"No. I know what you mean. We can completely disguise ourselves, mix in with the crowd, and enter the ancient wilderness. But, you should have heard a saying circulating in Zhongzhou Continent. Bodhisattva, and that mysterious bodhicitta!" Yao Chen shook his head.

"Teacher, do you mean that even if those people find the ancient Bodhi tree, they will not be able to obtain the Bodhi seed and Bodhi heart?" Xiao Yan asked thoughtfully.

"Yes." Yaochen nodded.

"Doesn't this mean that even they have to make a trip in vain?" Xiao Yan looked at the gloomy forest in the distance.

"As far as I know, ancient Bodhi trees appear on the Zhongzhou Continent every [-] years. In the recent hundreds of thousands of years, I have never heard of anyone who has obtained Bodhicitta. Even the eight ancient clans, No one has obtained such a rare thing. If my calculations are correct, bodhicitta is not so easy to obtain. If you want to obtain it, you must have a key. This key is the bodhi incarnation saliva that has been circulating on the mainland!" Yao Chen speculated wittily.

As a disciple of the Yao Clan, one of the eight ancient ancient clans, Yao Chen knew something about the eight ancient ancient clans.Not only the eight ancient clans, but also the entire Zhongzhou Continent, for hundreds of thousands of years, no one has ever attained bodhicitta.

"Teacher, where should we go next?" Xiao Yan stretched out his hand and moved the cloak that covered his face.

Since leaving the Medicine Clan, other forces have joined the Soul Clan.The Soul Clan cast their nets widely, and Xiao Yan and others had no choice but to hide everywhere like a lost dog.

As soon as Xiao Yan finished speaking, Jin Shi, the patriarch of the Gold-devouring Rat Clan, Qing Lin, the mansion lord of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, Tang Zhen, the valley lord of the Fenyan Valley, and Xuan Yi, the three giants of the original alchemy tower, all had a little sad look on their faces.

Back then, they were all powerful figures in Zhongzhou Continent.Now it turned out to be like a lost dog, hiding everywhere.Especially Xuanyi.

As an eighth-rank alchemy master, Xuan Yi was one of the three giants of the Pill Tower before, and his status was second only to some old monsters such as the Patriarch of the Pill Tower.What an honor that is.Now, for the sake of Yaochen, she actually lived such a miserable life.In Xuanyi's heart, there was a lot of emotion about this.

"Everyone thinks, where should we go next?" Yao Chen was also confused.

Xiao Yan practiced the Fenjue and was able to devour different fires without limit.If Xiao Yan swallowed enough strange fires, he might be able to fight against Gu Yuan, Hun Tiandi and Hun Han.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

During these days, relying on the large number of members, the Gold-eating Rat Clan was looking for places that might have the birth of different fires.However, the reality is like Xiao Yan's strange luck suddenly disappeared.In these recent days, Xiao Yan has not acquired a kind of strange fire.There was no trace of the existence of the alien fire.

"If you want to defeat Hun Tiandi, Gu Yuan and Xiao Yan, you have to go to the western part of the Wild Ancient Region."

When Yao Chen, Xuan Yi, Qing Lin, Tang Zhen, Jin Shi, Xiao Yan and others were at a loss as to where they would go next.A voice suddenly floated into the arena.

Yao Chen, Xuan Yi, Qing Lin, Tang Zhen, Jin Shi and Xiao Yan looked around and their eyes fell on a dark corner.There was a middle-aged man in black.

The middle-aged man was covered in a black robe, and his facial features could not be seen clearly.

"He...he is...he is..." As a practitioner of the Fen Jue, Xiao Yan possessed several kinds of different fires at the same time.Although he couldn't see the facial features of the middle-aged man clearly, he could tell from the subtle aura emanating from the middle-aged man that the other party turned out to be a strange fire.

Xiao Yan did not reveal the identity of the other party, and the surprise in his eyes was replaced by doubt.Xiao Yan didn't understand, the other party was a member of the Soul Clan, who had always been loyal to Emperor Huntian, why he suddenly said what he said just now.

"The western part of the wild ancient region? What's there?" Xiao Yan asked curiously.

"The lost ancient battlefield is also a forbidden area for life. Even Emperor Hun and Gu Yuan dare not go deep into that place. Anyone who enters that place will die!" The man in black explained calmly.

"Is there something there that can help me defeat Hun Tiandi and Gu Yuan, including Hunhan?" Xiao Yan asked closely.

"I don't know." The man in black replied.

"I don't know?" Xiao Yan frowned slightly.

"No one has ever gone deep into that place, and naturally no one knows what is there. But one thing is certain, in the forbidden zone of life, there are things that both Emperor Hun and Gu Yuan are afraid of." The man in black continued road.

"Okay, I'll go." Xiao Yan didn't hesitate.

Ever since Xiao Yan came out of the Heavenly Tomb, he always felt that his luck had changed very badly.In the past, every once in a while, you can get a kind of strange fire.In the recent period of time, so many people have been mobilized, but the hiding place of the strange fire has not yet been found.

Since he couldn't find the strange fire, for Xiao Yan, it was tantamount to having no hope to avenge his shame.Rather than that, it is simply more uncomfortable than dying.

Xiao Yan could feel that when the man in black in front of him was talking about that place, he was also full of dread and fear in his heart.That place is absolutely incomparably dangerous.However, Xiao Yan had no way out.

"As expected, I saw you right!" The man in black touched Na Ring, flicked his fingers, and shot a scroll towards Xiao Yan.

"Why help me?" Xiao Yan asked curiously.

Xiao Yan opened the scroll and found it was a map.The map is very detailed.In the west of the map, there is a black circle.There are no mountains nor rivers inside the circle.

Questioning and curious eyes fell on the man in black.

Xiao Yan is very close to Yi Huo, others can't see through the identity of the middle-aged man in black, but Xiao Yan can see it.The other party is obviously a member of the soul clan, the left hand and right arm of the soul emperor, why should he help him?Regarding this, Xiao Yan felt very, very, very, very puzzled in his heart.

"There is no eternal enemy, and there is no eternal friend. He and I are just a transactional relationship, and both parties get what they need. Xiao Yan, good luck to you! Looking forward to your return!" After the man in black finished speaking, his heart moved, People have disappeared.Don't take a cloud with you, as if it never existed.

"Xiao Yan, who is he?" Jin Shi, the patriarch of the Gold Devouring Rat Clan, asked curiously.

"Now it seems that we are a friend." Xiao Yan obviously did not want to reveal the identity of the man in black, and continued: "Let's go, everyone. Since we are here, let's take a walk together in the so-called restricted area of ​​life."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Everyone, this is the Ancient Territory Terrace. We can only escort you here. After playing inside, there will be a beast tide gathered by the ancient beasts from the Wild Ancient Territory. The energy here is very strong, even if you can't meet If you get some opportunities, you can gain good benefits by practicing here." Hun Han glanced at the crowd in front of him.

After seven days of walking, Hunhan and the others finally came to the range of the ancient domain platform.

Ancient Domain Terrace, it is said that in ancient times, this place used to be a battlefield.Many powerful and powerful men once fell here.Rumor has it that there were even four strong fighters who fell here.

Due to the fall of the Doudi powerhouse here, a strange coercion has formed in this area.Even with the passage of time, the ferocious beasts in the ancient wilderness would not dare to set foot in this place.

In addition, since the ancient domain platform is located at the intersection point between the middle and the depths of the wild ancient domain.From here, you can directly enter the depths of the wild ancient domain.For the fighters who entered the Wild Ancient Realm this time, this is a good temporary place to stay.

"Thank you, Young Patriarch of the Soul Clan!"

"Thank you, Young Patriarch of the Soul Clan!"

"Thank you, Young Patriarch of the Soul Clan!"

I don't know who said this to Hunhan, and the others saluted Hunhan very respectfully.

On the way to

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