Due to the long history, and people selectively forget that disgraceful history.So Emperor Huntian didn't know much about that period of mainland history.When Emperor Huntian knew that Dixingzong, Kongxuanmen and Jianbaoshan were the remnants of the Supreme Dynasty, Emperor Huntian was also very surprised.

The soul race only knows that the three forces have always advanced and retreated together, and they have always been hidden from the world, and they hardly get involved in the vortex of struggle on the mainland.Therefore, they did not violate the interests of other forces, and other forces never provoke them.

Talking about the supernatural powers of these three forces, Emperor Huntian's tone was also a little apprehensive.

The Soul Clan has the top intelligence organization in the mainland, and the Earth Movement Sect is good at earth escape.Able to hide underground, inquire and eavesdrop on the news of various forces.It is so strange that it can be compared with the intelligence organization of the Soul Race.

There are countless treasures in Jianbaoshan, and the old man in Baoshan himself is also a casting master.His appeal is not as good as that of a ninth-rank pharmacist, and his prestige among fighters is no less than that of Yao Chen, the master of medicine.It's just that old man Baoshan always likes to live in seclusion and doesn't seek fame, which makes old man Baoshan's prestige less than that of Venerable Yao Yaochen.

As for the Kong Xuan Sect, it is even more mysterious.There are so many strong people inside, even the ancients can't accurately grasp how many strong people there are among them.Moreover, there are not many disciples of Kong Xuan Sect, but they know many formations from ancient times.

As long as it is a force, even if it is hidden from the world, how can there be no disputes!

Someone once wanted to destroy Jianbao Mountain and search for the treasures of Jianbao Mountain.For this reason, he united some forces and jointly launched a fierce attack on Jianbao Mountain.

At that time, Dixingzong had already received this information and told Jianbaoshan and Kongxuanmen about the situation.As a result, Kongxuanmen dispatched ten Dou Zun powerhouses and a thousand Dou Zun fighters.

Although Kongxuanmen only dispatched these people, but during the entire battle, the ten strong fighters of Dou Zun did not make any moves at all.Those thousand fighters in the Douhuang realm formed a strange magic circle, like entering no man's land, with one thousand fighting against a hundred thousand troops.The army that killed the other party did not leave any armor, and even the strong Dou Zun died tragically under their formation.Since then, no one has dared to attack these three forces.

The Soul Race once sent agents to steal the opponent's formation.It's just a pity that they are heavily guarded.In addition, being hidden from the world makes the soul clan return without success.

However, the soul race is not nothing.That peculiar formation, they call themselves the War Department!

The medicine family is no longer the medicine family of the past.Ever since Yao Chen reluctantly returned to the Yao clan, the Yao clan has gradually changed.It was the Jinshi patriarch of the Gold-devouring Rat Clan, then the Qingluan patriarch of the Qingluan Clan, and then Xuanyi and other pharmacists who fled from the Pill Pagoda.They have secretly formed an alliance called the Tianfu Alliance!

The Yao family is a strong family, and with the appeal of Yaochen and Xuanyi, in a few days, some forces have joined the Tianfu Alliance one after another.These forces are Huangquan Pavilion and Fenglei Pavilion among the four pavilions, Fenyan Valley and Binghe Valley among the three valleys, and Tianmingzong of the second sect.In addition, there are many second-rate and third-rate forces that are enmity with the ancient race and the soul race.

All of a sudden, the Tianfu Alliance already had the strength to compete with the single races of the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan.

Under the persuasion of the Patriarch of the Yao Clan, even the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan among the Eight Ancient Clans joined the camp of this alliance one after another.The Tianfu Alliance has transformed into the largest force in the Douqi Continent.

As for the Yan and Thunder clans, which are stronger than the Stone and Spirit clans, they chose to be neutral.Do not get involved in the war between the Tianfu Alliance and the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan.Although, the Ancient Clan, the Soul Clan and the Tianfu Alliance have not yet had a major battle.Fighters in the Douqi Continent know that the current tranquility in the Douqi Continent is just a sign before the storm is approaching.

"Have you heard? Hun Han, the young patriarch of the Soul Clan, has broken through to the legendary Emperor Realm!"

Dijing has always been a powerful endorsement.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the heads of various sects sitting in the hall became solemn.

Emperor Hun and Gu Yuan were already very frightening.Now there is another Hunhan whose qi cultivation has reached the emperor's realm, and his own cultivation has stepped into the fighting saint's realm.Invisibly, the power of the ancient clan and the soul clan has become even more dreadful.

"It's more than that. I've got real news. Some time ago, the owner of Jianbao Mountain, the old man Baoshan, the suzerain of the Dixing Sect, and the sect master of the Kongxuan Sect, personally visited the door and visited the Soul Clan."

"What? Jianbaoshan, Dixingzong and Kongxuanmen, why are they going to the Soul Clan?"

"As you all know, these three sects used to stay away from each other. They have always ignored the disputes on the mainland. Now they are going to the Soul Clan. In my opinion, it has something to do with the current situation!"

"You mean, these three sects have already formed an alliance with the Soul Race, or are they willing to submit to the Soul Race?"

"Yes. Regarding the two possibilities you mentioned, I think the probability of the latter is higher!"

"This... what should I do? Didn't Yaochen send someone to lobby last time, and the other party has made it clear that he will not help anyone. Why are you walking so close to the Soul Clan now? And you still take the initiative to get close!"

One listen to the three hidden sects: Jianbaoshan, Dixingzong and Kongxuanmen.Also attached to the soul clan, the strong men from all walks of life in the hall frown even more fiercely.

Although the reputation of the three sects is mentioned, they are not as famous as Fenyangu and Tianmingzong.In Zhongzhou Continent, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.The so-called one hall, one pagoda, two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions are not the strongest forces in Zhongzhou.These three low-key sects, which are not visible, also have extremely powerful foundations.

Even the muscular and bulky Stone Clan patriarch in the arena frowned fearfully.As one of the eight ancient masters, the Patriarch of the Stone Clan knows that once the true strength of these three sects are united, they will not be inferior to his Stone Clan.

The Patriarch of the Stone Clan said solemnly: "Patriarch of the Spirit Clan, what kind of benefits did the Soul Clan give them three, and let them renege on their promise?"

Back then, Yaochen came to lobby and promised various benefits.But Jianbaoshan, Dixingzong and Kongxuanmen were not moved at all.Moreover, the owner of Jianbao Mountain, Old Baoshan, is secretly famous in the upper echelon of Douqi Continent for keeping his promises.Today, the Baoshan old man broke his promise, which made the patriarch of the Shi clan feel very puzzled!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"According to the information I got, the Soul Clan did not go to recruit Jianbaoshan, Dixingzong and Kongxuanmen!" said the patriarch of the Spirit Clan.

"Then why did they go to the Soul Clan?" asked Yi Huo, the Patriarch of the Stone Clan.

"I don't know. It's just very strange. The three of them did not submit to the Emperor Hun, but to Hun Han, the young patriarch of the Soul Clan!" The patriarch of the Spirit Clan was also puzzled.

"How can this be done? What kind of soup did the young patriarch of the Soul Clan pour into the three of them to make them submit to him?" The patriarch of the Stone Clan said solemnly.

The opponent's camp has the Soul Palace, Pill Tower, Ancient Clan, Soul Clan and Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.In addition, there are the latest rise of the Five Poison Pavilion and the Snake Race.It was already difficult to deal with, but now three hidden sects have been added, which is not a good thing for the entire Tianfu Alliance!

"Everyone, thank you for your great love these days. Starting today, I will withdraw from the Tianfu Alliance. Everyone, I'm sorry!" The patriarch of the Spirit Clan suddenly got up and said.




Hearing this, all the powerful people in the field looked at the patriarch of the spirit clan in surprise.They also formed an alliance with blood, and they did not expect that the patriarch of the spirit clan would withdraw voluntarily.

"Spirit Clan Patriarch, what do you mean?"

"Yes, everyone agreed at the beginning. We will advance and retreat together, and we will eat and drink together. Now you want to quit?"

"Yes, patriarch of the Spiritual Race. Your Spiritual Race is one of the eight ancient clans anyway, and you don't seem to be a person who backtracks on your promises. Tell me honestly, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Facing the decision of the patriarch of the Spirit Race, everyone in the field expressed that they could not accept it.

Eight ancient tribes? !

The Patriarch of the Spirit Clan shook his head and looked at the Patriarch of the Stone Clan.

That's right, the Spirit Clan and the Stone Clan are indeed the Eight Ancient Clans.It's just that they were only the powerful Eight Clans in ancient times.Today's Spirit Clan and Stone Clan have not had bloodlines of Ninth Grade and Divine Grade for thousands of years.In terms of background, they are already far behind the Ancient and Soul Clans. Even the Thunder and Yan Clans, and even the less powerful Medicine Clan, it is not impossible to destroy them.

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