, the stele still exudes an indescribable aura.This kind of breath is not strong, but it makes one's soul feel an irresistible tremor.

"En." Gu Xun'er nodded.

Gu Xun'er knew that besides Xiao Xuan's aura, the aura on this stone tablet also contained some aura left by his father Gu Yuan to help Xiao Xuan build the tomb.

"Don't worry, although things are troublesome, you can still handle them!"

A hoarse voice came from inside the tombstone.Immediately afterwards, an old figure penetrated from the tombstone, and finally lifted off slowly.Accompanied by the rise of his body, the mist that permeated the sky and the earth quickly dissipated.A terrifying coercion spread from the old man's body.In the end, it almost enveloped the entire sky tomb.

"Sure enough, did you choose to send him this great fortune in advance?" Hunhan thought in his heart.

Now that the Gu Clan and the Soul Clan are joining forces, they are worried that Xiao Yan will not be able to enter the Heavenly Tomb in the future.So Xiao Xuan has chosen to sacrifice himself to let Xiao Yan's soul realm break through to the legendary emperor realm in advance.

Under this terrible coercion, all the energy bodies in the celestial tomb suspended their respective battles one after another.He raised his head and looked at the figure in the sky, with excitement in his eyes.

"Master Xiao Xuan is finally going to take action against it?"

"I had my own mission back then, so I need to stay here. Now my mission has been completed, and I will help you complete your pleading today!"

"Master Xiao Xuan!"

Facing Xiao Xuan's words, countless energy bodies looked at Xiao Xuan with great excitement.

"What is he doing? Asking for orders?" Gu Xun'er asked suspiciously.

"It should be the energy body of the tomb, please help Xiao Xuan!" Hunhan replied.

"Oh. But what kind of request is that?" Gu Xun'er asked curiously.

"It should be because I want Xiao Xuan to take action and clean up the soul of the Heavenly Tomb!" Hunhan said.

"The soul of the celestial tomb? What is that?" Gu Xun'er became more puzzled and curious.She had never heard of that the Heavenly Tomb still had the soul of the Heavenly Tomb.

Following Xiao Xuan's ascent into the sky, an unfathomable soul wave like the sea was born in the entire celestial tomb.Immediately, in the gray void, invisible soul fluctuations quickly condensed.After a while, the space squirmed, and a grimace about ten thousand zhang suddenly appeared from the nothingness.

"Look, that's the soul of the celestial tomb!" Hunhan pointed to the giant face in the sky.

"Soul of the Heavenly Tomb?!"

Gu Qingyang, Gu Xun'er and other four ancient disciples frowned.Looking up at the huge face with no emotion in the sky.

"The tomb still has a soul?" Gu Xun'er asked in surprise.

"There should be." Hunhan said lightly.

"It's just, Brother Hunhan, you can find out, why didn't my father find out?" Gu Xun'er asked suspiciously.Hearing Hunhan's tone, he seemed to understand this clearly.


Soul chills in his heart.He was almost about to reveal his secret.

After a pause, Hunhan said: "My words are all my speculations. Before devouring the different darkness, different light and different wood, I couldn't sense his existence. Since I have nine kinds of foreign objects with different attributes, my The Taishang Nine Yuan Jue has already achieved great success. I can already feel its existence. Before Xiao Xuan flew towards that place, I speculate that his purpose is to clean up the souls of the Heavenly Tomb!"


Gu Xun'er nodded, Gu Qingyang and the other three disciples of the ancient clan believed Hun Han's words without any doubt.

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