"Although the Emperor Dou fell, he used a curse-like technique before he died. His own evil spirit eroded the ancient Bodhi tree. I call that evil spirit the negative emotion of the Emperor Dou."

Hearing this, everyone was amazed.It turns out that there is such an unknown history surrounding the ancient Bodhi tree.

"It's just brother Hunhan, how did you know about this?" Gu Xun'er expressed the doubts in everyone's mind.

"I saw it." Hun Han replied.

This is not a lie, although Hunhan knows this period of history.It was very strange that when he looked at the ancient Bodhi tree, he could actually see some scenes from the past.

This shocked Hunhan himself.

According to the development of the script, Hunhan needs to enter the ancient Bodhi tree.Then he will fall into a hallucination.Relying on the bodhi seeds refined from the saliva of bodhi's incarnation, we can break through that illusion and awaken the good side of the ancient bodhi tree.Then, the Bodhi Ancient Tree will show him such a scene.

But Hunhan actually brought all of this ahead of schedule.When he was staring intently at the ancient bodhi tree in front of him and noticed the negative emotions of fighting spirit in it, such a picture automatically appeared in his mind.

This... this is so unbelievable!


Compared to what happened to the ancient bodhi tree and was submerged in the torrent of history, people were even more shocked by Hunhan's ability.

They could only vaguely feel a little uncomfortable feeling from the refreshing breath.But Hunhan was able to see through the long river of time at a glance, and knew the past that happened in the past.

"You don't have to question it, if the master doesn't know this ability, then he is not the master." Qinglong said with a smile.

Not only the Qinglong, but even the other eight great beasts such as the White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qilin, and Yellow Bird, including the owner of Jianbao Mountain, the suzerain of the Dixing Sect, and the sect owner of the Kongxuan Sect, did not have the shock and doubt they should have in their eyes.The look in his eyes felt very natural.




Everyone's curious eyes turned to Qinglong.Hunhan, including the person concerned, also looked at Qinglong suspiciously.Waiting for Qinglong to answer his doubts.

Ever since he came out of the Heavenly Tomb, Hun Han always felt that he had become obedient.For this plane, he has a very subtle feeling.That feeling is like controlling the tomb of the sky.It's just that it doesn't feel very obvious.When he wanted to try to control some things on this plane, but he couldn't control any of them.

"Because he is our master, the descendant of the ancient supreme emperor, and the new supreme emperor of Douqi Continent. In the whole world, only the master is the one whose destiny belongs!" Qinglong replied.

Destiny? !

This explanation still couldn't answer the doubts in Hun Han's heart.

"Master, I know very little. More reasons, you can only find out by yourself!" Qinglong said helplessly seeing Hunhan's eyes still puzzled.

After traveling for a full six or seven hours, Hun Han and a group of people came under this ancient tree that is famous in the Dou Qi Continent.The leaves of the ancient trees are emerald green, full of the breath of life.The area of ​​each leaf reaches [-] square meters, and the intertwined branches are like mountains.Standing under this ancient tree with a height of thousands of feet, people are really just ants.


Suddenly, there was a rustling sound all around.Long tentacles extend from the upper branches.There are five huge leaves on the tentacles.As the leaves slowly unfolded, five figures appeared.

"Is this a puppet?"

"No, they are not puppets. They still have the breath of life."

"Hey, isn't this the senior of my ancient clan?"

Looking at the faces of the five people, Elder Tongxuan of the ancient clan immediately recognized the origin of one of them.That person is obviously tens of thousands of years ago, the strong man of the ancient clan who mysteriously disappeared along with the ancient Bodhi tree.

After tens of thousands of years, the other party's clothes and hair were unscathed.On his chest, he wore the badge of an ancient clan, so Elder Tongxuan recognized this person's origin at a glance.

"This is the senior of our Soul Clan!"

Following Elder Tongxuan of the Ancient Clan, the Second Elder of the Soul Clan also exclaimed.

When Elder Tongxuan and the Second Elder of the Soul Clan were surprised by this, the five people in front of them burst out with fighting spirit, and they opened their eyes at the same time.It's just that their eyes are different from human eyes, they are actually white.It looks very empty.

Looking at the eyes of these people, Hunhan suddenly had a feeling in his heart that the ancient Bodhi tree in front of him was so similar to the sacred tree in the Naruto plane.They are all devouring people's souls and turning people into puppets of trees.


The five people in front of them are obviously five semi-holy-level powerhouses.

There are many semi-holy-level powerhouses in Hunhan's camp.Among them, there are more powerful ones who have reached the level of fighting saints.Without any suspense, the five semi-saint powerhouses in front of him were all beheaded in the end.

At the same time, a green light poured down from the big tree.Hunhan and the others shrouded in light have disappeared under the ancient bodhi tree.When Hun Han and the others opened their eyes, Hun Han found that Gu Xun'er and the others were no longer around him.

Hunhan stood on the top of a mountain, and there was a person standing in front of him.That person was obviously Xiao Yan.At this time, Xiao Yan had already been defeated by Hun Han, and he was squatting on the ground with bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao Yan, I won this sentence after all." Hun Han looked down at Xiao Yan with a smile, and made a move.A beautiful figure flew into his arms, it was Qing Lin.

17th Chapter [-] Sinking is also a kind of happiness!

"Qinglin, you...you actually betrayed me?" Xiao Yan's gaze almost burst into flames.

"Xiao Yan, back then, you didn't have any great kindness to me. I have followed you through wind and rain these days. I have repaid your kindness. Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and the power of the soul clan is overwhelming. If you bow your head to the master If you become a minister, the master may spare your life." Qing Lin said calmly.

"You...?" Xiao Yan clenched his hands tightly.

"Xuanyi, why even you...?"

Beside Xiao Yan, Yao Chen looked at the black robe in red in surprise, and walked to Hun Han's side.

"Yaochen, I'm really blind. I've always been infatuated with you. For you, I gave up my glory and wealth. For you, I waited for thirty years. For you, I lost my wonderful youth. But you You are not moved at all. That’s right, Qinglin and I leaked your hiding place to Hunhan. I never thought before that Mr. Hunhan is the lover of my dreams.” Xuanyi said while saying this While touching Hunhan's cheek with a jade hand, the jade hand went straight down the throat and chest.

Then, something happened that stunned Hunhan.Xuanyi unexpectedly untied Hunhan's crotch, unexpectedly... actually used her small mouth in front of Yaochen to please Hunhan.

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