"Silly girl, who told you that I only got the residual picture now!" Hunhan smiled.

"Brother Hunhan, you mean you have all the remnants of the pictures?" Gu Xun'er looked at Hunhan in surprise.

"Yes." Soul Han nodded.

With these four residual pictures, Gu Qingyang's strange fire cannot escape.

"Everyone, the next thing is the last item of this year's space fair. But it is not an item, but a piece of news. Don't worry, everyone will not receive any compensation for this piece of news." The voice of the old man Baoshan rang again .

"What news?" Someone asked curiously.

"It is said that the ancient bodhi tree that can make people become holy instantly appeared again after thousands of years!"

"The ancient Bodhi tree?"

When the old man Baoshan's voice fell, it was like throwing a heavy bomb.

"The ancient Bodhi tree?" Gu Xun'er repeated in a whisper.

The ancient bodhi tree is also known as the wisdom reincarnation tree.This tree only grows one annual ring every thousand years, and it is considered mature only when there are a hundred annual rings.According to legend, the ancient bodhi tree has three treasures: bodhi seed, bodhi heart and enlightenment under bodhi.

According to the records in ancient books, there is only one such ancient tree in the entire Dou Qi Continent.Every time it appears, some fighters will get great benefits.

Of course, this is for ancient books.In the last few times, none of the people who searched for the ancient Bodhi tree came back alive.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why is he so kind to tell us such information?" The little fairy doctor asked questioningly.

Inside the ancient bodhi tree, there is a bodhi mind.Those who get it can turn their minds into Bodhi.Immediate sanctification is not a lie.In the history of Dou Qi Continent, there was once a person who was originally a two-star Dou Zun.As a result of obtaining Bodhicitta, his own cultivation has improved rapidly in just a few years.Breakthrough to the realm of Dou Sheng.

Dou Sheng.As long as any power in Zhongzhou Continent has a fighter of this level, it will immediately rank among the first-class powers.If one goes to the fringe area of ​​the Dou Qi Continent, a remote place like the Gamma Empire, one can do whatever one wants.

It can be said that this is such a good thing.However, the old man Baoshan sold it without asking for a penny.

Like the little doctor, the bidders in the field were very suspicious of the old man Baoshan's words.

"Where did it appear this time?"

A bidder asked curiously.

Every time the ancient Bodhi tree appears, it is not fixed.This also makes people who are attracted to the ancient Bodhi tree love and hate in their hearts.

"Wild Ancient Land!" Old Baoshan replied.

"It turned out to be such a fierce place, no wonder he would share it." Gu Xun'er said clearly.

"Sister Xun'er, where is the wild ancient region?" The little fairy doctor asked curiously.

"The wild ancient domain is not well-known in Zhongzhou mainland. It's just that its degree of danger is beyond what we can imagine. It is a forbidden area for human beings. It is the only place on the continent that has been completely preserved from ancient times. The weather is bad. The poisonous mist filled the air, and the ferocious beasts were densely covered. Most of the ferocious beasts inside were relics left over from ancient times. Even the top ten families on the Warcraft auction list were unwilling to choose that place as their habitat." Gu Xun'er replied.

"It turned out to be such a fierce place!" The little fairy doctor was speechless inwardly.

"Well. The fierce beasts there are bloodthirsty and violent. Although their intelligence is not high, once the bloodline is rampant, it can increase their combat effectiveness. Some people once wanted to enter it to practice, but there are very few people who can come back!" Gu Xun'er nodded.

Now, things are obvious.Because the old man Baoshan couldn't swallow it all by himself, he released the news and asked everyone to enter the ancient wilderness with him.In the end, it was so fishy in troubled waters!

Everyone in the venue understood the behavior of Old Baoshan.

"Hehe, everyone. Every time the Bodhi story is born, it will cause a vision of heaven and earth. Within this month, as long as everyone pays attention to the induction, you will be able to detect whether the old man's words are a lie or not!"

Old Baoshan smiled and looked at the people around him.Finally, he clasped his fists and said, "Okay, this session of the Space Fair has come to a successful conclusion. Thank you for your support again! I thank you here!"

Hearing this, the people in the hall got up one after another and exited the hall.Old Baoshan also turned around and walked behind.

"Senior Baoshan, please stop!"

Seeing that old man Baoshan was about to leave, Hunhan hurriedly called out.

Old Baoshan turned his head and looked at Hunhan with surprise.The space fair is over, I don't know why Hunhan is looking for him.After all, Hunhan is the young patriarch of the soul clan, and the soul realm has broken through to the emperor realm.Faced with Hunhan, old Baoshan didn't dare to be presumptuous, and there was even a hint of fear in his eyes, and said: "It turns out that you are the young patriarch of the Hun clan, I wonder what else you have to do?"

"Senior Baoshan, can you tell me where the cornerstone of space is?" Hunhan asked.

"Space cornerstone?" Hearing Hunhan's words, old man Baoshan's eyes became very cold.

The cornerstone of space is the foundation of an independent space.Once the cornerstone of the space is destroyed, the entire space can be destroyed.For all the heat of each independent space, the space cornerstone is their taboo.Hun Han actually spoke childishly and asked him where the cornerstone of space is!

"Yes, can you take the younger generation to the cornerstone of the space?" Hunhan smiled.

The space cornerstone of the space trade fair is related to the task of signing in for Hunhan's location.As for the cornerstone of space, Hunhan would go there anyway.

"Why are you going to the cornerstone of space?" Old Baoshan asked suspiciously.

"Senior, don't worry too much. The junior wants to go to the cornerstone of the space, just go for a walk and have a look. Of course, if you want to benefit, I can give you an eight-grade pill of eight-color pill and thunder." Hun Han tempted.

"The eighth-grade pill of the eight-color pill?" the old man Baoshan asked in surprise.

"Yes." Soul Han nodded.

"What if I don't agree?" Old Baoshan asked with a smile.

As an old man in Baoshan, the eighth-grade elixir of Eight-color Danlei, although priceless, is not such a rare thing for him.If possible, old man Baoshan wanted to reject Hunhan.

Once others know the cornerstone of the space, it is equivalent to telling others where the money is hidden.

"If you don't agree, my junior will have no choice but to bring an army to seize this space. Although, my soul clan has a space to live independently. Who would think too much of such an independent space!" Hunhan smiled, showing both kindness and power, not afraid that the old man Baoshan would not agree.

Jianbaoshan, where the old man Baoshan lives, and the Dixingzong and Kongxuanmen who share this space together.Although it has always existed in seclusion, its true strength is far above the Erzong Sangu Sifang Pavilion.But if you want to compete with the soul race, it's like hitting a stone with an egg.

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