Hunhan seems to have lost the soul source that can break through to the emperor's realm.However, he has obtained a treasure that is more valuable to him than the soul source of the emperor's realm.

After gaining the dominance of half of the celestial tomb, Hunhan can enter the celestial tomb to practice at any time in the future.With the help of the time flow difference between the tomb and the outside world, it can win at the starting line.Moreover, Hunhan can also use this to turn the Sky Tomb into a unique experience secret realm for the Hun Clan.

It's worth mentioning that Hunhan obtained the dominion over half of the tomb just by talking about it.And he, Xiao Xuan, was actually an accomplice in this matter to a certain extent.

Xiao Xuan didn't know.Since the soul of the celestial tomb has the origin of the soul, it has similarities with different fires.This shows what?

This shows that the soul of the Heavenly Tomb is actually a foreign object like the strange fire!The difference is that this foreign object was artificially created by a Dou Emperor in ancient times by creating the Heavenly Tomb!

It may be more appropriate to describe the soul of the celestial tomb as a different soul.

"Humans, join hands with me to destroy Xiao Xuan, shall we?" The Soul of the Sky Tomb suggested.


Xiao Xuan was taken aback.

If the soul of the tomb and Hunhan join forces, in the current state of the remnant soul, he is not sure that he can fight two with one!

Xiao Xuan looked at Hun Han nervously.He Xiao Xuan is not afraid of death, but it is meaningless to be afraid of death!

"No. His continued existence is more in line with my interests!" Hun Han said without hesitation.

Soul of the Heavenly Tomb: "..."

Xiao Xuan: "..."

The Soul of the Sky Tomb and Xiao Xuan looked at Hunhan in surprise.You say Hunhan is a fool.He also shrewdly used the Soul of the Sky Tomb and Xiao Xuan to restrain each other.You said that Hunhan is not a fool.He was so stupid to say this!

"Hee hee hee!" Hun Han smiled triumphantly.

Seeing Hunhan's proud appearance, the soul of the tomb and Xiao Xuan were speechless and powerless.The two of them thought they were great, but they didn't know that they were eaten to death by the young man in front of them, big and small!

"Xun'er, let's go!" Hun Han slowly landed beside Gu Xun'er.

"Brother Hunhan, you are awesome!" Gu Xun'er gave Hunhan a thumbs up.

"Hunhan, there is still more than a year left before Jinglian Yaohuo appears. I want to continue to practice here, can I?" Gu Qingyang asked Hunhan beside him.

Now, who wants to stay here, but Hunhan has the final say.Although the soul of the celestial tomb also has half of the dominance of the celestial tomb, that is only for the creatures in the celestial tomb.On the other hand, Hunhan let anyone in if he wants to enter, and he can let anyone get out of here if he wants to get out of here.

Once someone gets out of here, the Soul of the Sky Tomb wants to bring that person in again.This is already an impossible thing.In other words, Hunhan has more power than the soul of the Heavenly Tomb!

"Okay. Then you can stay! Soul of the Sky Tomb, the four of them have to wait until they want to go out, and then you let them out." Hunhan confessed.


The Soul of the Sky Tomb responded.As soon as these words were spoken, the soul of the tomb regretted it.How could it have the illusion of being someone else's subordinate, obeying orders.

"Ancestor, is this the way to go?" Xiao Yan asked unwillingly.A good opportunity was destroyed by Hunhan again.

"Well. To make you stronger, we need to find other ways!" Xiao Xuan replied with a deep frown.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ancient Realm, Ancient Sacred Mountain Range.

The strong men from the eight ancient clans stood anxiously in the sky.Their gazes were fixed on the space in front of them.

"Elder Tongxuan, today is the three-year period, right?" In the sky, the Great Elder of the Soul Clan asked the elders of the Ancient Clan beside him solemnly.

"Yes. You have asked this question three times! It is not in your character to be so impatient." Elder Tongxuan nodded lightly.

"Can I not be in a hurry? One of them is the young patriarch of our soul clan, and the other is the young wife of our future soul clan. If they have any troubles, my soul clan will definitely destroy the tomb of the sky!" said the elder of the soul clan.


Purge the Heavenly Tomb!

There was something in the words of the Great Elder of the Soul Clan.For the Hun Clan, the biggest threat to Hunhan in the Heavenly Tomb is Xiao Xuan who died at the hands of the Huntian Emperor.

The Great Elder of the Soul Clan would naturally not destroy the Heavenly Tomb.It's just that if Xiao Xuan dares to attack Hunhan, the Hun Clan will definitely let Xiao Xuan die again!

The powerhouses around did not have the overreaching ability to mock the Great Elder of the Soul Race.If it is so domineering, only the soul race would dare to say that!


While these strong men were waiting anxiously, a black hole appeared in the space ahead.Several figures flew out from inside.

"It's Thunder Clan! They have nothing to lose!"

"That's from the Yao Clan. And Yao Chen's disciple Xiao Yan!"

"Yan Clan, Lei Clan, Stone Clan, Spirit Clan, look at them, they have nothing to lose!"

Immediately after the genius of the Lei Clan, Yao Xingji of the Yao Clan, Xiao Yan, a disciple of Yao Chen, and the other four ancient clans flew out of the Heavenly Tomb one after another.All of them are powerful and powerful, and they have all obtained good benefits in the sky tomb.

"Yu Tong, where's the young patriarch?" The great elder of the soul clan looked at the last person.

The other party was Hun Yutong, who was the same age as Hunhan, who had also awakened the blood of the soul clan.

"Great elder, I didn't meet the young patriarch in the celestial tomb!" Hun Yutong replied.There is a touch of injustice in my heart.Hunhan awakened the divine blood, and she also awakened the divine blood.Why doesn't the great elder care about her?

"Well, it's good if you can come back." The Great Elder of the Soul Clan said.

Hun Yutong's cultivation has reached the semi-holy realm.

"It seems that this time, the girl from the Soul Clan has achieved the highest achievement!"

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